Beiyang 1917

Chapter 355 Ishihara Waner's Thoughts

Xiong Shihui received the report from Gu Xiaosi's armored reconnaissance battalion on the front line and did not dare to neglect it. While forwarding it to the Ufa coalition headquarters, he wondered whether he should attack as soon as possible to intercept the division of Slavin, who was rushing to the west. As for the other two of the Fifth Army Xiong Shihui didn't pay much attention to the master's movements, anyway, no matter where you go, you have to turn west in the end.

Now that it has been confirmed from the captives that Slavin himself took a division and all artillery heavy machine guns to the north and then went west, Xiong Shihui was a little restless in the headquarters of Almetyevsk, the commander of the coalition forces The Ministry has dispatched the Second Ural Cavalry Division of Jiang Hongyu's Ministry to go south to Nurrat to intercept, but what if it is not stopped and Slaven runs away?

Xiong Shihui wondered how it would be impossible for Gu Xiaosi's armored reconnaissance battalion, which was not full of personnel, to capture the opponent's division. Just chase the ducks for him and let him arrest the chief of staff of the army group and then the commander of the army group?No good things can't be taken by Jiang Hongyu alone.

Thinking of this, while sending a telegram to Jiang Hongyu's department to report the enemy's situation in person, he ordered the 60th Infantry Regiment of the 180th Mixed Brigade, which set off south two hours ago to Briguma to meet the armored reconnaissance, to pursue westward. From his point of view, Slavin was unlucky to be caught by Jiang Hongyu, otherwise he would have a 180 infantry regiment plus an armored reconnaissance battalion, and he would be able to clean up a crippled light infantry division of the Soviet Red Army.

Xiong Shihui quickly received a call back from the Ufa Allied Forces Command at the headquarters:

"Xiong Shihui's Department, according to the battlefield information fed back by your department, since Slavin only led one division to retreat to the northwest, the main two divisions of the Fifth Army may detour to the northeast or turn south to join the Ninth Army. While you send the Japanese 13th Cavalry Regiment to search eastward, you should also deploy the Japanese 60th Brigade to the east, and leave the [-]th Division of the White Guard Infantry of the Ufa Second Army to guard Almetyevsk and not to move That’s enough, as for the [-]th Mixed Brigade, it can be kept in hand to maintain mobility and respond to subsequent battlefield changes at any time!”

"Your department's deployment of the 180th Infantry Regiment to cooperate with the Armored Reconnaissance Battalion to pursue Slavin's department is okay, but pay attention to the strengthening of night operations and the battlefield liaison and coordination of Jiang Hongyu's department going south. Obviously, Slavin's division cannot escape. , another direction of movement of your 180th Infantry Regiment can be the Brigoma line, how to fight, you can decide for yourself!"


At the same time, more than 4000 people from the Seventh Cavalry Regiment of the Seventh Division of Japan, which set off from Almetyevsk two hours ago and searched eastward, captured Almetyevsk under the leadership of Lieutenant Ishihara Waner. A search was carried out within 50 kilometers to the east, but no trace of the Soviet Red Army was found.

The cavalry regiment stopped to rest and drink horses by a small river. Although Ishihara was a lieutenant commander, he was sent by the coalition headquarters to serve as the commander of this Japanese cavalry detachment. Colonel Bengoro has to be his deputy. The Seventh Cavalry Regiment has three cavalry brigades and one du li field artillery brigade. Fortunately, the mortars of the Chinese participating army have also been equipped to the squadron and brigade according to the unified deployment of the coalition forces. Each squad is equipped with two 2mm caliber mortars, and each brigade has a du li mortar squad with 60 battalion-owned mortars with a caliber of 8mm.

"Your Excellency Ishihara, could it be that the Ufa Command made a mistake in its judgment? How could the Soviet Red Army come to the east? We hurried for almost 50 kilometers overnight, and we didn't see a single figure of the Soviet Red Army. But I'm so tired!" Goro Hashimoto, the captain of the [-]th Cavalry Regiment, ate a rice ball wrapped in seaweed for supper, while complaining.

Although Ishihara Waner is a lieutenant officer, he is one of the rising stars in the General Staff Headquarters of the Ministry of Army. It is said that the candidate for the youngest general in the future, the uncrowned king in the Japanese mainland back then, will never get it even if he offends the instructors No.1, but when he graduated from the 27th class of Lu University, he had at least one second graduate, so Hashimoto Goro, the No. 20 eighth graduate of the [-]th term of Lu University, did not look down upon himself as a senior junior.

Ishihara unscrewed the kettle and took a few sips of water, wiped his lower lip, and said in a low voice, "Mr. Hashimoto, if I say that we have to go to the east here to have a chance to use it. The west is the mixed second armored brigade of Chief of Staff Jiang. , we go there and have to be supporting roles to do some side work.

You have seen the combat effectiveness of the Chinese Armored Brigade with your own eyes. We and the [-]nd Ural Cavalry Division hurried away for most of the night, but we played the roles of peasant soldiers and ashigaru. Chief of Staff Jiang used an armored brigade It was the three infantry divisions that defeated that Eich, and we were left with the task of waving the flag and shouting to help take in and escort the prisoners. "Ishihara Wan'er has been a little depressed these days. The mighty Japanese Imperial Army has been reduced to the point where it serves as a helper and supporting role for the Chinese.

But you still have to accept that if the three divisions of the Soviet Russian Fifth Army Ekhna came to your Seventh Cavalry Regiment at the beginning, let alone defeating the opponent, whether your more than 4000 cavalry can hold their positions is a matter of course. Ishihara knew that he, like Ban-yuan, was a promising young general in the eyes of Wang Geng, the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces, and he was highly valued by the king of China. A Chinese fd-17ii wheeled armored combat vehicle is directly under the team.

"Ribo is really poor. Your Excellency Ishihara, the Chinese participating army has strong combat effectiveness. That is because they are completely armed with new weapons. If the imperial army is also armed with the same level of equipment as the Chinese participating army, our combat effectiveness must be better than theirs." Still strong! But those bosses in the Ministry of the Army are not even willing to equip us with m1 Garand semi-automatic riding rifles! The chariots of your armored company were paid for by the King of China himself from the logistics of the participating troops!"

Hashimoto Goro, the captain of the Seventh Cavalry Regiment, knew that Hata Shunroku, Ishihara Wanji, and Ita-Gaki Seishiro were all highly valued by the Ministry of Army and the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces, Wang Geng. Speaking of which, his cavalry regiment had reported early in the morning to request equipment. The Chinese fd-17ii wheeled armored combat vehicles of the Chinese army participating in the war, even if they had to refit a battalion first, but the Ministry of the Army said that they had no money, and it was not until Shi Yuan came down to bring this cavalry regiment that the coalition headquarters temporarily resigned. The Chinese participating army moved a vehicle of an armored company to give Ishihara a strong voice.

"I think we rushed too fast. According to the enemy situation reported by the Hawkeye early warning plane before the evening, the Soviet Russian Fifth Army still stayed at a position 20 kilometers north of Bafrey. Lieutenant General Xiong's armored reconnaissance two hours ago The battalion was attacked by a division of the other side five kilometers south of Brigoma. Assuming that the other two divisions of the Fifth Army really made a detour to the northeast, they would have to cover a distance of more than 20 kilometers in three hours at most.”

Speaking of which, Shi Yuan spread out the map on the hood of the armored vehicle, gesturing at the opponent's largest marching range in three hours, at this time the communications staff took an urgent telegram just received and reported:

"Reporting to Your Excellency, Chief of the Army, I received a telegram from Xiong Shihui's Almetyevsk headquarters. It has been confirmed that Slavin, commander of the Fifth Army, led a division and all artillery and heavy machine gun battalions to the west to break through. The headquarters asked our department to search carefully. , to block the path of the two divisions of the Fifth Army that are likely to detour to the northeast, the No.13 Brigade of the Imperial Army Infantry is already on its way to our side for reinforcements!"

"Sogar! There's no problem now. Since the old Maozi's two divisions are not with Slavin, the other party must have taken a split to break through. We can catch a big fish tonight. What is the name of their group army political commissar? Come on? Bloomberg? The political commissars of the Bolsheviks are not good at commanding and fighting. As long as these two divisions dare to come to the east, we will definitely clean them up!" Ishihara Waner looked excited after reading the telegram!

"Your Majesty Ishihara, with all due respect, if the opponent really comes with two divisions, our cavalry regiment only has 4000 soldiers, and our weapons are not as good as the Chinese participating army. It may be difficult to block the opponent's 20000 troops!" Captain Qiao Ben Goro obviously lacked confidence.

"The opponent is a bird of fright. Let's make an ambush for him. Besides, you haven't heard that Slavin took all the artillery and heavy machine gun battalions of the Fifth Army and one division to the west. Then the remaining two divisions led by the political commissar But basically there are only light weapons and rifles, but we have mortars and a field artillery brigade with 18 cannons drawn by horses. I don’t think the 13th Infantry Brigade will come, so we can make the other party drink a pot! "

Ishihara Wanji seemed full of confidence. Although the cavalry regiment he brought had only more than 4000 people, it had 24 81mm caliber mortars, plus 12 75mm caliber 6-type field guns and 75 72mm caliber 60-type Mountain artillery, and 1917 [-]-caliber platoon mortars, and each squad also has an m[-]bra squad machine gun equipped by the coalition army. The total firepower is stronger than the infantry division of the opposing Soviet Russian Red Army!

"The key is to catch the enemy. The moon is fine tonight. Tell the cavalry reconnaissance squadron to search south. I don't believe that the two divisions of the opponent can't be found. There are a total of 2 people! Can he go to heaven and earth?!"

Lieutenant Assistant Ishihara smiled and thumped the map hard.

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