Beiyang 1917

Chapter 365 Political Commissars Lost Confidence

"The main force of the Second Mixed Armored Brigade led by Jiang Hongyu has arrived at the front line of Bavley in the afternoon. Xiong Shihui's 180th Infantry Regiment is still staying in Brigoma, and there are still seriously wounded people from the 3500st Army who have put down their weapons in Bavley. , they were all injured during our air raid last time, the number was not small, about [-] people had surrendered and became prisoners of war, but the troops of the Second Mixed Brigade did not have enough medicine! Many of the seriously wounded on the other side had a hard time getting through !” Tian Jun replied.

"Order the air team to airdrop medicines to the direction of Bavley, and every seriously wounded Soviet Russian who is rescued will become our volunteer propagandist in the future," Wang Geng said without hesitation.

"Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief, why don't you ask Jiang Hongyu to send another armored regiment to support the 4th Armored Regiment in the southwest direction. If the opponent has two divisions and so many artillery, it will be very difficult for us to fight alone!" Utsunomiya Taro suggested.

Wang Geng raised his head and glanced at his deputy, and said with a smile, "Your Excellency Taro, there are 15 Soviet Red Army troops who broke through the siege, and less than 2 troops were discovered in the southwest. Jiang Hongyu's armored brigade The main force cannot move easily, so let the 4th Armored Regiment go and deal with the opponent. Since the opponent has left more than 3500 wounded in Barfley, I estimate that the number of lightly wounded is at least twice as many. Maybe half of the enemies in the southwest It is unknown whether it is the wounded!"

"Sogar! Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief, it is really possible for you to say that. Could it be that the other party suddenly appeared in broad daylight to attract and mobilize our attention?" Utsunomiya Taro suddenly realized.

"Breakouts have always been carried lightly. The opponent gathered artillery and heavy machine guns and swaggered onto the road. It is likely that they wanted to lure us into the bait and give the main force of the [-]st Army to break out from other directions more time and space to retreat!" Wang Geng said with certainty.

"Does the 9nd Ural Cavalry Division in Nurrat need to move southwest?" Taro Utsunomiya asked unwillingly. The division also has [-] artillery companies and [-] heavy machine gun battalions, so I feel a little guilty.

"The main force of the cavalry division stays in Nurrat, but they can be asked to send cavalry to search for troops, in case the enemy slips out from the northwest. In addition, a cavalry regiment can be sent in the direction of Bolgar to monitor the opponent's movements. , although we are not in a hurry to take Bolgar, but I estimate that with the destruction of the Soviet Russian Fifth Army, the Soviet Red Army will basically not break out to the northwest. " Wang Geng turned around and looked at the map.

"Deputy Chief of Staff Wu called. He judged that most of the enemy had retreated to the south. For this reason, he planned to leave the two divisions of the Ufa First Army to continue the search in the north, and the rest of the main force went south to pursue the enemy!" Tian Jun entered from a battle The staff officer took a telegram in his hand and reported after reading it a few times.

"Ha, Wu Peifu is in a hurry, but I think there are too many divisions left in the north. Call Wu Peifu back and tell him to keep an infantry division of the First Ufa Army and strengthen a cavalry regiment of Sergey's department. Continue to move north. The rest of the troops are all going south. By the way, the transfer of prisoners on the front line of Milnaya Chikovo has to be carried out. Sergey is asked to leave another cavalry regiment to garrison. Pull the net to search south and southwest!"

After thinking for a while, Wang Geng stopped Tian Jun and asked again, "Has the reconnaissance plane found no trace of the enemy yet in the south?"

Tian Jun shook his head, but then continued, "There is no doubt that the enemy has a large army retreating southward, but there are many rivers over there, and many traces of the march seem to be unclear after passing through a few rivers. It is already flying very low, and there are many woods in the south, maybe the enemy is well camouflaged and hiding inside, and I have told the reconnaissance plane to conduct more ground sweeping and fire reconnaissance, but no trace of the enemy has been found yet!"

Wang Geng nodded when he heard the words, and waved Tian Jun to call Wu Peifu back. He turned around and went back to the battle map to think, where did Yegorov and Tukhachevsky hide?

To say that the reason why Tukhachevsky and Yegorov are called the best young generals of the two front armies has a lot to do with their innate sensitivity to the battlefield situation, Yegorov When Tukhachevsky and Tukhachevsky were retreating, in addition to taking in the stragglers, the rearguard troops were also responsible for rediscovering and covering the traces on the roads that the brigade had walked on. For aircraft reconnaissance, ground-moving objects and people Easier to get noticed.

The eight divisions that Yegorov and Tukhachevsky retreated to the south had a total of three groups of troops, but they evacuated and hid in the woods after dawn. The whole army banned fireworks, and the horses were chained to avoid running in shock. Every time they crossed the river, the rear guard would cut down branches to cover the traces left by the brigade.

On the one hand, the troops of the Soviet Red Army retreating to the south retreated far away in one night, and the scouts of the coalition ground forces hadn't caught up for a while. After the traces, it is significantly more difficult to find the traces of the Soviet Red Army on the ground for reconnaissance from the air.

Of course, the three divisions led by Ma Xin dragged behind. Although they were well concealed in the woods, the Soviet Russian Red Army soldiers of these three divisions were in a panic. It takes about half an hour to fly over once, and several times Lin Feiqi's frightened bird even attracted the enemy's reconnaissance plane to sweep the ground. Although it didn't hit anyone, it scared everyone enough. If this continues, Ma Xin I really doubt whether these three masters can still hide.

Coincidentally, Yankovgay, political commissar of the 2000st Army who stood out from the encirclement in the flames of war, had the best luck. He withdrew north with a team of less than 2000 men and escaped the westward pursuit of Petrovich cavalry. Facing the vast swamp area, this guy gritted his teeth and led the rest of the team into it. Along the way, he also used the method of pulling everyone together with ropes and belts. It didn't take long for these 5000 people to touch the heart of the swamp. With less than [-] remnants, they also waded through the swamp and entered this meadow with a radius of ten kilometers.

The joy of successfully escaping from the dead and joining forces made the two political commissars of the army, Hevesing and Gayi, hug each other warmly. Although the remaining team of less than 7000 people rolled around in the swamp like clay figurines, this It also objectively allows them to obtain a layer of protection, evacuate and hide in the swamp and integrate with the ground. If they don't move, they may not be able to see clearly from the air.

Of course, the situation is also quite grim. During the breakout process, all the pots and pans have been lost, and the soldiers have less than two days of dry food left on them. The future is actually at a loss.

"Comrade Gayi! I think we have to go north as soon as possible. I estimate that the logistics transportation line of the coalition forces is from Cherny-on-Kamara to Zainsk-Almedeyevsk. We will cut off the transportation of supplementary food and ammunition, and then break out to the west. The main force of the coalition forces is likely to go south to chase Tukhachevsky and Egorov!” , said to Yankovgay, who was also lying beside him with his hair on his head in a daze.

"It's easier said than done. The soldiers are so hungry right now. The plane in the sky flies once in half an hour, and then again in half an hour. It's frightening. I wonder if the other party has discovered that we are hiding in the swamp. We cast a net on the edge of the swamp and wait for us to go out and throw ourselves into the net!" Yankovgay murmured.

Last night, the two cavalry divisions of the coalition army fired fiercely. The mortars and machine guns were like raindrops. The two infantry divisions they led collapsed without much resistance. The son himself became a prisoner of the coalition forces. . .Yankov felt a tinge of guilt and despair.

Seeing that Yankovgay was depressed and knowing that this guy lost two divisions' strength, Heveshin comforted him and said,

"The Cossack Cavalry of the White Guards after joining the coalition forces is indeed much more powerful than before, but it's not like we can't fight anymore. Last night, one of our divisions ambushed his brigade and took advantage of the terrain to clean up the opponent. However, their artillery organization It was very good, the reaction was quick, we suffered too much in terms of firepower, the soldiers were very brave, but shooting with platoon guns is no match for other machine guns and cannons, it is a pity that many good soldiers were sacrificed!"

Talking about it, Hevey Xin's own mood also fell down!

"Comrade Heveshin, what do you think... we two talked in private... do you think we continue to break through... how likely is it that we can run back to the left bank of the Volga River? Now that the coalition forces have occupied Samara, I guess they It will soon occupy Mereks opposite Simbirsk. Although Bolgar heard that Sla left a division of troops to garrison at the beginning, but if there is a real fight, I think it’s enough. The opponent’s firepower is too fierce. Already!" Yankovgay raised his body and asked the Political Commissar of the Fourth Army beside him in a low voice.

Hevey Xin's heart moved, and he thought to himself, are you trying to test me?Knowing that the Fourth Army basically surrendered to the coalition forces with Lezhevski, I am afraid that I will also lead the team to the coalition forces?What do you mean by asking me that?I can't easily fall for your trap.

Thinking of this, Heveyshin straightened his face, and said with a low face, "Comrade Gayi! You were the political commissar of the Southern Group before, and the First Army under the leadership of you and Tukhachevsky was the main army of the Eastern Front. What do you mean by that? Should we lay down our weapons and surrender? The Allied Powers and the Allied Forces are imperialist thugs and mercenaries. Dropped the chain!"

"Hey! Keep your voice down! I don't know you yet! Why, do you think I'm testing you? Let me tell you the truth. I don't know whether the team retreating south can run back to the left bank of the Volga River, but I think we It is extremely difficult for these 7000 people to break through, almost... Impossible, of course, the Bolsheviks are not afraid of death, but this is 7000 human lives... You really have to do it and let these heroic fighters die in the enemy's Under air raids and artillery?"

Yankovgai growled in embarrassment.

"Comrade political commissar, what do you mean? You just say it straight. Anyway, you are the political commissar of the First Group Army, and you were the political commissar of the Southern Group before. Your position is higher than mine. What do you say, I just obey!" Heweixin thought to himself. Could it be that Yankovgayi was really desperate in the battle last night and wanted to lay down his arms?

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