Beiyang 1917

Chapter 37

Jack Morgan feels that Wang Geng has shown a huge chess game in front of him. If Wang Geng, the instigator, stays out of the matter and just fiddles with his Russian bonds, for the old Jack who has always believed in making the best use of people, he thinks it is unacceptable to waste everything. !

Nima!Are you so worried about me?I just gave you 2200 million US dollars, and the ownership of 1100 million of them is still your own. I also gave you a good way to make money by frying national debt. Are you so worried that I will do it alone?

Although he was slanderous in his heart, Wang Geng finally compromised and accepted the arrangement of the head of Morgan, and agreed to set up the investment bank office on the top floor of 23 Wall Street, the exclusive floor of the old Morgan!

"Wang, your investment bank must have a name? Have you considered it?" Jack Morgan asked with a smile after winning a dispute over the office location. He was in a good mood.

"Jack, I really didn't think about it, but since I already own 51% of the shares, I think it's most appropriate to entrust the grand and sacred task of naming an investment bank to you, the financial tsar of Wall Street." Wang Geng shrugged shrugged.

"Hmm... How about calling it the Manhattan Industrial Bank? It highlights that our investment is mainly in the industry, not just stocks and bonds." Jack Morgan thought for a while.

"Manhattan Industrial? Manhattan is a financial and commercial center. In terms of industry, the whole of New York is about the same? Jack, what do you think of the name Industrial Bank of New York?"

Wang Geng asked with a smile. The guy said that the name was named after Jack Morgan, but he really named it, but he habitually began to mix his own thoughts into it.

"Ha, young man, according to what you said, it might as well be called Industrial Bank of America. Anyway, Pfizer will monopolize the entire citric acid market in the United States in the future, and its future investment direction will not be limited to the city of New York!"

Jack Morgan was obviously in a good mood, and he talked nonsense with Wang Geng.

In fact, according to Wang Geng's inner thoughts, since he is one of the founders of an investment bank, it is common practice to have his own name in the name of the bank, such as Wang's Industrial Bank, but the most important thing to open a bank is reputation!

As a Chinese who opened a bank in the United States, how to seamlessly integrate into the Western society of the United States and North America is the key. Wang Geng thought and thought, and finally said with a wry smile,

"JP Morgan is famous, Jack, why don't you just call the new bank JG Bank, and take the liberty of taking the initial letter J of your name and the initial letter G of my name?"

"Well, that's a good idea. Why don't you just call it jg Morgan? I don't mind if you use the name Morgan. It will be of great convenience and benefit to your future development of the bank!"

Jack looked at Wang Geng's eyes, already a bit like a father-in-law looking after his son-in-law. Although the difference between son and daughter in Western society is not as obvious as that of Eastern people, most of the future of the Morgan consortium must be for his two sons. inherit.

The head of Morgan has always been concerned about his daughter's marriage and future. There are many rich and powerful families in the political, financial and business circles who want to marry the Morgan family, but Old Jack really hasn't made up his mind for a while.

Because no matter which family marries with me, it must be the Morgan family marrying their daughter, not bringing in a son-in-law!

This Brooklyn bridge-jumping hero who came from the sky really made old Jack's eyes shine. It seems that Wang Geng's family has long since fallen in China and his parents died early, but he can become an outstanding student in Tsinghua Academy with his own efforts. The public sent to study in the United States!

The young man in front of me went to three universities during his four years in the United States, and finally graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree from Princeton University, and was recruited by West Point to study in the military academy. , the running back of the football team, the captain of the swimming team, the champion of the shooting team, and the captain of the third-year students!

If you want to recruit a son-in-law for Vivienne from outside the wealthy family, Wang Geng, the most talented Chinese youth that old Jack has ever seen, should be the first choice. When I was in the restaurant just now, Minnie obviously saw some clues. And seems to like this guy a lot!

"Jack, thank you for your trust. Morgan is a great name. I don't think my investment bank is fully prepared. Believe me, if one day I feel that my performance and achievements are worthy of the name Morgan I will seriously consider your suggestion when

Wang Geng's words were very sincere, and his eyes sparkled. During the dinner, Mrs. Morgan looked at him like a son-in-law. At this moment, Wang Geng seemed to catch the same look in Old Jack's eyes.

Nima, I don't even know what your girl looks like, so how can I let go and agree to be my son-in-law?The Morgan family is great, but it is nothing more than a financial empire. My goal is to be the lord of a country. I would never even think about staying in the United States as the son-in-law of the Morgan family!

If your girls are both talented and beautiful, and you come back to China with me to be a concubine or something, I might still think about it reluctantly, and I won’t talk about anything else now!

Old Jack, if you really want to use a beauty trick, and the beauty can stay, then the trick will be returned!Wang Geng cursed in his heart.

"Young man, I believe in my own vision. Of course, you still have a long way to go to learn, but judging from the road you have traveled, you are the best part of the youth of this era. Don't underestimate yourself. There is no need to take reckless risks, such as jumping off the Brooklyn Bridge, please remember not to do it in the future!"

Old Jack's tone was also very sincere. For the Morgan family, which embraced the tradition of strict father and loving mother education, Jack Morgan had never been so kind to his own children.

"Ha, don't worry, such a thing will not happen easily again. At this moment, I realize that I shoulder a greater responsibility to society and human beings. Only by living well can people pursue their dreams and realize their value!" Wang Geng nodded.

"Speaking of which, young man, I'm curious, what is your future life plan and outlook? How do you plan to graduate this summer?"

Old Jack is obviously already investigating whether Wang Geng is the best candidate for a son-in-law.

Wang Geng pondered for a while, then raised his head to face Jack Morgan's eagle-like eyes, and said frankly,

"I'm a Chinese, and now I can barely be considered successful in my studies. I think it is the responsibility of every young person to return to China to serve the country!"

Jack was a little surprised and couldn't help saying,

"Wang, your China is still almost a barren land. Although I don't know much about China, talents like you can only play a better role in a civilized and developed society like the United States!"

"The times are advancing. Isn't the United States a barren land where only indigenous people lived before? I feel that I have the responsibility to contribute to my motherland!" Wang Geng said slowly.

"Wang Geng! Although your China is now called the Republic of China, the Beiyang military strongman Yuan Shikai just passed away, and the whole of China has not been unified in fact, and there are warlords in various places, big and small. Under this situation, when you return to China Where can it be used? Construction requires a peaceful environment to be possible!"

Jack Morgan is a little anxious!

"Jack, China is a sleeping dragon. It has vast land, abundant resources, and a huge potential market. Could it be that your Morgan consortium is not tempted? The U.S. government has made great efforts to the Far East in the past few decades! The backward China is The biggest opportunity for Western countries in the Far East!"

The head of the Morgan family fell silent. Obviously, China in the twentieth century was one of the best choices for the great powers to expand their power in Asia and the Far East, but let young talents like Wang Geng slip away from him. To serve his divided country?

Jack Morgan is really unwilling!

"Wang Geng, if you go back to your country, your ingenuity will be useless at all, and you won't even be able to guarantee your safety. In your country, whoever has more guns will be able to say what he says. What's worse is that 90% of the people don't know what to say. It is illiterate, and it is still a purely agricultural country with a weak industrial base, and the limited mine railways are basically in the hands of Tsarist Russia and Japan!"

"You go back to China, what can you do? There is no Pfizer and General Electric there, and even countless of you Chinese are still living in an era without electric lights!"

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