Beiyang 1917

Chapter 372


The night of wind and rain finally passed. The night flight reconnaissance of the coalition air force and the pursuit of the ground troops were blocked by the wind and rain. The infantry divisions were all stranded on the Bavley line. The quality of the road from Samara to Ufa was mediocre. After being attacked by the air force and shelled by the ground troops, plus a night of heavy wind and rain, the whole road was muddy. , Even a powerful military Dodge car is very difficult to travel on such a road.

The main force of Jiang Hongyu's mixed second armored brigade was also stranded in the front line of Bavley to rest. Physically and mentally, they were already quite exhausted. Wang Geng ordered them to rest for at least one night and get a good night's sleep. Otherwise, if they really caught up with Yegorov's main force, they would be powerless in the fight.

The stormy night also made the Sergei Cavalry Division and the Third Division of the Ufa First Army only advance 20 kilometers southward from the Alga Lake line, and had to camp and avoid the wind and rain, annihilating the three regiments behind Mahin The Petrovich cavalry division also almost stayed in place, and the first division of the Ufa First Army stayed directly on the Algar bank. Here, we have to watch Kharchenko and 7000 Red Army prisoners.

Xiong Shihui's main force, the 60th Mixed Brigade, still stays in Almetyevsk, and the 13 captives of the Fifth Army of the Soviet Russian Red Army are still stranded in Almetyevsk. Xiong Shihui really dare not be careless. The Japanese [-]th Infantry Brigade and the Japanese Seventh Cavalry Regiment under the command of Ishihara Wanji have launched a dragnet search in the area [-] kilometers east of Almetyevsk, but they have not found the Soviet Red Army North Running figure.

The heavy rain overnight even greatly affected the logistical transportation of the coalition forces from Cherny-on-Kamara to Zainsk and then to Almetyevsk. The first and second regiments of the third infantry division of the first group army were also stranded on the muddy road and failed to return overnight.

At dawn, although the rain stopped, the sky was still cloudy. It was not a good weather for the air force to dispatch. The Hawkeye pre-warning plane barely dispatched to break through the clouds and fly to an altitude of 4000 meters. The reconnaissance effect can be imagined.

"Reporting to the commander-in-chief, Li Mingzhong of Orenburg and the cavalry battalion of Sterlitamak called. Tukhachevsky's main force appeared in the town of Stellitamak. At present, the designation is at least one cavalry brigade and one The infantry division and the cavalry battalion have been surrounded by the other side in the town, battalion commander Li Fugui asked Ufa to urgently dispatch the air force for support!" Last night it was raining and windy outside, but the staff officers in the coalition headquarters had a good night's sleep.

Now when everyone wakes up, the good news is that Tukhachevsky has gone 120 kilometers away. The bad news is, of course, that a cavalry battalion of Li Mingzhong, who was staying at Sterlitamak, was caught off guard. Surrounded by the opponent, how can a battalion resist the attack of an infantry division and a cavalry brigade? And the fate of his battalion became the focus of attention of the entire Allied Command.

"It's a good thing that Tukhachevsky came out, but why didn't our cavalry battalion run away? Isn't it a cavalry battalion? We didn't expect them to hold the town by keeping them there. They were just a reconnaissance point on the southern front. What is this Li Fugui doing?!" Wang Geng, who had just woken up, quickly walked to the big map in the war room with his coffee in hand, and found the location of Sterlitamak Town.

"The cavalry battalion of Li Mingzhong sent two telegrams successively. The first telegram said that they encountered a cavalry regiment from the opponent. At least a cavalry brigade and an infantry division, he has been surrounded in the town and has no way to retreat, so he can only stand by and wait for help, and ask Ufa to dispatch the air force for support!" Tian Jun replied.

"Then what are you waiting for? The aviation team hastened to dispatch a retreat route for this cavalry battalion! Doesn't this Li Fugui have a radio station? Tell him to retreat to the northeast and run out first. If his battalion is killed by Tuha Chevsky took the blame, and I will settle the score with Li Mingzhong!" Wang Geng frowned.

"However, the weather is bad. Although the rain has stopped, the wind is still strong, and the clouds are thick and dense. It is difficult for the air team to move," Tian Jun replied a bit embarrassed.

"Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief, I heard that Tukhachevsky's main force has been discovered. Ha, now Wu Peifu has work to do. Shall we order the Ufa First Army to pursue south as soon as possible?" Utsunomiya Taro, deputy chief of staff of the coalition forces, in the end 57 I am old, and I am very tired after following Wang Geng for a few days. It is rare that all the troops of the coalition forces stopped last night and there was no night military operation. Woke up and hurried over.

For Utsunomiya Taro, a cavalry battalion of the coalition army who asked for tactical guidance could be rescued if it could be rescued, and if it could not be saved, it had to be smashed down. The battle of Ufa was tens of thousands of 10,000+ people, and a mere few hundred A human cavalry battalion is not worth the risk of sending out the elite air force!

"Well, Tukhachevsky came out and actually ran 120 kilometers in two nights, especially the weather was so bad last night, this kid is also desperate, I guess he ran to the troops in the town of Sterlitamak It's already the end of the battle, and I can't move without resting, so I'm so anxious to eat our cavalry battalion!" Wang Geng drank the coffee in his hand in one gulp.

Turning around and smashing his mouth, he said to Tian Jun,

"The weather in early summer changes quickly, but the air team must be dispatched urgently. Even if the ground is blocked by the clouds, gathering and flying on the clouds, circling over the town of Sterlitamak can also help the cavalry battalion, maybe When there is a gap in the cloud layer, it plunges down!

Pass my order, the aviation team first dispatches a se5 team and a dh4 team to Sterlitamak, and asks them to maintain air-ground radio contact with Li Fugui, and the rest of the air team is ready to continue attacking at any time!This battalion must not be given up easily!Call Li Fugui and Orenburg back, and the coalition air force will appear over the cavalry battalion half an hour later! "Wang Geng's tone is very firm!

"Obey! Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief! I'll execute it right away." Tian Jun's heart warmed, he saluted, turned around and trotted out to carry out the order of the Commander-in-Chief of the coalition forces.

Utsunomiya Taro next to him was a little bit disapproving, King Xindao was tossing about this family property indiscriminately, how valuable are the fighter planes and pilots of the two teams?He actually took the risk to save a cavalry battalion with hundreds of people. What if the plane crashed due to the weather?How to make up for this loss?This deal is not worth it!

However, the young commander-in-chief of the coalition forces has a lot of prestige, even Utsunomiya, the front-line commander of the Japanese army, gradually dared not disobey Wang Geng's wishes, anyway. . .Whether it's the aviation team or the cavalry battalion of the coalition army, aren't they all members of the Chinese army participating in the war? . .Let the king go to toss.

"Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief, we only send the air force to attack? The ground troops of the coalition forces rested all night, I think they can catch up with more effort, and Tukhachevsky led the team to run all night in the wind and rain. Now It’s just a crab with soft feet, it can’t move at all, the [-]rd Division of the Ufa [-]st Army and the Sergei Cavalry Division are the closest to them, and they rested for another night, I think they can be chased after them!” Yudu Miyataro suggested.

"Your Excellency Taro, you are right, but it is a pity that the road was severely damaged by the heavy rain overnight, and the two car transport regiments of the coalition logistics were stuck on the road from Bavley to Milner, and their actions were slow. Otherwise, we would have to go from Ukraine If you can’t directly transport two divisions by car to chase Tukhachevsky southward, you will reach the town of Sterlitamak in half a day!” Wang Geng sighed, feeling annoyed at how the weather suddenly became Helping the other side to retreat.

Taro Utsunomiya went to the map and took a closer look at the current position of the Allied Forces on the Eastern Front. He saw that the two infantry divisions of the Ufa First Army on the southern front were the First Infantry Division on the shore of Lake Alga, and there were Soviet Russians over there. Kharchenko, the political commissar of the Second Army, put down the 7000 prisoners of war. The three cavalry regiments of the Petrovich Fourth Cavalry Division are located 25 kilometers south of Alga Lake, and the three cavalry regiments of the Sergei Fifth Cavalry Division are in the east. 30 kilometers away, 15 kilometers north of them is the [-]rd Infantry Division of the [-]st Ufa Army.

"Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief, even if you can't transport Tukhachevsky by car, you still have to chase him. I think Sergey and the [-]rd Ufa Infantry Division are moving from their current position to the town of Sterletamak. Sergei's cavalry can arrive before noon, even if they can't eliminate the opponent, at least they can hold the opponent completely, and wait for the third Ufa infantry division to go up. If the weather is good and the air team cooperates again, I think it will be able to catch Tukhachevs Kina's three divisions and cavalry brigade were captured and eaten!" Utsunomiya Taro clearly had great confidence in Sergei's troops.

"Well, that's it. Let the three regiments of the Sergei Cavalry Division staying in Red Star Village go to the town of Sterlitamak and tell them that Tukhachevsky's main force over there surrounded one of our battalions. Tell Sergey to do everything possible to get there within three hours, and be careful not to ambush the enemy along the way, the road is very muddy, be careful in the swamp!"

Wang Geng turned around and continued, "Let the 75rd Ufa Infantry Division start from its current position and follow Sergey's cavalry to move in the direction of Sterlitamak. They have to drive [-] kilometers. Restrict them to join the Sergei Cavalry Division before [-] pm!"

Although it's a bit beyond the reach, it's not too late to make up for it. Wang Geng hopes that Li Fugui's cavalry battalion can last a little longer, and he hopes that the weather will continue to improve. Otherwise, if a cavalry battalion is wiped out by others, it will be a blow to the morale of the coalition forces. No small blow!

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