Beiyang 1917

Chapter 374 Purgatory of Blood and Fire

Chapayev dismounted a regiment of cavalry and launched an attack from the northwest corner of Stellitamak to the coalition cavalry battalion guarding the town. Of course, the cavalry on the defensive side were also used as infantry at the moment. They are all hidden in the town. For Li Fugui's cavalry battalion on the defensive side, numbers are their biggest disadvantage, while position and firepower are their biggest advantages. Of course, the Soviet Red Army on the offensive side does not have cannons and heavy machine guns. The most crucial benefit.

The skirmish line advanced by the opponent finally approached the range of 300 meters. At this distance, you can almost see the faces of both sides without a telescope. During the advance of the Soviet Russian Red Army skirmish line, the coalition cavalry battalion dug so many images on the grass in front of the position. The horse stumbling pit like a rabbit hole did not interfere with the opponent's horse, but caused the opponent's cavalry to fall a lot on the ground. The night's wind and rain made the grass very muddy and slippery, and with so many holes and so many people together Stepping on it is simply a bathing place for wrestling and mud.

Many unlucky Red Army soldiers sprained their feet and lay on the ground in unspeakable misery during the attack, and could only crawl forward slowly. Fortunately, the battalion and company commanders who were in charge of commanding the front-line attack were still humane and ordered to sprain their feet. The brother with the injured foot stayed in place and organized a volley of gun fire to cover, while the rest of the soldiers continued to move forward.

Finally moved to a position only 300 meters away from the opponent's front-line position, whether it was Chapayev who was commanding at 1200 meters behind, or Tukhachevsky who was paying attention to the situation on the battlefield at a little further 2000 meters. I couldn't help shouting, "Rush up! What are the commanders waiting for?! Rush!"

The battalion and company commanders who were supervising and commanding the battle on the front line with pistols gave an order, and the Red Army soldiers straightened up, under the leadership of their respective political commissars, and rushed towards the opponent's position shouting. A little lacking and hoarse, it still resounded through the position, and all the attacking soldiers stood up straight and tried to rush to the opponent's position with the fastest speed.

"Fire the heavy machine guns on the left and right wings! The middle squadron fires the machine guns! The mortars don't move for now!" Li Fugui, who was in the headquarters on the roof of the tallest building in the northwest corner of the town, waved his fist fiercely, and finally gave the order The order to fire!

Soon, the attacking Soviet Red Army soldiers on the opposite side had just ran to the position of 270 meters, and the cavalry battalion on the first line of defense opened fire in three rows. Since this direction is the focus of defense, Wang Geng sent the cavalry five The three heavy machine guns of the company and the fourth company were strengthened on the company's position.


In the rows of positions in between, there were only three Browning squad machine guns firing. Although the sound was crisp and powerful, the 20-round magazine made the squad machine guns far less firepower than Browning. Compared with heavy machine guns, the prototype water-cooled type of this air-cooled heavy machine gun designed by Browning has shot 2 rounds of bullets continuously without failure during the design and finalization test. under.

The Soviet Red Army, which only relied on volley firepower as its offensive support, suffered heavy casualties in less than 10 minutes, especially in front of the positions of three rows and two rows on the left and right wings, almost no one rushed to 220 Within [-] meter, the Red Army soldiers who were lucky enough to escape the catastrophe were lying on the ground, looking for any depression that could cover them, trying to avoid the harvest of life by the opponent's heavy machine gun.

Almost all the leading companies of the three battalions that Chabayev attacked on the first line were injured, and more than half of the other companies suffered casualties. Of course, the firepower of the central positions of the coalition forces was not as strong as that of the two sides. The dead Soviet Russian Red Army soldiers unconsciously approached each other, and soon a row of positions was fired by only three squad machine guns and more than 30 M1 Garand semi-automatic riding rifles.A bit unable to cover the impact of the enemy on the 300-meter-wide front.

In the attack launched by Chabarov’s cavalry regiment, the three battalions were attacking on the front of the left flank which added up to nearly 1 kilometer. Each battalion had only 500 soldiers. There were about five to four columns in the front and back. The 3-minute crossfire of the Browning heavy machine guns on the coalition positions cut off the skirmish lines on both sides of the Soviet Russian Red Army by at least three to four columns. Weaker, so only one company's troops were killed or killed, and the remaining three companies with 10 people had rushed to a distance of 400 meters.

The strength of the remaining multi-company of the two battalions on the left and right moved closer unconsciously, which made the attacking force of the Soviet Russian Red Army in the central part much denser. The attacking force of the Soviet Russian Red Army with about 800 people was swarming. Shouting Ula and rushing to the row of positions, the situation in the row of positions soon became a little tense, and there were casualties under the opponent's volley of guns.

Chapayev, who was in charge of commanding the front enemy on the small hill behind the Red Army, opened his eyes angrily. They are quite heavy machine guns and they are all deployed in this direction, and although the light machine guns in the center of the opponent's position are fierce in firepower, their firepower is much worse than that of heavy machine guns, so the two battalions on the left and right flanks almost suffered more than half of the casualties. , but this battalion only suffered less than one-third of the casualties, and soon approached within 200 meters of the opponent's position.

"The cavalry battalion is attacking!" Chabarov waved his hand fiercely, and the cavalry of a battalion assembled by Political Commissar Fumanov behind him got on their horses one after another. The cavalry commander Kanisky personally led the team, waving sabers Shouting "Ulla", he rushed down the hillside, and along the road opened by the blood and lives of the cavalry comrades who dismounted to fight, they attacked the two wings of the opponent's position, because at this time the second and third rows were close to the central one. The heavy machine gun had already shifted direction and launched a shot at the Soviet Red Army in the center. Of course, due to the angle of view and distance, it could only be designed against the enemy's rear, and its hit rate dropped a lot.

The 7 Soviet Red Army soldiers attacking in front of the central position saw their own cavalry battalion dispatched behind them. The sound of horseshoes shook the ground, and their morale was greatly boosted. shock.

"Order a platoon of heavy machine guns to fire! Order the 5 platoons of mortars of the 12st and [-]th companies to intercept and shoot at the opposing cavalry battalion! The heavy machine guns of the second and third platoons extend their shots and focus on the cavalry" on the roof of the building in the northwest corner of the town Li Fugui in the headquarters bit his hand and waved!

In an instant, three m1918a2 air-cooled Browning heavy machine guns in a row let out a shocking roar, sweeping down large swaths of the Soviet Red Army charging like leeks at a distance of less than 200 meters, within 3 minutes In no time, the three heavy machine guns on the first row of positions plus the shooting of the two heavy machine guns closest to the first row of positions in the second row and third row made the entire front of the position soon littered with corpses, and the corpses of the charging Soviet Red Army soldiers The blood and fire hell from 160 meters to 300 meters in front of the entire position was covered with undead wounded.

The rush of 12mm caliber mortars from the 60 platoons caused the formation of the cavalry battalion 1000 meters away to be blown to pieces, and when they rushed to a distance of 500 meters, they encountered crossfire from the opponent's heavy machine guns and squad machine guns. It was unbearable to see the blood and flesh of the cavalry being beaten, and the mounts of the Soviet Russian cavalry were torn apart by the explosion of the mortar and the flying shrapnel.

Witnessing such a tragic situation, continuing to charge would be a massacre. Tukhachevsky, who saw everything clearly through the binoculars, had no time to inform Chapayev, and directly sounded the call to withdraw troops on the main command position. Chapayev On the other hand, in his command position, his eye sockets were bursting and he was almost mad. It was beyond everyone's expectation that a regiment-level attack would suffer such huge casualties.

In the rain of bullets, the soldiers of the Soviet Red Army, who were lying on the ground and dodged bullets, could not bear it for a long time. After hearing the retreat horn, they turned around and ran away. On the way back, Mi Che encountered huge casualties caused by the opponent's machine gun fire again.

Fortunately, Comrade Li Fugui, the commander of the coalition forces here, didn't want his ammunition to be consumed too quickly. Soon after the remaining Soviet Red Army ran 500 meters, he finally ordered to stop shooting, count the number of people, rescue the wounded, replenish ammunition, and prepare Fight again!It is gratifying to win the first battle, but after all, my own personnel are small, and they cannot withstand the loss of casualties!Delay as long as you can.

Casualty statistics came out quickly. Three platoons in a row had one killed and three wounded, the second platoon had two killed and five wounded, and the front row had five killed and wounded. The total casualties reached 25, and the casualty rate was as high as 20. %, the casualties made Battalion Commander Li Fugui scold his mother anxiously.

But in contrast, the cavalry of the four battalions of the Soviet Red Army who dismounted and fought on the opposite side suffered heavy losses. The three offensive battalions each withdrew less than one company. In the back, there were Red Army soldiers in front of them blocking bullets, so the casualties were slightly small. They probably ran back to two companies, but the casualties of the cavalry battalion that launched the charge at the end exceeded three companies. The cavalry commander Kaniski died in battle , the high-speed attacking warhorse mortar shells bruised the nose and swollen face, and became the preferred shooting target of all the heavy machine guns in the entire company's position.

In just half an hour of attack and defense, the cavalry under the brave cavalry division commander Comrade Chapayev had more than 1800 cavalry casualties, and more than 1200 of the Red Army cavalry died in battle, and the remaining more than 600 lightly and seriously wounded lay helplessly. Struggling, crying and moaning on the line of fire, the corpses of the Soviet Red Army were strewn about 160 to 500 meters in front of the coalition position in the northwest corner of Sterlitamak Town. The short and tragic battle left Tukhachevsky and the surrounding Red Army senior The commanders' faces were pale.

Chabayev's eyes were bloodshot, and he rode his horse back to the small high ground where Tukhachevsky was staying. After getting off the saddle, he rushed up and shouted at the commander of the army group, "Why is the call to retreat?! Why is that? ? Comrade Commander! How many cavalrymen’s blood was shed for nothing because of your call to retreat! Almost a regiment of troops was reimbursed like this! Comrade Commander! Why don’t you let us all rush forward!”

The political commissar Fumanov, who was chasing after him, rushed to hug the division commander who was already a little mad, and said anxiously, "Comrade Chapayev! Be careful! The commander's call to withdraw troops was blown in time, otherwise I The trumpet is also blowing! The entire cavalry regiment will be wiped out in such a charge! Please wake up my comrade commander!"

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