Beiyang 1917

Chapter 380 Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea and Showing Their Magical Powers

"Anyway, you can't use the crowd tactics to rush towards the opponent's machine gun. If you have a good idea, just come up with it. I think some people are scared by the enemy. It doesn't work, it doesn't work, it's best to run away with your tail between your legs. !” Fumanov countered coldly.

"Okay! How decent! You are all division commanders, not punks on Petrograd Street. Pay attention to measure! Do you know what measure is?! I think we should use sharpshooters to attack first. There are few opponents, so we should destroy them." One by one, focus on their machine gunners, I don’t believe it, my first army can’t take down such a town defended by a battalion! Send sharpshooters, the more the better!” In the end, Tukhachevs took the picture board.

Obviously, it is absolutely unfeasible to use a large force to attack the enemy's heavily defended machine gun position. Although the First Army does not have full-time snipers and sniper rifles with scopes, sharpshooters can always find a lot of them. Just try like this try it!Several division commanders and political commissars had no choice but to nod, but at the moment there is only Hashimov's 31st Infantry Division and the remaining regiment of the Cavalry Division in the town, so they can only choose from these units first.

Soon, Hashimov selected two fighters with good marksmanship from each company of the infantry regiment from the 7000st Infantry Division, which had more than 31 remaining soldiers, making a total of 140 soldiers. In particular, newer Mosin Nagant rifles were deployed internally, and Fumanov, the political commissar of the Chapayev Cavalry Division, also selected 60 soldiers with good marksmanship from the remaining cavalry. The Mosin Nagant cavalry rifle is used to its own short barrel, so although the theoretical range is slightly shorter than the standard type used by the infantry, the cavalry used it smoothly, and it was okay to not change guns with the infantry.

200 ragged Soviet Red Army sharpshooters lined up in four rows stood at the door of Tukhachevsky's headquarters tent.

"Brave Red Army soldiers! Our First Army is definitely a team that can win battles! For bread, land, peace, and for the great Soviet, every Soviet Red Army soldier will fight to the end! In the small town opposite The coalition forces in China only have the strength of one battalion, but we failed in the two attacks in the morning, and sometimes we don’t rely on a large number of people to fight! The opponent’s machine guns and mortars are very sharp, and the fortifications are not bad, how about us?”

"We don't have cannons now! Machine guns? No machine guns? But during the February and October Revolutions in Petrograd, didn't we only have rifles and bayonets in our hands? Cannons and machine guns can never decide the outcome of a battle , It is you who decide the outcome of the battle! It is you brave soldiers of the First Army of the Soviet Russian Red Army! Whether you are infantry or cavalry, no matter how long you have been in the Soviet Russian Red Army? Today, you are all in the same trenches. Comrades!"

"There! It's there! We have 1300 comrades killed and sacrificed, and now they are lying in this open field. I ask you to show your best shooting skills, show your best marksmanship, and use your rifles. Long-distance shooting destroys the enemy on the opposite position, and the telescopes of the commanders of the entire army are deployed for your use.

I don't ask you to charge into the battle and hit the muzzle of the machine gun. I just ask you to hold your breath and slowly approach to the position where you can shoot horizontally, destroy every enemy you can see, and if you kill an enemy, the soldier will be promoted. Squad leader, kill two enemies, the soldier will be promoted to platoon leader, kill five enemies, you will be the company commander!Kill ten enemies and you can be a battalion commander! "Tukhachevsky obviously knows how to boost morale. This pre-war mobilization immediately raised the morale of the 200 Soviet Red Army soldiers in front of him!

At this time, a soldier in the team raised his hand, and Tukhachevsky nodded and said, "What's your problem!"

"Report to Comrade Commander, I am the company commander now. If I kill five enemies, then I will still be the company commander?" The person who spoke was a thin-looking guy with bright eyes.

At this time, another soldier in the crowd yelled, "What if you kill 20 or 30 enemies? Can you give it to the commander?"

The onlookers laughed loudly, and the atmosphere around Tukhachevsky's headquarters suddenly changed from tragic to lively and heroic.

"After this battle, an ordinary Red Army soldier can be promoted to battalion commander if he kills ten enemies! A company commander can also be promoted to battalion commander if he kills ten enemies. If you only kill five enemies, of course you are still a company commander, but If you, the company commander, only kill three enemies, you will be demoted to become a platoon commander!" Tukhachevsky shouted while waving his fists.

The thin company commander shrank his head and stuck out his tongue, obediently stopped gnawing.

"I'm talking about it! Just now, before the southwestern position where all the Jingwei companies of the group army killed the enemy, the enemy is very powerful! But I believe that you, as the elites of my Tukhachevsky's first group army, will be even stronger Once the battle starts, unless I blow the call to retreat, anyone who turns around and runs back without permission will have to enforce battlefield discipline! The law enforcement team is behind you, and if you run back without permission, you will be shot! Do you understand?!" Tukhachev Sky shouted, shaking his fists.

200 selected Red Army soldiers from "Ula" raised their rifles and raised their arms and shouted, startling a few birds perched on the treetops.


"Battalion Commander, the enemy is coming up again!" The correspondent Xiao Ma observed the situation on the battlefield for his battalion commander with a binoculars. Li Fugui was lying in a chair with his eyes closed and rested. , this guy misses the millet porridge from his hometown.

"Come up as soon as you come up, why is it so sudden, you can't hold your breath at all!" Li Fugui said so, but he jumped up from the rocking chair, walked up the escalator three or two times, and went up to the attic, picked up the binoculars Look, happy.

I saw the Soviet Red Army with about 600 people on the opposite side moving towards their position in the northwest direction. It seemed that a lot of trees were felled in the small forest in the distance, and they were only as thick as the mouth of a bowl. Three trunks were tied into a wooden raft to carry Rubbing this way, they gradually gathered near the small hill 1300 meters away, and on the larger hill about 2000 meters away, there were many Red Army commanders on horseback standing upright. give pointers.

"Strange! Old Zhu, old Zhu! Look, what kind of tricks are the enemies playing? They actually cut down wood to make shields? Is this a shield? This is rare!" Li Fugui ordered the fourth company and the third company to enter the position to prepare for battle. , while turning his head to call his instructor.

Just as Zhu Biao came back from visiting the wounded, the wounded and captured Cavalry Company Commander of the Soviet Red Army woke up, but he closed his eyes and said nothing. It's life and death, Zhu Biao asked for a long time, and the other party ignored him, so angry that Zhu Biao's correspondent, Xiao Zhao, almost whipped him, beat him like a dog and made him a prisoner, and he was so awesome!

"Is the enemy going to advance step by step? Strange, the spirit of the 200 people behind them is very different. The 400 people in front seem to be just working as small workers to carry wood for them. Could it be that these 600 people can carry wooden rafts? Attacked our position? It’s a joke.” The instructor of the cavalry battalion looked through the binoculars for a long time, but couldn’t see what happened.

"Hey, that's not right! Battalion Commander, why do the 200 people behind them have binoculars hanging around their necks? Erchak's White Guards only have an officer regiment. The whole regiment is composed of non-commissioned officers and lieutenants. The individual soldiers are of good quality and powerful in combat. Without blinking!" Zhu Biao said to his battalion commander while watching.

"Officer corps? I don't think so. The Soviet Red Army doesn't have an officer corps. Moreover, these Red Army soldiers are dressed in all kinds of ragged clothes, but their faces are still energetic, and the rifles in their hands are also polished. It's quite new, but the vast majority of people should not be officers, hey... I see... Nima... These old men are not authentic!"

Li Fugui watched in the binoculars for a long time, then suddenly came to his senses, and couldn't help shouting.

"What's wrong, Battalion Commander?!" Instructor Zhu Biao and correspondent Xiao Ma were startled by their own Battalion Commander's loud voice, and hurriedly asked in unison.

"Tukhachevsky sent sharpshooters this time! The wooden platoon is for the sharpshooters to shoot covertly. No wonder everyone is equipped with a telescope for observation. He is going to compete with us in point-of-point attacks to kill our defensive forces! This guy really has a good plan!" Li Fugui said viciously.

"Battalion Commander, what shall we do?" the correspondent Xiao Ma asked anxiously, but the trainer Zhu Biao didn't make a sound for a moment, but used a telescope to carefully observe the enemy on the opposite side.

At this time, the 1000 people of the Soviet Red Army on the opposite side had been divided into [-] groups. Two soldiers in each group were in charge of moving forward with their waists on the raft, followed by a sharpshooter. They were moving forward at a fairly fast speed. Advance to within [-] meters of the coalition positions.

"Pass my order, and Tukhachevsky on the opposite side dispatched snipers to fight. The soldiers on the front line of our army are all hidden and do not show their faces. The snipers of each company enter their respective positions to prepare to meet the enemy. The platoons of the four companies are forced The artillery squad is on call to shoot at any time. Play with me, this is a serious coalition cavalry battalion equipped with snipers! Your half-assed Soviet Russian sharpshooters are no match! If you don't want to save some shells to serve your crowd Tactics, I will send you all to heaven with one shot!" Li Fugui hummed.

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