Beiyang 1917

Chapter 385 We Treat Captives Preferentially


"It's not easy to die. If it weren't for the iron discipline of the coalition forces to treat prisoners preferentially, with your virtue, you should pull them out to feed the dogs!" The correspondent, Pony, was very angry, and the young man cursed angrily.

"Davari Signi Goli, if you want to take revenge, you have to save your life, right? At that time, the call to retreat was blown behind your camp, that is, Tukhachevsky wanted you to go back and ask questions, for example The coalition positions are equipped with personnel and equipment, and you are so stubborn that you refuse to go back and insist on rushing up to die. You are an unorganized and undisciplined coward, do you know that?

Now Major Ben is the supreme commander of the coalition forces in this town, let you go back and send a message to Tukhachevsky, it is a matter of life and death for the rest of your First Army, you know?Is the life of all the soldiers of the First Army important, or the face of you, a peasant from the Don River?You don't seem to understand such a simple thing?You just want to die and wait until you go back and pass the message and let Tukhachevsky shoot you right away? "

Li Fugui hugged his arms and asked Pushkin to quickly turn it over. This guy's own Russian is not enough to speak so much. I can barely explain the matter clearly. Of course, there is a ready-made Russian translator at the moment.

Russian company commander Pushkin understands Russian, Kazakh and Mongolian, so his company was selected from the Ural [-]rd Cavalry Division to strengthen Li Fugui's cavalry battalion. At that time, the Japanese [-]th Cavalry Wing also wanted to call A Japanese cavalry team was strengthened to Li Fugui, but this kid refused. The reason is very simple. The Japanese cavalry is not as good as the Ural Russian cavalry, and its weapons and equipment are not as good as the Chinese cavalry. The large troops of our own cavalry regiment will go more steadily.

Pushkin was not so polite to Gurney Goli. He went up and kicked him first, pinched his waist and yelled a few times, explained Li Fugui's general meaning, and added at the end, "Gurney Goli, you The shame of the Cossacks, you don’t even have the courage to go back and report to your own people, your family must not be of the Don Cossack family, maybe it’s the family from Poland who sneaked in and pretended to be the Don Cossacks!”

The Cavalry Company Commander of the Soviet Red Army, Gurni Koli, was driven mad by Pushkin's words, jumped up from the ground and pushed Pushkin's ass, and this long body stood upright in the center of the room and roared a long Russian, very emotional.

"The Battalion Commander, the old fellow, the company commander is very energetic, what was he yelling just now!" The correspondent, Xiao Ma, stepped forward with the m1 Garland rifle in his hand, blocking his battalion commander to prevent the other party from hurting people, and turned his head. He didn't answer and asked his battalion commander.

"Ha, Pushkin still has a solution. It's all right. This guy named Gurni Koli is willing to go back and send a message to Tukhachevsky. Xiaoma, you can ask someone to get some water for him to wash, or he will be ashamed When I went back, I thought our coalition forces abused the prisoners. By the way, I stuffed a baked potato in his pocket. I heard that the coalition forces in Ufa did this. Every wounded soldier or prisoner sent back puts a baked potato in his pocket. It is probably because they are afraid that they will starve to death on the way back!" Li Fugui narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"Don't forget to blindfold him before leaving the house! Pushkin, you take a platoon to send him back. If Tukhachevsky agrees, we will cease fighting until the other party's body is collected! By the way, the Red Army The corpse collection team is not allowed to enter with weapons, nor is it allowed to leave with weapons or ammunition. They are only allowed to carry away the corpses of the dead. The bullet belts and weapons on the corpses must be removed, otherwise it is a violation of the agreement. The cannon will serve you!" Li Fugui ordered and walked out of the detention room.

Pushkin, who got up from the ground, gritted his teeth and agreed, but this guy stared at Gurney Koli as if he wanted to eat people, Nima, a prisoner even kicked my ass and made me lose in front of the state battalion commander Face, if it weren't for the discipline of the coalition forces, I would have collapsed, so what the hell.

And Gurney Koli also stared angrily at the company commander of the White Guards, who was about the same size as him, and roared in a low voice, "You Russian scum who has defected to imperialism, wait until the next time you meet on the battlefield!" , I must split you in half!"

The news that Gurney Koli was released alive by the coalition forces made everyone in the army headquarters overjoyed. Obviously, the brave red Cossack company commander's feat of rushing to the enemy's position alone in the morning left a deep impression on everyone.

Gregory returned to his camp on a bareback horse with a trace of shame on his face, his hands were still tied behind his back. This treatment actually made Gregory secretly grateful to the major of the Allied Forces who stopped him from untying him. Li Fugui is obviously well versed in people's hearts, knowing that if Gurney Gory returns to the Soviet Russian Red Army freely, the political commissars and Chekas may privately suspect and censor whether this guy has surrendered to the coalition forces, so he continued to let Ge Ni Gaoli returned to his camp tied behind his back, not to humiliate him, but to help him.

"Gurni Koli! You're still alive! That's great!" Army commander Tukhachevsky stepped forward and hugged his Jingwei company commander tightly, his voice choked up for a while, the Jingwei company The young cavalry boys are all good boys he personally selected. When he sent a company of them to attack the coalition positions in the morning, Tukhachevsky actually felt a little guilty in his heart. He knew that it was not easy for the cavalry to attack the frontal positions defended by the opponent's machine guns. Law.

But firstly, there were no soldiers to use, and the morale of the whole army was low. If the army's Jingwei even dared not go into battle, the next battle would be impossible to fight, so Tukhachevsky had to use his own Jing Wei Lian's sacrifice is to stop the mouths of the political commissars of the division commanders below. Nima, my personal guards all went into battle and sacrificed in order to defend the victory. Which of your division commanders dare to say a word of resignation, I have no ability to scatter beans into soldiers , I still have the ability to kill Ma Di with tears!

The development of the situation was indeed as expected by Tukhachevsky. Of course, a cavalry company of the Soviet Russian Red Army could not break through the opponent's position, and the opponent did not even use a heavy machine gun to beat the Jingwei cavalry company. The entire army was annihilated, but the sacrifice of the Jingwei company completely blocked the mouths of a group of division commanders in the army whose fighting spirit was weakened and their will was shaken. All the personal guards of the army commander charged and sacrificed. Withdrawal? !

"Comrade Commander, the Jingwei Company failed to complete the task, and all the brothers died. You shoot me!" Gurney knelt down in front of Tukhachevsky with a snap, and wailed with his arms around his commander's thick legs. Crying loudly, this young man is only 22 years old today, 3 years younger than Tukhachevsky. He has always regarded the commander of the army group as an idol, and Gurney Koli really doesn't want to live now.

"Nonsense! The Jingwei company of the group army has successfully completed the tasks assigned by the headquarters, ascertained the reality of the enemy's southwestern defense line, and gained valuable combat experience. Every Jingwei company sacrificed a soldier. Hero of the Army Group! You, the cavalry company commander who is still marching forward bravely, is the hero of the First Army!" Tukhachevsky shouted emotionally, shaking his fists, while scanning the surrounding division commanders and political commissars with sharp eyes.

Several division commanders and political commissars nodded in a hurry, saying that the Jingwei Company and Gurney Koli are the role models and pride of all the soldiers of the First Army, and they are well-deserved heroes of the Soviet Russian Red Army!At this time, who dares to say half a word is really blind!

"Comrade Commander, the coalition forces in the town consist of a battalion. Their supreme commander is the battalion commander of a national major. This battalion should have at least five companies. The one who escorted me back just now is a cavalry company of the White Guards. Their The designation is the fifth company. When their medical soldiers were bandaging me, I secretly observed that the other party had at least 20 light and heavy wounded, and it is estimated that less than ten were killed in battle." Gurney Gaoli wiped the snot and tears on his face while Stand up and report.

"The other party only suffered about 30 casualties? Did they let you come back and have anything to say?" Tukhachevsky felt a pain in his heart when he heard this. 1800 people were killed on his side and more than 600 were injured. The other party only lost a platoon. It turns out that the disparity in the battle loss ratio made the commander of the First Army of the Soviet Russian Red Army a little bit embarrassed!

The surrounding commanders and political commissars also looked sad when they heard the words. At first, everyone thought that at least the number of opponents would not be able to afford casualties. Unexpectedly, after fighting all morning, less than ten people were killed in battle, and the total number of casualties was almost only us. One percent here, this is too shocking!

"The coalition forces said that they gave preferential treatment to prisoners. Even the Soviet Red Army soldiers who died in battle fell within the scope of preferential treatment. They asked for a truce and asked us to send people to collect the corpses and clean up the battlefield. Let's go, that's their spoils." Gurney Koli lowered his head and said the purpose of the coalition forces to let him back!

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