Beiyang 1917

Chapter 399 How to see a rainbow without experiencing wind and rain


The most depressing and angry people on the entire Ufa battlefield in the past two days are the deputy chief of staff of the coalition forces, the commander of the Third National Army, and General Wu Peifu, the commander of the temporarily formed Ufa Central Group. After being transported to Bavley by car from the first line of Milna, he was trapped by heavy rain and strong wind all night and was unable to pursue the Yegorov Division of the Soviet Red Army's 120st Army overnight. He even planned to return overnight to Milna to pick up the Siberian [-]st Army The coalition convoy of the [-]rd Division of the Army Group Infantry was stuck on the [-]-kilometer road back to Milna from Bavley.

Although Petrovich's Ural Cavalry Second Army, Sergei Barayanov's Ufa First Army, and the Siberian First Army all belong to the Ufayang Group under Wu Peifu's command, but seeing Petrovich and Sergey led the cavalry division company to fight several victories, destroying and capturing a large number of Soviet Russian Red Army. Although the four divisions of the Ufa First Army did not win battles, they cooperated well with the second cavalry army. Action, and the acceptance of a large number of Soviet Russian prisoners and wounded from the cavalry army is also indispensable.

In contrast, Wu Peifu, who directly commanded the three Russian recruit divisions of the First Siberian Army, was always on the run, not to mention fishing for battles, and he saw no enemies except the Soviet Russian Red Army captured by his brother troops. Catch up, how can this make this guy not depressed!

So in the early morning of July 7, seeing that the heavy rain that had rained all night had stopped, Wu Peifu led the two Russian recruit divisions at hand to leave Bavley and pursue southward. No, but Wu Peifu had a premonition that the main force of Yegorov's 13st Army must have retreated southward, so the pursuit to the south must be correct. Just wait and see!

After driving for a whole morning from Baffley, the two infantry divisions struggled with the muddy road and strong wind, but they only drove 40 kilometers. When they stopped for a rest in the afternoon, the radio turned on, Nima, the good news reported by the coalition forces from Ufa is one after another. First, the cavalry battalion that Li Mingzhong stayed in the town of Sterlitamak was surrounded and attacked by an infantry division and a cavalry brigade in Tukhachevsky. The town was held down and caused huge damage to the enemy. The casualties of the Soviet First Army were at least one regiment.

Then Sergey, a lucky guy, was in the process of reinforcing the town of Sterlitamak. He surrounded and wiped out the rest of the Soviet Russian Second Army Ma Xin, and captured the opponent's army commander Ma Xin alive. Nima, you What do the Soviet Russian Red Army guys think, they run all the way to the southeast, they are hiding from me, Marshal Wu, and not giving me a chance to show off in person!

The next telegram made Wu Peifu faint even more. During the defensive battle under the city of Ufa, Sergey, who was blessed with general style, led three cavalry regiments. The two infantry divisions of Tukhachevsky were annihilated in one go by using the method of leading the snake out of the hole to divide and rule. The remaining troops of Tukhachevsky, one division and one cavalry regiment, had gone south and disappeared.

Wu Peifu was completely speechless by the two-day record of the cavalry army. Perhaps the disappearance of the rest of Tukhachevsky's troops was the only consolation for the deputy chief of staff of the coalition army who urgently needed to personally command and make contributions. Since Tukhachevsky Ki has not been arrested yet, which means that I still have a chance to catch him personally. Although I am at least 180 kilometers south of the town of Stellitamak in the east at this moment, no matter what, Tukhachevsky may be caught. Fortunately, I didn't dare to go south, so I turned to the west. As long as I cut off the road for the Soviet Red Army to retreat westward, it would not be a joke for Tukhachevsky to be caught by myself at that time!

Of course, the top priority is to pursue the main force of Yegorov's [-]th Army south and west as soon as possible. That guy still has at least five divisions in his hands. No, adding the cavalry division means a division. Well, as long as the weather clears up, the Hawkeye pre-warning and reconnaissance planes of the coalition forces will definitely be able to find me this big lump of ground troops of the Soviet Russian Red Army!As long as he is bitten by Lao Tzu, even if he only uses the two Russian recruits in his hands, Wu Peifu has enough confidence to deal with him!

But the road is really muddy, and there are many rivers. Yegorov ran at least one night longer than his team. How to catch up with the opponent is a headache. Wu Peifu let the troops rest for half an hour. After eating some dry food, he took two Russian recruit divisions and continued to chase south.

Until noon on July 7th, the rest of the coalition troops basically stayed in place to rest and reorganize. Even the day's operations had a huge consumption in terms of physical strength, food and ammunition. The most tiring, and the bad weather and road conditions have the greatest impact on the armored units. Therefore, according to the instructions of the Ufa coalition headquarters, the armored brigade under Jiang Hongyu continued to rest in the first line of Bafrey, and the engineering regiment stepped up. Frey builds a field airfield.

Xiong Shihui's 60th Infantry Regiment of the 180th Mixed Brigade in Almetyevsk stationed in Bavley. The main force of the mixed brigade stayed in place. Tens of thousands of Soviet Russian prisoners and wounded were a big burden. Regardless, while the 13th Infantry Brigade of Japan continues to camp at a place 7000 kilometers east of Almetyevs, the Soviet Russian Fifth Army has been wiped out, and the enemy in the north is only missing The remnants of Heveshin and Yankovgay numbered [-].

In addition to the Second Infantry Division of the First Ufa Army, Petrovich's two cavalry regiments of the Second Ural Cavalry Army were searching for these 7000 people, as well as the Japanese under the command of Ishihara Kanji. The Seventh Cavalry Wing, so Xiong Shihui ordered the 13th Brigade of the Japanese Infantry to stay in place and wait for the enemy to be found before making further plans.

At noon on July 1918, 7, the Russian Red Army's troops on the right bank of the Volga River, Sla's Fifth Army was completely wiped out, Ma Xin's Second Army was completely wiped out, and Rzhevsky's Third Army was completely wiped out. The remnants of more than 13 men from Hevezin were not found. Tukhachevsky’s First Army, in addition to the remnants of 5000 men led by political commissar Yankovgay, also had Tukhachevsky’s side in the south. A cavalry regiment and the 2000st infantry division were not annihilated, and all other units of the First Army were wiped out.

The best-preserved strength of the Soviet Red Army is the Yegorovdi Army of the Southern Front, which together with five understaffed infantry divisions and Budyonny's cavalry division escaped the air reconnaissance of the coalition forces and the attack of the ground troops. Chasing after him, he took advantage of the night's wind and rain to flee southward desperately.

By the afternoon of July 7th, Yegorov had reduced his staff to 13. The position of the five infantry divisions was near the village of Troitskoye, 33000 kilometers southwest of Abdurino, and only 60 kilometers from Bluzuk in the southwest. It is only 69 kilometers away from the Samara area in the west, and after the Budyonny Special Cavalry Division of Yegorov's Second Army arrived at Krasnogorsky before dawn, this place is far from Yegorov's camp The village of Troitskoye is less than 150 km away.

On the afternoon of July 1918, 7, at the moment when Tukhachevsky fled with less than a regiment of cavalry in Maxin, when he met a tragic fate, Yegorov's five infantry divisions of the 13st Army miraculously The Budyonny Cavalry Division, who had lost contact with him for two days, joined forces in victory near the village of Troitskoye!

At this time, the coalition ground forces closest to them were also 120 kilometers away!Yegorov's troops somehow saw a ray of hope to retreat to the left bank of the Volga River. If the weather can continue to be in such a bad situation, at least the ground troops of the coalition forces will not be able to catch up with them until they reach Samara!

This is the only thing Yegorov is counting on and praying for. From a side perspective, the troops brought out by this guy are very cohesive and have a strong sense of direction. The Tsaritsin and Simbirsk guys are obviously not in the same pot. A good partner for mixing!

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