Beiyang 1917

Chapter 419


"The Tsaritsin side called back. The North Caucasus Military Region and the Southern Front Military Committee unanimously demanded to defend Tsaritsin and never hand over their land to the enemy. Otherwise, the nearly one million villagers and elders in Tsaritsin would not agree and defended it three times. The fallen soldiers of Tsaritsyn cannot agree, and the 20 soldiers of the Southern Front Army cannot agree!"

Dzerzhinsky quickly opened the door and came in, reading the telegram in his hand as he walked. Apparently, Tsaritsin's rhetoric was beyond the expectation of the head of the Cheka, and made him ashamed and happy. After the world's major media released two briefings on the battle of Ufa, the atmosphere of the Central Committee of the Soviet Union this night was too depressing. <The wind suddenly blew away the gloom over the faces of the Central Committee members in the large conference room of the Central Committee. Bukharin was the first to jump up when he heard the words, and took a few steps forward to snatch Derzhins away. With the telegram draft in Ji’s hand, his eyes lit up as he read it, and his voice sounded as if he was speaking on the street:

"Tsaritsin must be defended, and Tsaritsin can be defended. The Southern Front Army must not only defend Tsaritsin, but also fight across the river from Saratov to meet the retreat of Yegorov's army to the left bank of the Volga River. Listen, this How heroic and heroic, Joseph and the Southern Front Army are really good, unlike some members of the Central Committee, who were frightened by the defeat and the enemy, and even planned to surrender Tsaritsin to the enemy without a fight!"

Upon hearing this, Ulyanov first raised his eyebrows, a smile appeared on his face, and then he frowned tightly. He came over and took the telegram from Bukharin, read it carefully, and handed it to Trotsky said,

"Comrade Trotsky, take a good look at Tsaritsyn's suggestions. It seems that sometimes we really need to listen to the opinions of the commanders below. This Voroshilov really has two brushes," Joseph said. Under the careful analysis of Comrade Voroshilov, the Southern Front has unified its opinions and resolutely defended Tsaritsyn and the left bank of the Volga River!"

Trotsky didn't think so, but like Bukharin, he was actually very relieved to see the Southern Front Army's high fighting spirit and fighting spirit. Of course, if Tsaritsyn and the banks of the Volga River could be defended, Moscow would not be happy. for what?Worth humbly negotiating peace with the enemies of Ufa?

"The Revolutionary Military Council of the Southern Front recommends the following:

1. As soon as possible, recruit the 30 prisoners of war released from Germany who were demobilized earlier to join the Soviet Russian Red Army, so as to enrich the vitality of the Southern and Eastern Fronts.

2. Urgently purchase machine guns, rifles and bullets from the German-Austrian Allies as soon as possible, which can arm 50 people, and need a large number of anti-aircraft guns and anti-aircraft machine guns. The sooner the better, the more the better!And of course, food! "

3. In view of the fact that Ufa's enemy's coalition air force has a huge air superiority and has changed the ground battle situation many times, it is recommended that Moscow negotiate with the German-Austrian Allies and lease a flying team from the other party to Russia to assist us in fighting. In the name of the German Volunteer Army, or Select pilots of Slavic or Russian descent from the Luftwaffe to fight.

4. In view of the limited strength of the Southern Front Army, the North Caucasus Military District and the Southern Front Army can only find ways to defend the Volga River bank and Tsaritsyn south of Saratov. If the Southern Front Army is required to guard the entire Volga River bank. It is necessary for the Southern Front to unify the command of the Eastern Front and the Southern Front. For this reason, it is proposed to establish the Volga River Area Front Army to organize and command all Soviet Red Army troops on the left bank of the Volga River.

5. In order to achieve the defense line from the south of Saratov to Tsaritsyn, the Southern Front Army needs to be strengthened to at least 30 people. In order to defend the river defense line from the south of Kazan to Tsaritsyn, the Volga River Front Army should be strengthened at least To 50 people, and before the end of July, the arms and food aid of the German-Austrian Allies must be in place, anti-aircraft guns, anti-aircraft weapons and flying teams must be in place. "

Trotsky frowned while reading the telegram sent by the Southern Front Army. Although Tsaritsyn's will to fight is amazing, the conditions offered by the lion's mouth are also very outrageous. With the massive aid of 50 Soviet Russian Red Army and the German-Austrian Allies, does Moscow have to humble itself to negotiate peace with the Ufa enemy? !

"The 30 prisoners of war released from Germany last time were considered in the screening process to be not firm enough in Bolshevik tendencies, and their family background and personal performance were not revolutionary enough, so they were sent back to their hometowns to fend for themselves. In the midst of a widespread food shortage, these returnees have nowhere to go, and half of them became bandits, and many of them left with the White Guards. At this time, it is almost impossible to get them back to join the Red Army!" Kamenev frowned. road.

"Comrade Kamenev is right. One-third of the 30 prisoners of war who were released at that time were originally the source of troops on the right bank of the Volga River and west of the Ural Mountains. After crossing the river, it was the territory of the White Guards. They either recruited young men or Reduced to bandits, only a few returned to their hometowns to continue working in agriculture.

As for those who stayed on the left bank of the Volga River, many of them were directly coaxed by the White Guard regime of Krasnov and Denikin to join the White Guards. The regime has been taken back, and this road will not work! "

Zinoviev tapped on the table lightly, vetoing the possibility of recruiting soldiers from the prisoners of war who were sent home last time to supplement the Soviet Red Army.

"Then mobilize the working class to supplement the Soviet Red Army. No matter how hard it is to gather 50 troops, the key is the lack of weapons and ammunition and the food problem. All of this depends on the negotiations between Chechev and Ludendorff in Berlin. In the end, Chechev doesn’t know what he’s doing, and he’s been in Berlin for so long and hasn’t come up with any results yet!” Bukharin yelled, waving his arms.

"Bukharin is right, and even if the 30 prisoners of war released back are available, didn't we discuss it last time? To learn from the defeat of the Eastern Army's Southern Group on the right bank of the Volga River, our Soviet Red Army still has the fighting will. They are not resolute enough, and many soldiers are not pure in their thinking and quality. After being captured by the Germans, they are easy to lose their legs and put down their weapons in the face of the advantages of the coalition forces, so they would rather not use it than take any more risks!" Uriano The husband waved his arm and said.

"We must carry forward the role of Bolshevik party members as the mainstay of the Soviet Red Army, retrain political cadres in the army, and educate our soldiers, who are you fighting for!" Bukharin is the People's Propaganda Committee and the "Pravda". Editor-in-Chief, when this guy is in his right mind, the combination of theory and practice is very deceptive.

"Tsaritsin and Comrade Joseph underestimated the difficulties. In the Ufa Battle, the Southern Group of the Eastern Front Army and the Yegorovdi Army combined had a main force of nearly 30 people, 50 artillery companies with a total of 300 cannons, and a heavy machine gun battalion. There are also more than 20. Under such circumstances, it still failed. The Southern Front now has only two army groups of 12 people, with limited artillery and machine guns. Optimism is too baseless!"

Trotsky spread his hands. Obviously, while admiring the fighting spirit of the Tsaritsin side, he did not think that the current strength of the Southern Front Army could realize their promise to Moscow in the telegram. So many prerequisites are now in Moscow. It cannot be satisfied, and the Ufa coalition forces have already crossed the river when the conditions are met!

No matter how stupid Ulyanov is, he can see that the Tsaritsin side at most thinks that the Southern Front Army can defend the south of Saratov, and with the strengthening of its troops and anti-aircraft weapons, even though it leased air from the German-Austrian Allies It might be a good way to team up, but if we want to really talk about things that can come in handy, I really don’t know what happened in the Year of the Monkey. Germany has been suffering from the shortage of its own aircraft when it was fighting against the Allied Powers on the Western Front. Have extra planes lent to Soviet Russia?

"It is still too early to talk about the formation of the Volga Front Army. The top priority is to replenish and restore the strength of the Eastern Front Army as soon as possible. The arsenal in Nizhny Novgorod must hurry up to produce cannons and machine guns. As for the rifles, Chechev can follow them. The Germans want, they should have many more Mosin Nagant rifles that they captured from the Tsarist Russian army, and since they are different from Mauser’s, it’s useless for them to keep them!” Ulyanov said while turning his hands behind his back.

"Since the comrades in Tsaritsyn do not agree to abandon Tsaritsyn, how can we proceed with the negotiations with the Ufa coalition forces?" Zinoviev asked.

"Think about it, everyone. Is there any other way to stop the war with the Ufa coalition forces without giving up Tsaritsyn? Does the king have any personal preferences? Is it possible to bribe the other party? Sdrviyov's side There's a lot of Tsar's jewelry and curios in store, we can bribe the king with it!

As long as his coalition agrees not to cross the river, everything else is negotiable!We are not afraid of the White Guards crossing the river. Neither Kolchak nor Krasnov nor Denikin have a strong air force and aircraft, so they cannot take advantage of us! "Ulyanov frowned and looked at the several Central Committee members in front of him.

"Comrade Ulyanov, I am afraid that the method you mentioned will be difficult to realize. As far as I know, this king is the richest guy in the whole country, if not the world. All the properties and shares in the country were donated to the Hua Charity Foundation, and all the symbolic patent royalties of penicillin were also donated to an international charity and science foundation. Such a person cannot be moved by gold, silver and jewelry! "

Zinoviev grinned and said, he did not expect Comrade Ulyanov, who is the leader of the Bolsheviks, to raise such a point in front of so many members of the Central Committee. Such things are often caused by Derzhins It is appropriate for subordinates like Ki or Chicherin to bring it up. Comrade Chairman is obviously a little ill and rushes to the doctor, ignoring his own appearance.

"Gold, silver and jewelry can't impress him, so what about beauty? Does he like beautiful women? Dzerzhinsky, is there a suitable candidate for the Cheka? The daughter of a nobleman, the princess of the collateral line, etc., is beauty useful? A good girl who can die for the Bolshevik cause?" Ulyanov rolled his eyes and asked expectantly.

"Uh... Comrade Chairman, most of the children of Tsarist Russian nobles either ran to the right bank of the Volga River with their families, or were suppressed and exiled together with their families in the torrent of revolution. There is still a way... There will be a way... It's just that the king... Could it be that he is greedy for women?" Dzerzhinsky said in a daze.

"Everything depends on man's effort. It is man's work. Revolution is not a treat for dinner. Don't Chinese people have an old saying, is it Confucius or Mencius who said it? "Food, sex, and sex." Like beautiful women?

Aha, I’m blushing, Comrade Dzerzhinsky, the Bolsheviks are also human beings, and the king of the Ufa coalition army is also a human being. I never heard of it last time. The king’s house in Beijing was accepted by the golden house. With several concubines, such a person must like beautiful women!

I'll leave this matter to you, and it must be ready for me within three days. One definitely won't work, the more the better, twins and twin sisters are the best, they must be well-educated, their bodies and looks are unique, nonsense!Virgin of course! "

The members of the Russian Central Committee of the Soviet Union in the conference room stared at Ulyanov, who was complacently assigning tasks to Dzerzhinsky with his hands behind his back, and were stunned for a moment!

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