Beiyang 1917

Chapter 423

After the Yegorovdi Army, which had been marching continuously for one night, crossed the Buzuluk River and burned the pontoon bridge, it put itself in a situation where it could only advance and not retreat. To the west was Samara, and the coalition forces The main force of the ground forces probably set a trap in Samarabu and waited for them. ()

To go east is to turn back and cross the Buzuluk River again, and even if you cross the river and go south on the same road, you will probably be caught by the enemies who came from Orenburg and Sorochinsk for reinforcements. , The political commissars of the division commanders of the Third Army knew that Commander Yegorov had burned the grass this time. The bloody road breaks out to the south.

When Alexander Ilyich Yegorov left his hometown to join the army, he never thought that he would lead his team back as the commander of the Soviet Red Army’s [-]st Army. The town of Buzuluk has a long history. It is located in Oren Fort is a small but well-known traffic hub. The Samara River, the Buzuluk River and the Domashika River converge here, making it an important water and land hub in the Samara River Basin.

"Comrade Yegorov! The situation is almost understood. We found a few fellow villagers and learned that the enemy stationed in the town is a cavalry brigade. There are about 5000 people. Basically, the local people have not suffered too much. The biggest crime is that although the opponent is a White Guard Cossack cavalry unit, it is directly subordinate to the Allied Forces east of the Ural Mountains, and the discipline is not bad. When they first arrived, they even distributed food to the common people.”

Semyon Budyonny is just a cavalry division commander at the moment. In fact, Yegorov’s position has always been higher than Budyonny’s, but the relationship between the two is very good. In Wang Geng’s previous life, there was a very famous movie in Soviet Russia The movie "The First Cavalry Army" is about the battle between Budyonny and his cavalry army against the White Guards in the direction of Tsaritsyn. In that movie, Yegorov is still Budyonny's direct superior and the commander of the army group. work.

"Comrade political commissar, pass on my order. All infantry divisions should evacuate and hide. Hurry up and bury the pot for cooking and rest. I will give you three hours. If you have to eat something, you must fall asleep!" Ye Geluo The husband turned his head and ordered, and the political commissar Kniagnitsky agreed to give the order.

Yegorov turned around and shook hands with Budyonny, and asked with concern,

"Comrade Budyonny, the comrades of the cavalry division have worked hard, can they still bear it? How about the losses in the encounter just now!" Along the way, the bodies of the Red Army soldiers who died before and after the Little Highland battlefield had not had time to clean up. Yegorov felt a little heavy.

"Report to Comrade Commander, the special cavalry division is a particularly capable unit. The cavalry are ready to die in defense of the country at any time. My artillery company and heavy machine gun battalion are already setting up positions. As long as you give an order, we will launch an attack on Bu Attack on Zuluk! Guaranteed to take it down so that the brothers don't have to sleep on the ground tonight!"

Budyonny saluted and reported loudly, and then leaned forward and whispered, "More than half of the avant-garde cavalry battalion has been damaged, and the opponent's cavalry company has 4 machine guns and 6 mortars. The firepower is quite fierce and the command It’s not bad, so we’ll have to figure out how to fight back, but fortunately, the cannons of the two artillery companies of the cavalry division haven’t been thrown away yet, even though there aren’t many shells left, and the bullets for the heavy machine guns are also less!”

"Uh...the other party is the Russian cavalry division of the coalition army? Invite me those two fellow villagers, and I will ask in person!" Yegorov came with Budyonny on horseback surrounded by soldiers from the guard cavalry company Arriving in front of a tent set up behind a small hill, an old man with a white beard in ragged clothes was shaking with his arms around a child, chewing desperately on the baked potatoes that Budyonny's cavalry handed to the young and old. .

Seeing the commander of the group army coming over accompanied by the division commander, all the soldiers around stood at attention and saluted, and the boots rattled. This movement shocked the young and old who were busy nibbling potatoes. The potatoes in their hands almost fell to the ground. The white-bearded old man had a thin face and sunken eyes, and his tattered clothes looked like they would collapse in the wind. The child in his arms was about seven or eight years old. He had a big head and a small body. It was obvious that he was malnourished due to long-term hunger.

"Old man, don't be afraid. We are the Red Army of the Soviet Union, a team of our own people, the working class, poor and hired peasants! What's your name, are you from here?" Yegorov got off his horse and smiled from the side One of the guards took a bowl of vegetable soup in his hand, and while serving it to the old man, he said kindly.

"...the Red Army...I know...the food in the village was taken away by your work team...if it weren't for...the army from the east of the Ural Mountains came here...both of us have to Just like the child's parents...starved to death..." The white-bearded old man took a step back, didn't take the vegetable soup from Yegorov's hand, and instead turned his hand to protect his little grandson behind him, staring at him. The eyes looking at Yegorov were full of vigilance and distrust.

"You old guy, what nonsense are you talking about? The Red Army needs food to fight against the White Guards, and to protect you ignorant common people. How do you speak for the enemy? What is the status of your family? Landlord or rich peasant?" Kniagnitsky, the political commissar of the army group who had just followed, was furious when he heard the words, rushed up and yelled at the white-bearded old man, waving his horsewhip.

Yegorov really did not expect that an old man with a white beard in his hometown would be so hostile to the Soviet Red Army and the surplus food collection system. Of course, due to the food shortage in Russia, in order to consolidate the Soviet regime, there must be food to feed Moscow, Peter Only the working class and citizens of big cities like Grad can support the Bolsheviks and the Soviet Red Army, but these principles can't be talked about with an old man in the countryside.

"Comrade political commissar, pay attention to your sense of proportion, it's almost enough, as a country old man, why don't you go online to check your third generation and background!" Yegorov's face darkened, and he took his unhappiness on his political commissar, although the political commissar vetoed it power, but the Soviet Red Army implemented a one-man system, that is, the head of the army controls the overall situation and military action plan, and the actual responsibility of the political commissar is to monitor the military chief and mobilize the masses. Of course, leading the team to charge is also the primary responsibility of the political commissar .

Therefore, in the early Soviet Red Army, the proportion of casualties at all levels of political commissars was the largest, and it was also the least popular group. Often a thankless role.

Budyonny listened to the words of the white-bearded old man in the country, but his heart was turbulent. Obviously, the rural areas and peasants were farther and farther away from the Soviets and the Red Army under the whip of the surplus grain collection system. This made Semyon Mikhailovich Budjoon Ni, the former Tsarist Russian company commander who was also 35 years old from a poor peasant family, and now the commander of the special cavalry division of the Soviet Russian Red Army has a kind of boredom that cannot be dispelled. This guy is holding the whip in his hand.

Most of the Soviet Red Army soldiers around looked at the old and the young in silence. The child was probably very hungry, and he was devoting himself to eating the baked potato. He accidentally choked and coughed desperately. Ye Goro The husband stepped forward and handed over the vegetable soup again. The white-bearded old man did not refuse this time. He put the potatoes in his arms into his arms, took the bowl of vegetable soup, and patted his little grandson on the back while feeding him. The hot vegetable soup finally washed the potatoes down the child's throat.

The old man gulped down the remaining vegetable soup in his hand, put the bowl lightly on the ground, turned around and said to Yegorov, Budyonny and Krajagnitsky,

"I'm just an old country man from a village near Buzuluk town. Our ancestors were farmers in Buzuluk. The landlords and rich peasants in the village were all arrested when your work team came down to collect food half a year ago. They got up and shot them on the charge of hiding grain and refusing to hand it over to the public to oppose the Soviets. The landowners, rich peasants, and peasants who survived all fled to the east of the Ural Mountains with the flow.

My little grandson's parents didn't catch up, they starved to death, and my little grandson and I couldn't walk. . .I had to beg for food all day long!If the army from the east of the Ural Mountains hadn't come to the town and opened the warehouse to release food, our father and I would have starved to death. . .I’m telling the truth, if you don’t believe me, shoot me, if you die early, you will be relieved, and you will suffer if you live these years, pity me, my grandson. . .I'm so hungry! "

The white-bearded old man sat on the ground and babbled for a long time. The little grandson in his arms had potatoes and vegetable soup in his belly, his face was less bloody, and he stared curiously at the Soviet Russian Red Army's [-]st Army. A group of senior generals.

"Grandpa, the army in the town is the army from the east of the Ural Mountains you mentioned. What is their approximate number? How many days have they been here? How are their weapons and equipment?" Yegorov sat at the orderly side The pony who came over got on, and asked the old man with white beard in front of him with a pleasant face.

"There are a lot of people. They have been here for three or four days, but not all of them stayed. Thousands of people went to Neftegorsk in the west. It's hard to say how many people are still in the town. There are always 5000 men and horses, but their military uniforms are much neater, and your weapons and equipment are much better..." the old man with a white beard muttered.

"Oh? Father, how many cannons and machine guns do they have? Do you know this?" Yegorov was not angry, but continued to ask kindly.

"I'm not very clear about this. Anyway, there are a lot of people, weapons, and guns. Martial law was imposed on the day they entered the town. After that, the residents of the town can only go in and not come out. My grandson and I don't live in the town, so we can't live in the town." I went to their camp every day to ask for some food. They released food on the first day, but they seemed to be short of their own food later on, so they stopped releasing food on a large scale, but my grandson and I went to checkpoints every day to ask for some food. Stuttering, the other party can still give it...Although they look fierce, they really don't beat and scold the people! It's just that martial law is not allowed to enter and leave the town and checkpoints without authorization."

"This old guy, it's no use talking about it for a long time. He just said good things about the other party, and he has no sense of right and wrong. Hey! Old guy, the enemy in the town is the Allied Powers who came to invade us. Why can't you tell the good from the bad? Go with whoever gives you food? Are you an enemy spy?!" Army political commissar Kniagnitsky couldn't help shouting!

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