Beiyang 1917

Chapter 432


"The situation before us is very serious. Comrade Gorodovikov is right. Now it is time to break the boat. However, Timoshenko is also right. It is not the characteristic of our cavalry to ram headlong into the opponent's established position. If Kulik's artillery really has a regiment, we have already taken the town, now we have to use our brains!"

As Budyonny drew a circle on his head with his finger, he said, "You must use your brain, the situation is very clear, and the order of the group army is also very clear, that is, to take the town of Buzuluk and fight a bloody road." , The more than 3 infantry retreated for three days and exhausted their physical strength and energy. If they turn back and cross the river to take a long way at this time, the team will not be able to hold on and will collapse!"

"What the division commander said is correct, and the weather will not always be on our side. Once the weather clears up, the coalition air force can appear in front of us at any time. At this time, there is no such condition for breaking the boat. We just have to endure air raids, bombing and sweeping. It's shot, so neither the entire group army nor our cavalry division has a way out, and we must fight a bloody way!" Political commissar Xia Jianke echoed without losing the opportunity.

Budyonny glanced at his political commissar, and then said, "Egorov, the commander of the group army, asked me to be the commander of this former enemy, and handed over this glorious task to our Budyonny cavalry division. It is our honor and must be completed. Task, there is no room for bargaining!"

Timoshenko, Gorodovikov, and several regiment commanders looked at each other in dismay, and were a little confused by what their commander said. Whether they met on a narrow road, the brave man won the town with a decisive assault to the south, or crossed the river from the side. Way to outflank and strike the enemy's rear?

"Comrade commander, you just give the order, and our first brigade will obey! We will defend the honor of the cavalry division to the death!" Timoshenko is the most straightforward, don't think about it if you don't understand it, just obey the commander's order!

"Comrade Budyonny, the second brigade is not a coward. You will know if it is a mule or a horse when you pull it out! I, Gorodovikov, resolutely obey the orders of the division commander and political commissar. The second brigade forms a regiment. We As the regiment commander, there is only one battalion left, and if I become the battalion commander, the whole brigade will be honored, and I will also contribute my strength to the honor of the cavalry division and the southern front of the Soviet Russian Red Army!"

Gorodovikov's words were resounding, and it was obvious that Comrade Brigadier had planned for the worst!

"That's very good! My style of play is like this. You see, this is the enemy's line of defense. The dog's white guards joined the coalition and changed their uniforms. It's different from before. Just now I carefully observed the opponent's position. , The trenches and firepower points were carefully repaired, and the mortar positions were even built behind the bunkers, so they couldn't be seen from the front!"

Budyonny leaned over and drew a line with red and blue pencils on the north side of Buzuluk Town on the map, and pointed to this line, "Attacking the opponent's position head-on is not our cavalry's strong point, I plan to hand it over to the infantry division. To complete it, isn't Inza still groping to poach people from me, and let the 15th Infantry Division go to attack, but I will never give it to Kulik, and I will be worthy of him if I give it to an artillery platoon leader !"

The brigade commanders and regimental commanders around burst into laughter. Artillery commander Kulik rubbed his head and smirked. A stone fell to the ground in his heart. He didn't direct the artillery battle well in the morning. He was really worried that he would be adjusted out of the cavalry division. Glorious group, now that the teacher has expressed his opinion, this guy is relieved.

"Grigory Ivanovich, you should hand over your heavy machine gun battalion to the commander of the artillery regiment. I think the two mountain cannons can be pushed to the position of the heavy machine gun battalion, ready to deal directly with the opponent's heavy guns." Machine gun firepower, on the frontal battlefield, we will leave the artillery regiment of the cavalry division, and I will give you another cavalry company to maneuver!"

Budyonny looked at his artillery commander with a serious face, and asked, "How about it, do you have confidence? Can the artillery regiment still play the demeanor of Tsaritsyn artillery god?"

"Guaranteed to complete the task! Comrade Commander, you can rest assured!" Grigory Ivanovich Kulik, commander of the Special Cavalry Division Du Li Artillery Regiment, stood at attention, and his riding boots clicked.

"But, Comrade Budyonny, what exactly is the mission of our artillery regiment?" Kulik asked cautiously.

"The task is very simple. Provide fire cover and support for the attacking infantry. You have 20 shells left on your two mountain cannons. I don't ask for much. At least you have to knock out more than 10 heavy machine guns on the other side. The heavy machine gun battalion Well, pay attention to hiding and protecting yourself, when we attack, the heavy machine gun must be fired!" Budyonny stared into Kulik's eyes and said.

"Two mountain cannons with 20 shells will knock out more than 10 heavy machine guns of the other side?" The two brigade commanders Timoshenko and Gorodovikov were stunned when they heard this. This can only be achieved by the god of guns The target, an average of 2 shells hit the opponent's heavy machine gun, but at this moment, I didn't even see the opponent's heavy machine gun anywhere!

"Understood! Comrade Commander, please rest assured that at least 10 of the opponent's heavy machine guns will be knocked out. When the infantry attacks, we must ensure that our heavy machine guns will not stop firing!" Kulik said decisively.

This guy didn't ask the teacher what to do when the other side's cannons counterattacked. The coalition forces in the town still have at least 12 cannons. By then, their own heavy machine gun battalion and two mountain cannons may have to be reimbursed for a round of unification. It's hard to think about it now. It's useless. For the weak artillerymen of the Soviet Red Army at the moment, the way to fight is nothing more than to hit and run, resolutely hide, and change places with one shot, as long as they can last as long as they can!

"The next method of play is simpler. I will take the first brigade and try to cross the Domashika River from the west to outflank the enemy's rear. The political commissar will lead the second brigade and try to cross the Buzuluk River. The enemy's flanks and rear, and then we took advantage of the excitement of fighting in the north, and rushed in from the rear in one go, and defeated the opponent!"

Budyonny slammed his fist hard on the location of Buzuluk Town on the map, and raised his eyes to look at the brigade commanders of the special cavalry division in front of him!

"The whole division is going to outflank the enemy's rear?" Political commissar Xia Tenko gasped, and Timoshenko and Gorodovikov also looked at each other. Obviously, everyone did not expect that the entire cavalry division would maneuver to the enemy's rear. go!

"Yes! The enemy has at least one cavalry brigade of nearly 5000 people in the town. It would be a waste of time for our small troops to detour to the rear, and it will not be of great effect. From the map, the terrain in the south of Buzuluk Town is flat and low. , suitable for the cavalry attack, when the whole cavalry division of ours will attack, and the opponent will fight on two fronts, if Comrade Yegorov directs the infantry to press forward, the town can be taken down smoothly!"

Budyonny looked normal, but his eyes were shining brightly, and his lips were tightly pursed. Obviously, Comrade Commander of the Cavalry Division has made up his mind to fight!

"Comrade Budyonny, can the commander agree to this battle plan? I'm afraid that some people will suspect that our cavalry division will leave the infantry and run away first..." Political commissar Xia Jianke said eagerly.

"Who dares to suspect us of escaping? Lao Tzu's saber doesn't recognize anyone, I'll kill him like a bastard!" Timoshen's face was livid with anger, and he pulled out half of his saber with a click, and yelled at his division political commissar .

"Commander Yegorov will agree with our style of play. I have confidence in this. As long as we can cross the river smoothly, we will be able to shake the confidence and will of the defenders on the opposite side. Now the opponent's south is Yimapingchuan and he has a way out, so there is no way out." Panic, if we show up in the south of the town, the other party is afraid of being surrounded, and maybe retreating directly!" Budyonny said on behalf of the political commissar Xia Jianke and the brigade leaders under him!

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