Beiyang 1917

Chapter 435

The movement of the Infantry Division of the Ninth Army of the Southern Front Army of the Soviet Red Army digging trenches and traffic trenches in front of the position fell into the eyes of the soldiers of the Sixth Brigade of the Third Ural Cavalry Division on the coalition position early in the morning. The brigade and battalion commanders suddenly became nervous.

The wired telephones in Division Commander Nerikov's headquarters rang a lot, and they were all calls from the battalions below asking for instructions to open fire and prevent the other side from digging trenches, but without exception, Division Commander Nerikov blocked them back. "Without my order, whoever dares to open fire on the battlefield will be dismissed from his post!"

"Master, the enemy's trenches and traffic ditches are getting closer and closer, and they are all within the attack range of our mortars and cannons. You just don't want to use artillery fire. We have enough mortar shells. Why? Don’t fight! The battalion and company commanders below are in a hurry, and the soldiers will have no idea if this continues!” Nerikov’s cousin, the chief of staff of the [-]rd Cavalry Division and the commander of the [-]th Brigade, Nerikovs Ki couldn't help but said.

"I can't kill him. Tell them to dig. When the other party is tired of digging, they won't be able to hold their guns. They will be caught and captured by us! Never fire without my order!" Nerikov said. He gnawed on a green fruit picked by an orderly from the side of Zhennan Road, and all the while screaming that his teeth were sore!

"Master, if we don't fire again, the enemy should transport their heavy machine guns along the traffic trenches to the trenches they dug in front and press them in. Then they will pose a great threat to us!" Every move, while muttering.

"Well, that's good. At a distance of 1100 meters, we can see whether Yegorov's heavy machine gun is real or not by looking through the binoculars. When the time comes to beat the opponent with a mortar, you won't be mistaken!" Neriko The husband is unmoved.

"I said teacher, but the enemy's trench is too close to us. If Maxim fired from there, I guess he could directly hit the outer wall of our command headquarters!" Daveski frowned.

"Don't worry, as long as your heavy machine gun dares to fire, it's a side dish for our mortars. I'm afraid they won't fire!" Nerikov said with a smile.

At this time, the telephone at the headquarters rang again, and a staff officer of the division answered the phone and listened to a few words, and reported to Nerikov in front of the window, "The artillery lookout post on the bell tower reported that Domashika River Mountain The enemy cavalry six kilometers downstream seems to be trying to find a way to cross the river, it is too far away to see clearly, the number is not less than one cavalry brigade!"

"Nima, I said where did the cavalry go? It turned out that they took a detour to cross the river? * * * vski, do you think Budyonny wants to retreat or... wants to take our back route?" Nerikov frowned. frowned.

** Hearing the words, a tense expression appeared on his face, and he yelled anxiously,

"Hey! How could it be possible that the infantry ran away without withdrawing the cavalry? If they want to withdraw, Yegorov's infantry division will still have to sweat profusely in front of our position to dig so many trenches. This is miserable, my cousin, I said we It’s a big loss this time, just now when Budyonny’s cavalry were wandering around in front of the position, you didn’t let the artillery fire, and now they retreated to the north to cross the river and outflank us!”

The unambitious chief of staff and commander of the Sixth Brigade looked through binoculars desperately, trying to find the specific location of the cavalry brigade preparing to cross the river, but because the headquarters was far less tall than the bell tower on the top of the church by the square. , so the line of sight is not blocked by those rolling hills and groves, and it is not clear at all.

"Look at you, you can't hold your breath after such a small movement? But what you said makes sense. If you retreat, the cavalry should stay behind instead of running away first. Budyonny must be leading the way." The cavalry is planning to cross the river from the north and steal our way!"

Nerikov threw away the half-gnawed green fruit in his hand, grabbed the binoculars and went to the lookout window to look around. Like **, his sight was blocked and he couldn't see so far. This guy frowned and thought for a while , turned around and took the phone from the division staff officer, and asked directly,

"I'm Nerikov. Can you see clearly from the bell tower? How far is the distance? Six kilometers or seven kilometers? Seven kilometers is less than a point. How many people? Many? At least one cavalry brigade? Okay, I understand, the enemy It's not retreat, it's death!

Pass my order, the artillery companies on both sides of the town opened fire immediately, and the target was the cavalry brigade of the Soviet Russian Red Army crossing the river seven kilometers northwest!Yes, pay attention to correcting the position!Fire now!Report the effects of shelling at any time!Play 6 rounds first! "

Speaking of which, Nerikov dropped the phone, turned around and said to **, "Budyonny is not a fuel-efficient lamp. In order to prevent this guy from leaving Yegorov's infantry division and running away, we first Use shelling to teach him a lesson, pass on my order, send a squad of cavalry mobile sentries on each side of the Buzuluk River and the Domashika River, and report any enemy on the other side of the river at any time!"

Here, after hearing the division commander's order for the artillery company to open fire, Dafusiji immediately came to his senses, and hurriedly nodded in agreement, muttering in his heart that Budyonny had a lot of cavalry in front of him just now, and now they ran away. I just hit it, and the teacher’s cousin sometimes misses it, wow,

Turning his eyes, the fellow couldn't help but said, "Master, if you want me to say that we don't need to be so polite to Yegorov and Budyonny, let's not let go of the thousands of Soviet Red Army infantry who are digging trenches under our noses. I said it was just right to bombard them with platoon mortars, just throw the shells into the opponent's trenches!"

Before the words fell, the roar of several cannons came from the center of the town. The two artillery companies of the third cavalry division launched an artillery attack on the Soviet Red Army Cavalry Brigade 7 kilometers northwest of Buzuluk Town. The first wave After the cannonball hit, the sound of the cannonball landing and exploding came from behind the invisible woods in the distance.

"Hey! Commander, the infantrymen of the Soviet Red Army who were digging trenches on the opposite side were so frightened that they got down on the ground and dared not show their faces!" Lukasovsky said happily.

Nerikov ignored him, and continued to observe the situation on the battlefield with binoculars. The coalition artillery opened fire again, which obviously frightened the Soviet Red Army infantry who had been digging trenches on the opposite position for a long time. The coalition forces are finally going to use cannons against themselves.

Thousands of infantrymen of the Soviet Red Army crouched with their heads in their arms in the deep and wide trenches that had not yet been dug, huddled together in a mess, and even lay all over the ground on the hillside behind the position. As a result, the coalition forces came first Waves of artillery shells whizzed past the heads of the Soviet Russian infantry, making everyone puzzled. Earlier, when the coalition artillery fired 12 rounds to annihilate the Budyonny Special Cavalry Division Kulik Duli Artillery Regiment, the artillery was called a Be ruthless, and the accuracy is too far away now?

Many soldiers of the Soviet Red Army came to their senses when the roaring shells exploded a few kilometers to the north. Nima, the artillery of the sentimental alliance is not going to attack the infantry who are digging trenches under their noses, but the infantry in the north. The Budyonny cavalry who are crossing the river 7 kilometers away!

The hearts of all the people on the Soviet Russian Red Army ground sank, Nima, can you see them from such a distance?Has the coalition artillery observation post in Buzuluk Town gained clairvoyance?

In fact, it was not easy for Budyonny's cavalry brigade to be discovered by the artillery observation post at the height of the coalition army so late. The reason why Budyonny led Timoshenko's first brigade took so long to appear in July Kilometers away by the Domashika River, because this guy led the cavalry brigade along the woods from Zhongyang to the north.

After walking 10 kilometers away, the guy turned west to the banks of the Domashika River, but finding a suitable place to cross the river was not easy. Along the way, the river bank was too high, the current was too fast, or the river was muddy. The heavy rain that has been too deep for several days has turned into a vast ocean and swamp.

In the end, I went all the way from 10 kilometers away along the Domashika River to the south, until I reached the bank of the river less than seven kilometers north of Buzuluk Town, and found a suitable place. The time wasted for half For more than an hour, it would have been risky for cavalry to ford across the river. The reason why the water flow of the Domashika River is relatively gentle at this location is because the river here is nearly [-] meters wide.

To say that Budyonny is still quite vigilant about possible shelling by the coalition forces. When Timoshenko took the lead and led the first regiment of the first brigade Tyurenev to cross the river, Budyonny took the first brigade of thunderbolts to cross the river. Balko's second regiment is still hiding in the woods 200 meters away!

When the coalition forces launched shelling in the southeast of Buzuluk Town, it happened that the first battalion of the first regiment had already reached the opposite bank, the second and third battalions were still in the river, and the fourth battalion was about to go down the river. The sound and the roaring shells immediately caused the cavalry brigade to become a mess.

In the first round, the coalition forces only tried to shoot a few shells. One shell exploded on the north side of the cavalry, and two shells landed on the south side. Only three shells directly smashed into the formation of the fourth battalion of the cavalry on the river beach as they were about to go down the river. , Budyonny's cavalry were flying flesh and blood, screaming and screaming, and three 6.5kg 75mm [-]-type field artillery grenades knocked over at least two rows of cavalry, and the river was immediately stained red with blood. Blockbuster.

On the opposite side, Timoshenko and the first battalion had already set foot on the river bank. Seeing this, he turned his horse's head and ordered the messengers to shout at the panicked second and third battalions who were still running around in the river:

"Continue to cross and don't turn back! Continue to cross and don't turn back!

Here, Budyonny took the lead and led the guards out of the hidden woods to personally command on the river bank.

"Budyonny is with you, all come with me! Continue to forcibly cross without turning back, all move forward!"

After shouting, Budyonny took the lead and jumped into the river to swim to the opposite bank. Behind him, the four cavalry battalions of the second regiment jumped out into the river with their commanders. Budyonny knew very well that the coalition forces' first round of bombardment was just an attempt to determine the position and angle, and that the river beach would become a purgatory of blood and fire from the second round.

Any hesitation and staying will cause huge casualties and confusion to the First Cavalry Brigade. Only by going forward bravely and taking the time to swim over can there be a way out!

The actions of the division commander Budyonny quickly stabilized the mood of the team. The cavalry of the second regiment came out of the woods and followed the division commander's back and ran towards the river bank, scrambling to jump into the river and swim to the opposite bank.

The survivors of the first and fourth groups who were in a mess also calmed down, turned their horses and continued down the river.

Of course, the god of death of the coalition bombardment did not let Budyonny, the brave and fearless Timoshenko's first brigade, the artillery fire of the two artillery companies of the coalition army in Buzuluk town made 12 consecutive rounds of simultaneous fire, making the entire Doma The banks of the Shika River and the river became the place where countless Soviet Red Army cavalry died. The entire river beach and river water in the crossing area were stained red by the blood of the dead cavalry.

The waves rolled with countless Red Army corpses and dead horses drifting downstream. In fact, if the water hadn't brought the swimming cavalry who had escaped the shell explosion to the lower river bank in the north, the casualties of Budyonny's cavalry brigade would have been even greater. , the tumbling river more or less suppressed and reduced the power of the shells that exploded in the water.

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