Beiyang 1917

Chapter 440 It's Not A Fuel-Efficient Lamp

Budyonny's special cavalry division is an ace mobile unit that has grown rapidly from the three battles of defending Tsaritsyn. In the first Tsaritsyn defense battle, Budyonny's troops were only a cavalry regiment. During the defense of Tsaritsyn, it was expanded into a cavalry brigade, and it was quickly expanded into a cavalry division during the third defense of Tsaritsyn.

If Budyonny’s cavalry division has been the vanguard of Yegorov’s Ninth Army in the Battle of Ufa, then in the special cavalry division, the young and vigorous Timoshenko led the first cavalry brigade. Doing my part to become the vanguard of the cavalry division. In the first brigade, the first regiment led by Ivan Vladimirovich Tyurenev is responsible for opening the way, while Pavel Semyonovich is often in the rear . Rebalco's Second Regiment.

In Wang Geng's previous life, Tyurenev was one of the only five generals in the Soviet Red Army before 1940, and Rybalko was the marshal of the armored forces, but now Ivan Vladimirovich. Tyurenev was only 26 years old, and Pavel Semyonovich Rybalko was only 24 years old. Of course, their brigade commander Timoshenko was younger than these two guys, only 23 years old.

In fact, Rebalko previously served as the political commissar of the second regiment. After the previous head of the regiment died in the third battle to defend Tsaritsyn, Rebalko stepped from the political commissar to the post of military commander. It can be said that, Budyonny prefers the first cavalry brigade, which has a lot to do with the fact that one brigade commander and two regiment leaders of this brigade are only 2326 years old. Both Timoshenko and Tyurenev are brave men.

The 24-year-old Rybalko, because he was a political commissar, was particularly good at uniting his comrades and comrades around him, which made him more tolerant and restrained towards his comrades and subordinates than Timoshenko and Tyurenev. It also gave people an extra calm impression, so Rybalko's second cavalry regiment was often placed by Timoshenko at the rear of the first brigade.

Although Rybalko is already the head of the cavalry division, he is still a fellow villager and close buddy with Malikov, the commander of the heavy machine gun battalion of the cavalry division, and has a very good relationship.

In Wang Geng’s previous life, both Malikov and Rybalko had a connection with China. In May 1934, Soviet Russia dispatched Colonel Malikov, Assistant Chief of Division 5 of the General Staff’s Reconnaissance Bureau of the Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army Among the members of the military advisory group of the General Adviser was Fu Jihui, the former political commissar of the cavalry brigade who had just graduated from the Frunze Military Academy.

Let’s say that at this moment, the second regiment led by Rebalco actually followed an unidentified cavalry, and at this moment, the gunshots from the north had already rang out, with the sound of machine guns and mortars , This made Budyonny break out in a sweat. At this time, the main force of the first brigade that had gathered at the crossing point was about seven battalions. The loss when crossing the river was only 250 cavalry.

This makes Budyonny not in a hurry, the division commander flew on the horse, drew out his saber with a swipe, pointed to the north, and shouted at the panic-stricken First Brigade of Red Army cavalry around him, "All mount your horses, mount your horses, all mount your horses, Come with me, follow me! Drive the enemy into the river!"

While shouting to the division commander, Budyonny brandished a saber and rushed out first, followed by the brigade commander Timoshenko and the commander of the first regiment, Tyurenev, "Get on your horses, follow Budyonny, Ulla"

In the era of 1918, the synonym of cavalry was bravery and fearlessness, and the power of role models was infinite. Just now, the main force of the first brigade dismounted to rest in order to cross the river. It was inevitable that the soldiers were nervous when they heard the gunshots and the enemy's situation. After a while, the teacher said, "Follow me, follow me, and drive the enemy into the river" gave the soldiers of the first brigade infinite courage and strength.

More and more soldiers got on their horses, put their legs between their mounts, waved their sabers with their guns on their backs, followed the figures of Budyonny, Timoshenko, and Tyurenev, and turned back to kill to the north. .

Following Budyonny's 70st Cavalry Brigade is the Ninth Cavalry Regiment of the Fifth Brigade of the Third Ural Cavalry Division of the Allied Forces, which was reinforced from Neftegorsk [-] kilometers to the west. The ninth regiment of the Fifth Brigade has a brigade commander Led by Negev, he set off from the station after receiving a telegram from the division commander Nerikov early in the morning.

Due to the heavy rain for several nights, most of the roads from Buzuluk to Neftegorsk were washed away by heavy rain and floods and were muddy, so they only drove more than 60 kilometers in three hours, and waited until the northwest of Buzuluk After reporting to the division headquarters at a position ten kilometers in the direction, they received two telegrams from Nerikov. The previous order asked them to hurry up and rest, and wait for Yegorov's infantry division to launch an attack on Buzuluk before starting from the north. Severely hit the opponent's rear.

In the second telegram that followed, the order was updated: to pursue the Budyonny Cavalry Brigade of the Soviet Red Army crossing the river to the south, and found that the suffix was at the back. Pursuing speed, the artillery company of the [-]st Regiment of the Fifth Brigade approached directly to the Domashika River ferry west of Buzuluk Town, and sent a cavalry company to protect it. The division headquarters directly command operations through semaphore.

Dominik Mikhainovich Negev is Nerikov's cousin. He joined the Tsarist Russian Cossack Cavalry Regiment from the Don River with his cousin Nerikov. Nejev's cousin is a good guy, and he lacks the title of chief of staff. If the White Guards had the post of division political commissar, Nejev might be able to get it.

Negev's ability to lead the army to fight du li is much stronger than that of his cousin **, which is why Alasti Mikhainovich Nerikov wants to be the commander of the sixth brigade The reason why his cousin is also the chief of staff of the division and he personally commands the sixth brigade, because his cousin Negev is more capable of acting alone, so he can be assured that he will lead the fifth brigade alone.

Of course, before the second regiment of the fifth brigade was thrown in Sorochinsk, Nejev led the fifth brigade and the first regiment to attack and occupy Neftegorsk. At this moment, the fifth brigade The two regiments are separated by two rivers, the Domashika River and the Buzuluk River, plus a town of Buzuluk. Of course, there are tens of thousands of horses from the Ninth Army of Yegorov of the Soviet Red Army!

Negev, commander of the Fifth Brigade of the Third Division of the Ural Cavalry of the Allied Forces, is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Following Nerikov, who won the Order of St. George three times in the Tsarist Russian Army, his command style is like a copycat version. Nerikov is brave enough when he should be brave, smart enough when he should be smart, more persistent than anyone else when he is stubborn, and more determined to withdraw when he is slippery.

For a coalition cavalry brigade commander like Nejev, the fifth brigade has always been the leader of the third Ural cavalry division from Orenburg, Solochinsk, Buzuluka to Neftegorsk. troops, and the first regiment was the leading force of the fifth brigade, but they hardly got any big battles, and they almost killed them along the way.

So Negev's cousin, like his cousin Nerikov, felt that it was far from being enjoyable enough. Now Yegorov brought the main force of the Ninth Army withdrew and fell to his mouth. As far as he is concerned, it is a godsend opportunity, the meat delivered to his mouth, it would be a wonder if he didn't rush over to take such a bite!

After Negev received the second order from division commander Nerikov, there was an episode. He immediately called back and pointed out that the main target of the third cavalry division should be Yegorov and the main force of his army. Or capture Yegorov, his fifth brigade should not pursue the enemy cavalry who have crossed the river in the south, but should hide in the north, ready to copy the rear of Yegorov's army headquarters and infantry divisions at any time!

If Budyonny, the cavalry commander of the Soviet Red Army, is a master who is neither superior nor fearful, then in the coalition army, this little cavalry brigade commander Negev is also a guy who is neither superior nor fearful. He dared to disobey the orders given by his immediate superior and cousin even if he had doubts.

Of course, the teacher Nerikov is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Knowing what his cousin is planning, the teacher replied lightly and explained:

In view of the fact that the main commanders of the Ninth Army, such as Yegorov, were likely to mix in the cavalry division and use the reason of the detour, they actually quietly dropped the infantry and retreated by themselves, so the two regiments of the fifth brigade went to chase the devious cavalry brigade of the other side. Not only necessary but must!

It is a trivial matter to let go of thousands of cavalry of the Soviet Red Army, but it is a big deal to let go of Yegorov, the commander of the Ninth Army!Absolutely not careless!

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