Beiyang 1917

Chapter 460

For the commander of the coalition forces Antonikov, he wanted to launch a chase immediately, but the mounts of his cavalry regiment came from Solochinsk 90 kilometers early in the morning, and the quality of the horses was good. , the physical strength of the mount is good, it is on the verge of losing strength, and it is really powerless to chase after it for a while.

The 3000-member Budyonny Cavalry Division 30nd Brigade's attack just now failed to rush to its own position, but the mortar and heavy machine gun fire, including the five Browning squads captured by the opposing Kalmyk regiment The firepower of the 1st Battalion commandos armed with machine guns and [-] M[-] Garand semi-automatic mounted rifles.

It still caused casualties to the cavalry regiment of the coalition army. The combined casualties of the defense lines in three directions were about 200 people. Moreover, the consumption of mortar shells and machine gun bullets was also quite large, and the heavy machine gun almost destroyed 5 to 6 bullets. Chains, mortar shells are consumed almost half.

On the opposite side of the Soviet Red Army, because the more than 500 lightly and seriously wounded and horses lying behind the temporary trenches on the main position are still in a decent position, and there are many small woods on the side, so the commander of the coalition army Antonikov really did not It was expected that the main force of the opponent's cavalry had already retreated, so of course they did not launch a chase immediately.

Although there were only more than 200 casualties in the battle just now, the nerves of the soldiers of the whole regiment were still highly tense. After all, facing the impact of a large Red Army cavalry force nearly twice as many as their own, it was very difficult for Antonikov, a cavalryman from the White Guards. This is the first time for the regiment. If the commander hadn't been sitting in the middle, there was no guarantee that if the opponent continued to charge, he might have broken through the defense line. You must know that whether it is a mortar or a light and heavy machine gun, there are actually shooting gaps and reloading The empty position of the chain magazine.

Just now when the opposing Kalmyk Mongolian Cavalry Regiment charged desperately, for a moment Antonikov really couldn't sit still. The fourth company of the first battalion was ready to be sent to the junction of the center line and the south line to strengthen the troops there. Defensively, I didn't expect that when the horn was blown behind the opponent's position, the Mongolian cavalry swept across the position and rushed south in a circle.

"Regimental Commander, Budyonny's cavalry on the opposite side sent three cavalrymen with white flags. Do you want to let them come over or just bombard them to death?" The Fourth Battalion Commander called from the position.

Antonikov had actually seen through the binoculars three cavalrymen with white flags coming towards him tremblingly, so he ordered on the phone, "Stop shooting first, and send a squad to bring them back to me." , remember to blindfold them!"

This commanded the gunshots that were still on the battlefield to gradually subside. Three Red Army messengers with white flags on the opposite side were quickly released. Soon, three Russian Red Army messengers were blindfolded and brought to Antonikov's main position.

"What are you doing here? Are you here to surrender? Hey, he's actually a guy with glasses. What kind of work? He can't be a political commissar?" Little Antonikov looked at the three Red Army messengers with their hands tied behind their backs in front of him.

"I protest, Your Excellency, Commander of the Coalition Forces, we are messengers here to negotiate, and we are not carrying weapons. It is too impolite for your soldiers to tie us up like this. The two countries have not come to surrender! We are not here to surrender! "Blindfolded and strangled, the political commissar of the acting battalion of the Red Army protested Babel while struggling.

"It seems that you are the rightful owner? Report your position and name! How long have you been a member of the Bolsheviks?! What battles have you fought!" Little Antonikov's expression sank,

"This is our Budyonny cavalry division battalion-level political commissar, negotiator, please show some respect. We are here to negotiate, not to surrender. We are messengers, not prisoners!" The guard shouted boldly while twisting his body to break free from the control of the coalition forces holding his arms behind his back.

"Hey, the glasses guy in the middle is still a battalion-level political commissar? Since he is your so-called negotiator, what are you? Come on, pull this lifeless thing out for me and kill him. Although the coalition command requested Preferential treatment of prisoners, but you have neither surrendered nor a prisoner, so shooting you is not considered a violation of the military discipline of the coalition army!"

As he spoke, Little Antonikov's voice turned cold, and he shouted sharply, "What are you doing in a daze? Pull out the glasses, a lifeless little thing, and shoot him. Shut up and stop him from shouting slogans! I told you to shoot me and get him captured." The subordinates, well, I don’t shoot the prisoners, you are sent to your door to seek death, next time you reincarnate, remember not to be the guard of the messenger, if you want to be a prisoner, the coalition forces give preferential treatment to the prisoners, and I have to weigh one or two when shooting the prisoners. You and I have no burden at all!"

Antonikov gave this order, but the legs of the three Russian Red Army messengers who were blindfolded were so frightened that their legs were weak. He wanted to howl, but a cossack from the coalition force behind him used a dagger to stir in the guy's mouth, twisting his tongue into twists and blood all over his face, and he was dragged to the front of the battle.

Babel, the political commissar of the battalion who was blindfolded here, was also so frightened that he couldn't stand upright. The one who just came shouted that you are not trustworthy. The tall man's whimpering stopped, followed by the sound of a broken sack falling to the ground. Obviously, the small Red Army cavalryman whose name no one cared about had already been shot on the spot in front of the two armies.

"I only promise trustworthy people. If you are not convinced, I will send you to be a companion with that kid. Damn, why don't you learn the way the coalition forces treat prisoners preferentially? The cavalrymen who captured me didn't wait for me to redeem them I actually killed them when I came back. More than 100 Cossacks died in the hands of you garbage. If I don’t avenge them, how can I, Antonikov, go back to see the folks and elders? The Cossacks on the Ural River are not Cossacks and can be slaughtered? "

"We are messengers! We are not prisoners. You cannot shoot messengers. You are violating the Geneva Convention on Prisoners of War. If you don't accept the negotiation, you don't have to let us in. You can't go back on your word and let us blindfold and tie our hands before shooting at us." Gun!" Babel, acting political commissar of the Red Army's battalion, was obviously in a hurry, and he was a articulate master.

On the contrary, Vasily Kurchukov, the tall, bearded guard platoon leader, was frightened by the coalition commander's indiscriminate behavior of shooting the messenger directly. The cavalry couldn't pull it up behind them.

"It stinks! Drag this guy out and throw him aside, and shoot him after I finish questioning this spectacle political commissar!" Antonikov waved his hand, and the bearded man was dragged away first.

"Shoot together!" This sentence made the bearded man faint in fright and was dragged away like a dead dog. At the same time, Babel, the political commissar with glasses, heard the words but went all out. Obviously, intellectuals are also bloody when they are forced. shouted with legs apart,

"I'm here to negotiate a truce on behalf of the Budyonny Cavalry Division. We want to treat and collect the wounded. Please stop the machine gun and mortar fire. We won't fight until we remove the wounded! As long as you agree to a ceasefire, you Just shoot me! I, Isaac Emanuilovich Babel, will never frown!"

"Hehe, your political commissar is really courageous. Why should I cease fire and let you treat the wounded? Why? Rescue the wounded and pick up the gun to fight with us again? Would you be so stupid if you changed it? This is not letting the tiger go back to the mountain, this is What? The Chinese have a saying, what is it called, "It is advisable to chase the poor with the remaining bravery, and not to learn from it." Antonikov was curiously aroused by the political commissar of the spectacle battalion in front of him, and asked deliberately he.

"I don't know how to learn, the allusion is "It is better to be brave enough to chase the poor, not to be famous for learning the overlord." Your coalition has a tradition of preferential treatment of prisoners and ceasefire to let us treat the wounded. I guess this is the unified deployment of your coalition headquarters. Of course The commander-in-chief of your coalition forces didn't follow the good intentions. It just wanted to increase our burden, hold us back, and weaken our will to fight in the future. But anyway, the coalition forces have this precedent in other battlefields. They can stop fire and let us treat and treat Evacuate the wounded!"

The blindfolded political commissar of the acting battalion talked quickly, and said so much in one breath. Obviously, Babel is still paying attention to the information of the coalition forces. He knows that the coalition forces have released the wounded in many battlefields, so he wants to Use this reason to convince Antonikov in front of you.

"Cut, I'm ignorant? Yes, we haven't studied for a few days, but we know that there is a saying in the Chinese people, if you come and go, you will not be indecent. Since you dare to shoot and kill Lao Tzu's captured subordinates , Of course I don’t have to release the wounded, not only do I not release the wounded, I can even kill you, a bold messenger! Say, where did the main force of your brigade go? Why haven’t you come back for so long?”

Antonikov became furious, and pulled out the saber from his waist with a swipe. The cold and bright saber rested on Isaac Emanuilovich Babel's neck.

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