Beiyang 1917

Chapter 465 Completely Desperate

Yegorov, as the most rebellious general of the Southern Front Army, has his own proud capital, Alexander Ilyich Yegorov, born on October 1883, 10 in the town of Buzuluk on the banks of the Samara River, 13 Volunteer for military service. In 1901 he graduated from the Kazan Infantry Officer School.

During the European War, Yegorov fought on the Eastern Front. He served successively as company commander, battalion commander, and regiment commander. He was promoted to colonel in 1917. Yegorov first joined the "Leftist" Socialist Revolutionary Party, and rebelled against his predecessor in the Eastern Front. The commander of the Communist Party of China, Muraviyov, was once very close, but fortunately, he saw the wind and made a quick change. In 1918, the Xiadeng newspaper declared that he would leave the party.

As early as after the victory of the October Revolution, Yegorov won the appreciation of Trotsky and was appointed as a member of the demobilization committee of the old army. He assisted Trotsky and participated in the formulation of the historic decree on the establishment of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army.

From January 1918, he served in the Military Department of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, responsible for inspecting the organization and training of the Soviet Russian Red Army troops. In March 1, he was appointed as the chairman of the Supreme Appraisal Committee for the Selection of Old Officers of the Soviet Russian Army and the political commissar of the All-Russian General Headquarters.Of course, the latter title is nothing more than a vacant position, just like the commander-in-chief of the All-Russia after Vatsitis, the commander of the Eastern Front, was relieved of his military power and transferred back to Moscow.

He advocated the establishment of a regular army with strict discipline. In the report submitted to Ulyanov, he stated the necessity of establishing the post of commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the Republic and the establishment of a joint command directly under the commander-in-chief.

Unlike Tukhachevsky of the Eastern Front, the 35-year-old Yegorov was already a colonel when he entered the Bolshevik camp, and whether it was Budyonny or Regiment Kachevsky, he was just a colonel at that time. It was only a company-level cadre. Yegorov was young and vigorous, and he had both theory and practice in fighting. He was a rare and outstanding general in the Southern Army at that time. After the purge brought about by Muraviev's rebellion.

If the 37-year-old Voroshilov is a representative of the Bolshevik generals from the working class in the Southern Front, then the 35-year-old Yegorov is an excellent representative of the Bolshevik generals from the former Tsarist Russian army. Of course, now, this The once wise and brave generals of the Southern Front Army, together with the tens of thousands of remaining members of the Ninth Army, fell into a desperate situation.

"It's reasonable to say that it is absolutely impossible to charge hard, but the opponent can't cross the river right now. Although their firepower is strong, their strength is limited after all. Pass my order. After Inza's division is broken, hold on here for an hour and then return to the river. Withdraw from the Domashka River crossing in the west, and the 17th and 19th Infantry Divisions will follow me and the political commissar to the Domashka River crossing, and we must find a way to cross the river!"

Although Yegorov was in a heavy heart, he still did not give up. He pinned his hopes on the Domashika Ferry. The opponent had only a few artillery companies, and the ammunition base was estimated to be limited. This guy is ready to exchange his life for the opponent's consumption Finish the shells, and then prepare to cross the river in one fell swoop!

Of course, the Kikweize Division and the wounded after the battle in the northern part of Buzuluk Town have to find a way to hold back the coalition forces in the town for a little longer. Yegorov estimates that the opponents may not be willing to make an all-out move because of their limited strength. Bei Ya came out to fight, but unfortunately, there has been no news of the two brigades of the Budyonny Cavalry Division's detour troops. Now it seems that they are likely to encounter reinforcements from the coalition forces and fight hard, and even retreated in defeat.

At this time, Yegorov felt a little regretful. He and the political commissar should have led a cavalry brigade across the river to detour, and left the infantry division under the command of Inza to attack the town of Buzuluk. Of course, a better choice would be early in the morning. Don’t cross the Buzuluk River to run into trouble at all, just retreat from the east bank of the Buzuluk River by a long way, which is only more than 100 kilometers away. At least there is much more room for advancement and retreat, unlike now, almost stuck in a dead place and unable to move .

If the weather clears up and the coalition air force is approaching, is there any other way out besides laying down their weapons and surrendering?Do I, Yegorov, also want to be a prisoner of the coalition forces?Yegorov couldn't help asking himself deep in his heart.


Usti, the commander of the 23rd Infantry Division who had arranged to cross the river, rushed out of the small woods crying to greet the large troops. He threw himself on Yegorov's horse and said,

"It's all over, Comrade Yegorov. My division encountered indiscriminate bombing from at least three artillery companies of the other side during the forced crossing. Almost half of the layout was lost. The pontoon bridge could not be erected at all. There are hundreds of people!" The commander of the 23rd Infantry Division was obviously a little lost.

"How many people are left in your division? Why don't you spread out and build a few more pontoon bridges to cross the river? Why are you crowding together to cross the river?" Yegorov jumped off his horse and grabbed Usti from the ground and roared.

"It's too late, look at the other side... My division has tried everything... But we just can't make it through... We are surrounded... Comrade Commander..." Ust was aimless shouted, waving his hands.

Yegorov angrily threw down the commander of the 23rd Division in his hand, turned around and looked at the other side of the river, and was completely stunned. On the opposite bank, there were at least three battalions of coalition cavalry with more than 1500 people lined up along the bank. Light and heavy machine guns and mortar positions are all available, and 3 kilometers downstream of the river is obviously a new coalition artillery company position.

The army political commissar Kniagnitsky, commander of the 17th division Sami, and commander of the 19th division Hardinyev all took a deep breath when they saw it. Damn, this is the end. The main force of the previous three divisions joined forces. It seems that nearly ten thousand people attacked the Buzuluk coalition position, and the opponent actually only had three battalions defending on the front line. At this moment. . .Across the 250-meter-wide river, there were actually three battalions of coalition forces defending on the other side.

"How did you rush over... how did you rush over like this!" Political commissar Kniagnitsky murmured, and then he rushed over and grabbed Usti, who was limp on the ground, and shouted,

"Is there any place downstream where we can cross the river? Is there any? Why is your division so single-mindedly hitting the enemy's muzzle?"

"There is no other ferry. From the Samara River in the north to the town of Buzuluk in the south, there are only two ferries here and Buzuluk within a range of fifteen kilometers. High, the conditions for crossing the river are far inferior to the ferry in Buzuluk Town!" Sami, the division commander, replied from the side.

"The coalition forces must have rushed over after crossing the Domashika River from Buzuluk to the west. Then their troops in Buzuluk will be empty. Shall we turn back and open the gap from Buzuluk again?" The commander of the 19th division, Hardingyev, did not give up.

"The garrison of Buzuluk Town is the strength of a brigade of the enemy. They fought against us in the morning with only one regiment. Now they have only three battalions here. It is not easy to turn around and go back to Buzuluk Town. It may not be possible to fight!" The commander of the 17th division, Sami, said disapprovingly.

"We can't rush through, and they may not dare to rush over!" Political commissar Kniagnitsky obviously wanted to boost morale, but all in exchange for the eyes of several division commanders and division political commissars, this kind of self-deception is obvious. It is worthless to the Ninth Army at this moment.

"Pass my order, Usti leads the rest of the 23rd Division to guard the ferry, and at least delays the retreat until dark. Sami's 17th Division and Hadinyev's 19th Division will follow me back to Buzuluk Town! Send an orderly Send a letter to Inza, asking him to keep a regiment of soldiers to guard the ferry and prevent the coalition forces from crossing the river, at least until dark, and ask him to bring another regiment back to Buzuluk Town to join the main force!"

Yegorov's nerves were obviously much stronger than any of the Soviet Russian Red Army generals present. Even though he was desperate and unable to cross the river on both sides, he still did not give up, but issued a new order calmly.

"Commander, Commander, my division has only more than 1000 people left, and the coalition forces on the opposite side have at least 1500 people, with machine guns and cannons. How can I hold the ferry? Let me take the troops and the main force to fight back to Buzu Go to Luke Town and ask Sammy or Khadinyev to send a regiment to guard the ferry? My division is really crippled!" When Usti, the commander of the 23rd Division, heard that he wanted him to lead people to guard the ferry, he refused to agree, and hugged Touching Yegorov's legs, he cried and howled for a while.

Yegorov frowned and broke free from Ust's entanglement in disgust, but it was useless to look at the remaining 23 people of the 1000rd Infantry Division, so he turned around and said, "Sami, you dial two Battalion to Usti, to help the 23rd Division guard the ferry, not to retreat before dark!"

Saying that Yegorov ignored Usti, he got on his horse and led the people to look south. The brigades of the 17th and 19th divisions were in a hurry to keep up with their division commander and the political commissar of the army commander. The two battalions of the Mi Division watched the main force rushing to the southeast in dismay, and looked back at the coalition positions on the other side, feeling shuddering in their hearts!

After three hours of tossing around like this, the main force of Yegorov's army retreating from Buzuluk Town at 15:17 p.m. ran east and west and had to turn around and return to the position north of Buzuluk Town after being intercepted by the coalition forces at two ferry crossings. , The 19-man main force of the 9000th, [-]th, and [-]th Infantry Divisions was exhausted and could hardly move.

On the other hand, the Kikweize Division didn't go anywhere for the past three hours, and just focused on treating and evacuating the wounded. Anyway, the task given by the commander of the group army was to hold back the enemy. Since the enemy didn't attack, why not do it? At one o'clock, I saw Yegorov's team of nearly 9000 people bowed their heads and returned to the position before the departure. This made the soldiers of the Kikweize Division and thousands of wounded dumbfounded.

Yegorov and his Ninth Army finally had nowhere to go.

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