Beiyang 1917

Chapter 481 Empathy


"Moscow was frightened by the victory of the Ufa coalition forces on the right bank of the Volga River. They clamored all day long to defend Moscow and defend the Soviets. Could it be that Moscow would be finished if it didn't protect the Soviets? Back then, Napoleon fought over 70 people, and Kutuzov firmly cleared the country. Abandoned Moscow, Russia is still Russia, where is Napoleon now?"

Joseph couldn't bear the tone of Bubnov's central committee member and imperial envoy, so he couldn't help but slapped the table and shouted!

Under normal circumstances, Joseph is actually a master who can't be angry. Compared with Bubnov's sternness, he is strong inside and outside, and he is strong in the middle. On the three-acre land of Tsaritsin and the Southern Front Army, Comrade Joseph has the same power as anyone. The confidence to challenge the board.

Furthermore, although Joseph Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili is small, he has a will of steel. He was exiled by the Tsarist Russian government many times, and he escaped from prison almost every time. Come out, and Joseph is not like other central committee members, such as Bukharin and other intellectuals, whose theoretical level is ridiculously high, and when it comes to doctrine, he has one set after another.

Comrade Joseph is a man of action, or one can say that he is a military activist. This guy is like Wang Geng's previous life, the chief of the general affairs section of the military command, Shen Zui, who was working in the action team back then. He sold martial arts and courage. Hand-to-hand combat or The work of fighting with daggers and firearms.

Back then in the Tsarist era, the revolutionary Comrade Joseph was leading a military action team, who engaged in robbery with guns, knives and knives. event expenses, etc.

But at this moment, Bubnov, who was wrestling with Joseph as a member of the central yang, was a party worker born in a textile owner's family, Andrei Sergeyevich Bubnov in 1883 Born in Ivanovo-Voznesensk on the upper reaches of the Volga River, he hung out at the Moscow Agricultural Institute for a while, and was later expelled for engaging in underground activities.

Bubnov's early qualifications in the Bolshevik Party were no worse than Joseph's. This guy was the fourth and fifth representative-congress representative of the Russian Socialist Labor Party and the sixth (Prague) National Congress of the Russian Socialist Labor Party. At the Russian Representative Conference (1912), he was elected as an alternate member of the Central Committee of the Russian Social Min Zhu Labor Party.

He is also a representative of the Russian Social Min Zhu Labor Party (Bolsheviks) Seventh (April) Congress, and was elected as a member of the Russian Social Min Zhu Labor Party (Bolsheviks) Zhong Yang at the Party's Sixth Congress. ) was elected as an alternate member of Zhong Yang at the eighth and No.11 and Twelfth Congresses, and was elected as a member of Zhong Yang at the No.13-Seventeenth Congress.

He also served as a member of the Central Yang Executive Committee of the All-Russia and the Central Yang Executive Committee of the Soviet Union. In Wang Geng's previous life, Bubnov later became the leader of the party's propaganda, agitation and education work, and wrote more than 200 books. Of course, He ended up like most of them, being the last to be executed in the aftermath of the Great Purge in 1940.

Of course, this is here. In 1918, when the whole of Russia was suffering, Bubnov was still a 35-year-old member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. To Tsaritsyn and the sand from the Southern Front.

The two central yang members from Moscow refused to give in to each other and slapped the table. The commanders or political commissars of the group army such as Voroshilov and Chernavin could not get in the conversation. In the end, it was Sekin, the commander of the Southern Front Army. Stand up and be a peacemaker.

Sergin was not even an alternate member of the Central Committee of the Soviet Union at this time, but as a military expert from the Tsarist Russian army trusted by Trotsky, he and Bubnov were considered to be a bit of a fellow under Trotsky's sect.

At the same time, after Trotsky returned to Moscow, Joseph offered an olive branch to the commander of the Southern Front, and played a soft role in winning over him. Sergin's position in the Southern Front was a bit of a god beyond power struggles. mean.

"Comrade Joseph, Comrade Bubnov, both of you are members of the central government. Pay attention to the influence. Everything can still be discussed. Just slapping the table will not solve the problem, will it? Moscow is not saying that it is really willing to give up Sarato South of the husband and Tsaritsin, but the coalition forces are pressing hard every step of the way, and I guess Moscow has no choice but to make such a bad move!"

Although Sergin, the commander of the front army, had no status in the party and the central government, since Moscow and Trotsky elected him as the commander of the southern front army, Joseph and Bubnov would not accept the kindness of being a peacemaker.

Joseph took a few puffs of cigarettes, knocked the ash in the pipe into the ashtray, put another pipe on the side, struck a match and lit it, frowning tightly and not taking a breath.

Although Bubnov also patted the table with Joseph here, he lacked confidence and felt guilty. After all, whether it was the North Caucasus or Tsaritsyn, the entire Southern Front Army was now in Joseph's hands. Really Having upset the uncrowned king of the lower reaches of the Volga River, Bubnov still had to worry about whether he could continue to be the chairman of the Soviet in Tsaritsyn. Therefore, following Sergin's mediation, this guy also sat down and grabbed a water glass from the table, Gudong Gudong drank the water and no longer gnawed.

"However, how do you reply to Moscow? They said they gave an hour's deadline and asked us to reply before 8 o'clock, so there are only 15 minutes left!" The Chief of Staff of the Front Army Gidis licked his lips inappropriately but helplessly reminded road.

It’s okay if Gidis didn’t say it. If you say it this way, it means that Moscow issued an ultimatum to Tsaritsin and the Southern Front Army. Now not only Joseph is not happy, but Voroshilov and Cherna Wen, the two army commanders, also frowned, full of displeasure!

Chernavin, the commander of the Eighth Army, couldn't help but stare and said, "I said to the chief of staff, why are Moscow's telegrams all golden rules? If it really works, which central yang officer ordered the disbandment of the southern group and the group armies to break through the encirclement ? If you want to win the battle and solve the problem by sending a telegram, what do we need our group army and the fighter commanders below?"

Kreyev, the political commissar of the Tenth Army, pushed the military cap on his forehead, gritted his teeth, and said, "What time is it, and this bureaucracy is still being practiced? The opinions of the commanders of the group army and the front army are not unified, so how to answer?"

"Moscow knows how to command blindly. If the telegram can solve the problem, tell them to send a telegram directly to the Ufa coalition army. Anyway, is Moscow the leader? They decided it themselves, and there is no need to ask for our opinion. Just did not promise to give up Saratov and Tsaritsyn, and Moscow accepted it?"

What Voroshilov said touched the essence of the problem. In fact, Joseph, the senior generals of the Southern Front present here, and even Bubnov are the same. Everyone knows that the attitude of the Moscow telegram is to ask for a crime. , Why did Yegorov's army collapse when it said it would collapse?

The second is to suppress Tsaritsyn and the Southern Front Army, give up the decision to stick to the Volga River and defend the Saratov-Tsaritsin line, so that Moscow can logically agree to the unreasonable demands of the Ufa coalition forces, ceding the south of Saratov and the Saratov Rizin, to please the coalition forces or meet the demands of the coalition forces, in exchange for a peace and truce with the other side, keep the left bank of the Volga River north of Saratov, and keep Moscow from the huge threat of the enemy's advance to the east!

"If Moscow is not confident in negotiating with the other party, I suggest that in the name of the North Caucasus Military District and the Southern Front Army Revolutionary Military Committee, send a report to the Soviet Russian central yang in Moscow, requesting that the negotiations with the Ufa coalition forces be delegated to the North Caucasus Military District and the Southern Front. The front army, let us negotiate with the Ufa coalition forces ourselves, isn’t it just to stop the war to buy time, everyone will change their tricks, I don’t believe it, do we have to cede the south of Saratov and Tsaritsyn to stop the war and talk about peace?”

Joseph made such a shocking statement, which made everyone in the room foolish.

After a while, Voroshilov slapped his thigh and said, "That's right! Why can't we cede the upper reaches of the Volga River and the northern bank to the Ufa coalition forces instead of the lower Volga River?"

The military commissar Joseph and his subordinate general Voroshilov sang in unison, and the development and evolution of the situation slid towards an unknown future. The so-called one word awakened the dreamer, not to mention Comrade Joseph, who is the central committee member Is such a statement arrogant and conceited?

At least in July 1918, which was quite miserable for the Soviet regime and the Soviet Red Army, Comrade Joseph's heroic spirit was still quite encouraging. , Commander of the Eighth Army Cherna and political commissar Lyubimov spoke one after another. Although it was not as straightforward as Voroshilov said, it is clear that everyone's thinking has been opened:

The topic focuses on the serious situation now. It is not impossible to compromise and negotiate a peace in exchange for a temporary truce and peace, but why must Tsaritsin make sacrifices?Isn't it okay to use other lesser places as bargaining chips for the truce?

"Comrade Joseph, in my opinion, we can suggest to Moscow to cede the Arash Republic on the Kazakh steppe to the Ufa coalition forces, divert the attention of the other side, and let them and the Kazakhs go tossing around. Anyway, we are trying to buy time. The planes, cannons, machine guns, and anti-aircraft guns from Germany are in place. After our Soviet Red Army grows stronger, if they don't come over, we have to go back and regain the lost ground!"

Voroshilov waved his fist fiercely and said.

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