Beiyang 1917

Chapter 488 Brothers are of the same heart, and their profits break gold


Although Bukharin's method was a bad idea, it also tested the bottom line of Ulyanov's view of Joseph and Tsaritsin's forced palace incident, that is, try to resolve differences, and use the most severe means to counter Joseph's personal attack on Su. The challenge of Russia and China cannot be simply discussed and resolved based on the contradiction between the enemy and ourselves.

"Vladimir Ilyich is right. Comrade Joseph's mistakes are fundamentally different from the rebellion of the leftist Socialist Revolutionary Muraviyov. The people of Tsaritsyn and the commanders and fighters of the Southern Front were compared with Joseph's. Comrade’s personal mistakes should be distinguished, let alone use unconventional means to toss around, using the Cheka to take action against leaders at the level of the central committee member is absolutely not advisable!”

Trotsky also stared at Bukharin with a stern face, which frightened the guy a little. Obviously, the two big men in Soviet Russia completely disapproved of Bukharin's bad idea.

"However, if it drags on, there will be no end. The deadline given by the Ufa coalition forces is that we must reply before midnight today. If Moscow does not accept the cession of the territory south of Saratov, including Tsaritsin, In the lower reaches of the Volga River, the Ufa Allied Forces will be able to cross the river and advance westward tomorrow!" Kamenev brought the topic back to the urgent matter of the moment.

Ulyanov and Trotsky were taken aback when they heard the words, and then realized that the topic of the discussion just now had gone somewhere, and came back in a big circle. First, they faced the ultimatum of the Ufa coalition forces. War or peace?

If you really want to negotiate an armistice and buy time, you must meet the demands of the Ufa coalition forces and cede the land south of Saratov. Obviously, as long as Joseph is still in control of the situation in Tsaritsyn, the condition is that Moscow agrees, Tsaritsyn The Tianjin side couldn't agree, and the result was nothing.

It is impossible for Moscow Soviet Russian Central Yang to reply to the Ufa coalition army with a shy face: Well, we accepted the conditions you put forward, but the local leaders of Tsaritsyn did not accept it, and the southern front army did not accept it. So, how should Sarato Fu Yinan got it, you have to figure out a way by yourself?This is obviously a joke.

"As far as I can see, with the defeat of the Ufa Battle, the Eastern Front lost four-fifths of its troops, and the Southern Front lost one-third of its troops. Resist the offensive of the Ufa coalition forces"

Kamenev never forgot that he wanted to be the commander of the front army. In fact, this guy has done a lot of research on military issues. After the All-Russia Commander-in-Chief, he did become the Commander of the Eastern Front.

However, in that era of raging wars and ever-changing situations, the establishment of Soviet Russia's front army has been changing, and even the commanders of the front army have been changing. Some guys with short terms of office have only been in office for less than 2 months.

"The first half of Tsaritsin's telegram, I think the analysis is quite pertinent. Although the enemy has a huge advantage now, it is not invulnerable. After the supplement, the Soviet Russian Red Army still has the confidence to block the enemy's offensive, but the top priority is to do everything possible to stop the war first!" Sverdlov said while lighting a cigarette.

"The situation is obvious. No matter how high-pitched Tsaritsyn's tone is and how confident he is at the moment, it is definitely not the right choice to continue fighting with the Ufa coalition forces at the moment. I suggest that the Soviet Union and Russia should unify first. If you think about it, it is imperative to negotiate peace with the Ufa coalition forces, for this reason, it is acceptable to cede the south of Saratov and the Tsaritsyn area, is there any objection?"

Ulyanov obviously planned to cut the mess quickly, otherwise the meeting would not be able to end if it got involved, and the coalition forces might cross the river tomorrow!



Apparently, several central and yang committee members here have reached a consensus, that is, peace talks and armistice are the first priority, and Tsaritsin should not be led by the nose. Losing, but the responsibility was shifted by Joseph to the Soviet Russian central yang!

"Very good! That's the decision. This is a joint decision of the Central Committee of the Soviet Union and the Supreme Revolutionary Military Council. It negotiated with the Ufa coalition forces and agreed to cede the area south of Saratov-Kursk. In this In the north of the area, the two sides ceased fighting with the Volga River as the boundary! Just reply to the Ufa coalition forces in this way, and there is no need to wait for midnight! Everyone stays up late every day and everyone looks so thin! Sverdlov’s eyes can hardly be opened!"

With a big wave of Ulyanov's hand, the decision to negotiate peace with the Ufa coalition forces was firmly smashed.

"Comrade Trotsky, how about replying to the Ufa coalition forces like this?" Ulyanov turned around and finally asked the chairman of the Supreme Revolutionary Military Council for his opinion.

"I think it's okay, first agree to the other party's conditions, and there are many details left to continue to scrutinize. The two sides will send representatives to each other, where to formally start negotiations, etc., and finally draw up terms, sign a contract, and ceasefire. A lot of things will take time. There are still many ways, the most urgent thing is not to give the coalition forces a reason and an excuse to cross the river."

Trotsky nodded, agreeing with Ulyanov's decision, and of course several central committee members around him would not object, so Dzerzhinsky got up and went to the telecommunications room to call back the Ufa coalition forces.

The next discussion here is how to solve the Tsaritsyn problem. Several central and yang members talked about it for a long time, and finally felt that as long as Joseph can be brought from Tsaritsyn to Moscow, everything will be easy to handle, otherwise he just needs to He is still in the post of military commissioner of the North Caucasus Military Region and the Southern Front Army. In Tsaritsyn and the Southern Front Army, he is the one who covers the sky, and no one else can replace him.

The second problem facing the Russian central yang is how to persuade the local comrades in Tsaritsyn and the southern army to withdraw northward to the north of Saratov according to the unified arrangement of the Soviet Russian central yang. Although most of the main forces of the two armies of the Chinese Communist Party were from Tsaritsyn and the lower reaches of the Volga River, the middle and senior generals were all members of several troops that had withdrawn from Ukraine to Ukraine from the Caucasus.

After they lost their Ukrainian homeland, they followed Comrade Joseph to fight another world in Tsaritsyn, and now they have to abandon the Tsaritsyn base and retreat northward. Can the commanders and soldiers of the Southern Front at all levels understand their thinking? It is still a worrisome question, maybe, Joseph also took advantage of this, and took advantage of the local forces of the Southern Front Army and Tsaritsyn to challenge the central yang of Soviet Russia.

"I think it is feasible to establish the Volga Military District and the Volga Front Army. We negotiated a peace and truce with the Ufa coalition forces. It does not mean that we will lay down our weapons and let others slaughter us. We are just buying time to rebuild and supplement the Soviet Red Army in the east. main force."

What Trotsky said abruptly made the eyes of the central committee members brighten up. After all, he was the founder of the Soviet Russian Red Army. He never compromised easily in the struggle against the enemy, which made the atmosphere in the conference room much brighter.

"I agree with Comrade Trotsky that the establishment of the Volga Military District and the Volga Front requires the integration of the Eastern Front and the Southern Front into the new Front. In this way, the commander of the Southern Front in Tsaritsyn , their original demands were fulfilled.

This also reflects that Moscow attaches great importance to and recognizes their opinions. After the establishment of the Volga Military Region and the Front Army, the comrades of the Southern Front Army had no reason to cling to Tsaritsin.

At that time, we can station the main force of the Volga Front Army on the Syzran line on the Samara side, so that it will be convenient to use troops from the north and the south, and there will be railway support for troop mobilization and logistics transportation! "Sverdlov walked to the big map hanging on the wall and said while gesturing.

"Well said! Very good! Now, everyone is confident, we will set up the Volga River Military Region and the Volga River Front Army, but the south of Saratov-Kursk, including Tsaritsyn, can only reluctantly give up for the time being. Give it to the coalition, or I think the King of China of the Ufa coalition is not easy to deal with, and if it drags on, it may offer a higher price!"

The chairman of the Central Yang Committee of the Soviet Union was obviously in high spirits at the moment, and he suddenly realized that if Trotsky could support him without reservation like Sverdlov every time, damn, it would still be useful Worried about the coalition forces coming or Joseph challenging Zhong Yang, what is the Chinese saying?Brothers are of the same heart, and their benefits can cut through gold!

Ulyanov, Trotsky, and Sverdlov are almost the three highest-ranking members of the Central Committee of Soviet Russia. When they sang together, the atmosphere in the Kremlin's conference room suddenly relaxed. Quite a few, everyone talking and laughing is obviously in a much better mood than before.

"However, if the Volga Military District and the Volga Front Army are established, if Comrade Joseph does not serve as the military commissar, who will be assigned to take on this important task?" Kamenev never forgot to be the commander of the Front Army and go out alone. Speak up.

"Vatches is the commander of the Eastern Front, and Segin is the commander of the Southern Front. How about choosing one of them? Or one as the commander of the Front and the other as a military commissar?" Soviet Russian Central Committee Propaganda People's Commissar, The editor-in-chief of "Pravda" Bukharin was deeply moved, and he came up with a seemingly good idea.

Ulyanov and Trotsky raised their eyebrows when they heard the words, glanced at each other, then turned their eyes away, and fell silent for a while. Obviously, things were not that simple.

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