Beiyang 1917

Chapter 490 The fierce collision between left and right

Bukharin finished reading the warning or ultimatum in the latest telegram sent by the Ufa coalition forces tremblingly, and the entire Kremlin conference room exploded. Yev and Sverdlov were the most emotional. Only Trotsky and Dzerzhinsky remained silent, while Bukharin was panting heavily with trembling hands.

"Okay! Be quiet! It's good now, the Ufa coalition army can send a telegram to our Soviet Russian Central Committee committee. We don't know what to do. How can we lead the Soviet regime in Russia if this continues? How can we lead the entire Bolshevik party? The enemy no longer needs to fight, and we will collapse just by sending a few telegrams a day!"

Ulyanov stopped, waved his arms and stretched out his right index finger to draw circles in the air, while roaring loudly in a series of Russian.

"Vladimir Ilyich, this is the Ufa coalition army and the king of China who are buying people's hearts and propaganda. We must not be fooled by them. If we follow the baton of the other party, the following things will get out of hand , I suggest that Comrade Dzerzhinsky’s Cheka should act as soon as possible to declare the commanders and commissars who laid down their weapons and surrendered to the enemy on the right bank of the Volga as traitors and enemies of the Soviet!”

Bukharin was in charge of the propaganda and public opinion in the central yang of Soviet Russia, and took over the position of editor-in-chief of Comrade Ulyanov's "Pravda". This guy was more radical than anyone else when he shouted leftist slogans. Of course, in 1918 In the year of [-], when all factions in Russia were fighting to the death, any weakness and appeasement towards the enemy would become a noose around one's own neck.

"The previous trial, exile, and shooting of the family members of Akh and Lezhevsky are already debatable. The principles of army building of the Soviet Russian Red Army are not fundamentally different from those of major countries in the world. Regarding the issue of prisoners of war, I Once again, I suggest that Central Yang of the Soviet Union should consider carefully. If we deal with the families of prisoners of war and expand the suppression of counter-insurgency, we will send the heroic and unyielding soldiers of the Red Army after being captured, including commanders and ordinary soldiers, to the hostile forces. !"

Trotsky, chairman of the Supreme Revolutionary Military Council, said with a sullen face. Last time, on the issue of how to treat the families of the captured Soviet Red Army senior generals, Trotsky told other central committee members headed by Ulyanov They fought against their extreme approach to a certain extent, but finally compromised, and this time he did not intend to give up easily.

When Kamenev and Zinoviev saw what Trotsky had said, their impassioned emotions calmed down immediately. For the two of them, it was not that they opposed Trotsky's moderate views, but It is unacceptable that the Ufa coalition forces, as an enemy and a third-party force, actually dictate the internal affairs of Soviet Russia.

This is similar to Bukharin and Sverdlov's iron blood and cruelty to declare the captured persons as traitors, and to arrest, interrogate, shoot and exile the family members of the captured persons, as a deterrent to the Soviet Red Army soldiers, and strictly ordered that they would rather die in battle than surrender The means of red-se-terror are fundamentally different.

In fact, in Wang Geng’s previous life, in World War II, the Austrian corporal, like the Georgian blacksmith, could not tolerate his team laying down their weapons and surrendering when they were in trouble. They would rather all die in battle and give almost the same orders. Don't take a step back!

For Wang Geng, he upholds the attitude of the main countries of the Allied Powers, such as Britain, the United States and France, towards the captives of their own soldiers. When they run out of ammunition and food and cannot continue fighting, they can put down their weapons and enter the other party’s prisoner camp, waiting for their own side to negotiate or exchange prisoners. , but it is absolutely not allowed to turn the guns, and the captured personnel are not allowed to betray the secrets of their own troops. Except for your arms, rank and name, nothing else is allowed to be revealed.

At the same time, Wang Geng’s request to the coalition forces was that when commanders at all levels had to surrender, they could order their troops to surrender after notifying their superiors or headquarters, but lower-level commanders and soldiers could You can choose to accept the order or not. For the coalition forces, every soldier has the freedom to choose to fight to the end!

The honor of the soldiers of the Chinese army that participated in the war has gradually become a huge spiritual pillar for the soldiers of the squadron. Under such circumstances, the commanders at all levels of the squadron or ordinary soldiers have the sacred choice to fight to the last moment that power.

"Lev Davidovich, I have to remind you that any unnecessary tolerance to the enemy will seriously damage or even ruin our great cause, and the Soviet must use blood and fire to defend it!

We must not tolerate the Soviet Red Army and the Tsarist Russian army or the armies of other countries in the world, casually laying down their weapons and surrendering. For the sake of the Soviet Union, every Red Army soldier should fight to the last moment of his life instead of laying down his arms and surrendering! "

The words of the chairman of the Supreme Revolutionary Military Council obviously did not impress Bukharin, and this guy was the first to shout, waving his hands and spitting flying all over the place.

Both Sverdlov and Dzerzhinsky remained silent in the meeting room, but the expressions on their faces showed that they would never accept Trotsky's point of view easily. - Terror is a strong guarantee to deter the enemy and the weak and vacillating elements within the team. Abandoning these tough and somewhat cruel and indiscriminate methods will greatly weaken the Soviet's combat effectiveness and tenacity!

"Okay! This issue was quarreled last time because of the handling of Eich and Lezhevsky after they were captured. It doesn't make much sense to argue now. The Soviet Red Army must maintain the purity and integrity of the Bolsheviks. Advanced, every commander and every soldier should fight to the last breath! Life is endless, fighting is endless! Any act of laying down weapons and surrendering to the enemy is a betrayal!"

Ulyanov also grimaced, waving his hands to emphasize that the Red Army does not accept the concept of Red Army prisoners of war. All those who lay down their arms are traitors. The liquidation of them and their families is a necessary means to purify the Soviet team. fight!

Apparently, Trotsky didn't know what to say because of the tough statement made by the chairman of the Central Committee of Soviet Russia. While Trotsky shut his mouth and paced back and forth sullenly, the two of them didn't know how to speak for a while, especially when Comrade Ulyanov's words were very heavy.

"Then what should we do now? Just ignore the telegram from the Ufa coalition forces? Declare that all the prisoners captured in the Ufa battle are traitors to the Soviet, and continue to arrest their families for trial, execution and exile?" After being silent for a while, Minev asked slowly.

"Just do it like this. The Soviet Red Army doesn't need cowards and vacillating traitors. These people will lay down their arms in the face of the enemy this time, and they will lay down their arms the next time the situation is unfavorable. How can a person with such a weak will become a brave and fearless Soviet Russian? Red Army soldiers, how can they defend the Soviets!" Bukharin shouted with righteous indignation.

"Nikolai Ivanovich, it won't work. It really won't work. Facts have proved that there is no equal sign between whether we were captured alive by the enemy or whether we betrayed our cause. If we are dealing with Soviet Russia The policy of the Red Army's captured personnel is still so extreme and unreasonable, it will only help our enemy and push more of our own people to the enemy's side, so we will fall into the trap of the Ufa coalition forces!"

It was Zinoviev who spoke. In Soviet Russia, Zinoviev could be regarded as an expert on Asian issues, and he had in-depth research on China and Japan.

Grigory Yevseyevich Zinoviev was born in Ukraine on September 1883, 9, a Jew.This guy has never received systematic school education since he was a child. He began to join the labor movement in South Russia in the late 11s, and joined the Russian Socialist Labor Party in 19. He went abroad in 90 and engaged in the international labor movement in Berlin, Paris and Berne. In July 1901, at the Second Congress of the Russian Socialist Minzhu Labor Party, he stood on the side of the Bolsheviks.

Zinoviev returned to Russia in 1905 and was engaged in revolutionary propaganda work in Petersburg. During the Russian Revolution in 1905, this guy went to Kronstadt to organize the sailor uprising, which was the first time he made a huge contribution to the party. contribute. In 1906, he served as a member of the Petersburg Party Committee. In 1907, he attended the Fifth Congress of the Bolshevik Party held in London and was elected as a member of the Central Committee.

After the failure of the Russian Revolution from 1905 to 1907, he turned to underground work and participated in the editorial work of the central government's "Socialist Ministar". In 1908, he was arrested by the Tsarist police.In the summer of the same year, he went abroad again to participate in the editorial work of the Bolshevik newspaper "Proletary" led by Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov.

Shortly after the start of the European War, this guy went to Switzerland to participate in the work of the "Socialist Party", co-authored the book "War and Doctrine" with Ulyanov, and became the Uri Assistant and close comrade-in-arms of Comrade Yanov.

Zinoviev returned to China in April 1917 and worked in the Petrograd Soviet as the deputy editor-in-chief of the party central and yang organ newspaper "Pravda". In October, he was elected as a member of the zhongyang-politburo.

During the preparations for the October Revolution, this fellow opposed the armed uprising, and together with Kamenev issued a statement in the non-party newspaper "New Life", announcing that he would withdraw from the Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party because of his opposition to the plan for an armed uprising. The government notified the enemy of the uprising plan, and was severely criticized by Ulyanov and the Party Central Committee for this. Kamenev and Zinoviev also fell from the third or fourth ranking positions in the party. Lose.

And this non-party newspaper "New Life" is a newspaper founded and edited by the famous Alexei Maximovich Peshkov, a classmate Maxim Gorky.

Although Ulyanov later forgave these two bookish former close comrades-in-arms and assistants on the surface, the inner gap still lingered, and later reused Sverdlov, Joseph, and Dzerzhinsky. Perhaps it is because new followers are needed to fill the vacancy that Kamenev and Zinoviev have drifted away from before.

This Zinoviev is also a guy who believes in the truth and is not afraid of the superior, and has his own opinions. After the October Revolution, he was once again accepted by Ulyanov for advocating the establishment of a joint government with the participation of Mensheviks and Socialist Revolutionaries. He was criticized by the husband and the Zhongyang Committee, but because of this, he was elected as the chairman of the Petrograd Soviet in December last year.

Because last year, the Soviets in various places were still an organization jointly elected by multiple parties and factions, and they were far from the level where the Bolsheviks dominated!

Although Zinoviev did not go to any serious university, he is self-taught and has a strong ability to combine theory and practice. Otherwise, he would not have the ability to co-author the book "War and Doctrine" with Ulyanov. ", let alone become the deputy editor-in-chief of "Pravda".

You must know that before the October Revolution, Ulyanov was the editor-in-chief of Pravda, the central organ of the Bolshevik Party at that time, and most of the actual work was done by Zinoviev, who was the deputy editor-in-chief. Comrade Bukharin, this guy took over the post of editor-in-chief of Pravda from Ulyanov after the October Revolution.

As a leftist theorist in the Bolshevik Party and the Central Committee, Bukharin, who had studied law in Moscow, was of course unwilling to take Zinoviev, a rightist deputy editor who had not received a formal higher education, in his eyes. Viyev's rank and influence in the party were much stronger than Bukharin's at that time.

Now Zinoviev is standing up to question Bukharin, but in fact he is pointing the finger at Ulyanov's policy on the issue of prisoners of war. This requires great courage and eloquence. It is quite difficult to make the small leftist leader compromise easily. , However, Zinoviev felt that on the issue of prisoners of war, it is necessary to fight with reason, otherwise, it will be too late for everyone to regret in the future!

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