Beiyang 1917

Chapter 501 Consultation in the Secret Room


Kolchak was silent when he heard the words. Obviously, this guy can't agree that the coalition forces who have just won a big battle think that they can't continue to fight with Moscow. However, the strategic goal of the Allies' dispatch of coalition forces to intervene in the Russian situation west of the Ural Mountains is not there. Moscow, he was vaguely aware of this.

When Wang Geng saw this, he made a face to Utsunomiya Taro, the deputy chief of staff of the coalition army had been with his own commander-in-chief for so long, so he naturally understood what Wang Geng meant, so he said with a smile, "Your Excellency Kolchak, Your Excellency Commander-in-Chief, you two talk slowly, I have something to discuss with Your Excellency Pepelyaev, so we will leave first!"

Speaking of Utsunomiya Taro stood up, Pepelyaev stood up in a hurry, and looked at Kolchak, his boss, inquiringly. Kolchak waved his hand silently, indicating no What happened to him, this guy followed Utsunomiya Taro and left the small meeting room.

When Peperyaevyev got out of the door, he grabbed Utsunomiya Taro and said,

"Your Excellency Taro, please be sure to speak well for the Russian troops in Ufa in front of the King of China. To be honest, if the two armies of Ufa are sent to fight in Kazan again at this moment, I am really afraid that the troops will mutiny on the way. By the way, you also know that most of the Russian troops on the Ufa side are Bashkirs, but on the Kazan side there are mostly Tatars, and they don’t urinate in a pot at all.”

Taro Utsunomiya patted the Prime Minister's fat hand with a smile, and said confidently, "Don't worry, I can't figure out what the Commander-in-Chief is thinking? He won't send you back to Kolchak so easily. Everything is on me, so what, I heard that some Tatar dancers have come to your house? Let's go to your place to have a drink and relax. Tonight, your supreme consul and our commander-in-chief will be there Bargaining!"

Saying that, Utsunomiya Taro laughed and walked out holding Pepelyaev's hand.

In the small conference room, Wang Geng got up and poured a glass of champagne for Kolchak himself, and said with a smile, "Vodka is good, but it's strong and easy to drink, Alexander Vasilyevich, come, drink a glass of champagne to moisten Throat, after all these years of the European War, French champagne is not easy to deal with, and I airlifted this from China! If your Excellency thinks it is good, you can bring a box back to Kazan later!"

Hearing the words, Kolchak stretched out his hand to take the champagne from Wang Geng, only to find that the wooden barrel with the champagne on the low table next to him was filled with crushed ice, which hadn’t melted after being in for so long, no wonder the champagne was clear and refreshing It really moisturizes the throat.

"It's rare, don't you have an ice cellar here to store ice cubes for winter?" Kolchak asked in surprise while sipping the cold and refreshing champagne.

"I can't take the ice cellar with me. This is a batch of household refrigerators they brought to me from the United States. Seeing that summer is coming, I asked them to transport one to the front line. Speaking of which, Ufa is still alone. The only freezer in this family is the latest product of the American kelvinator company, which is said to be sold on the market for the first time, and it is very convenient to use to make ice!" Wang Geng explained with a smile, and poured it for himself I drank a glass of champagne and sat down to drink a few sips.

Kolchak took a few more sips of cool champagne, and almost blurted out "haha" when he smacked his mouth, but this guy had something on his mind, so he quickly changed the topic from the refrigerator and champagne back to the conversation with the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces. Discuss the issue.

"Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief, to tell you the truth, my All-Russian Provisional Government and those who followed us all the way from Petersburg are people of insight against Bolshevism and Russian elites. In your telegram this afternoon, you said you would Negotiating with Moscow, the two sides demarcated the truce, which caused an uproar in Kazan, and my subordinates were filled with righteous indignation, including those who followed us, and everyone felt betrayed by the Allied Powers and the Allied Forces!"

At the moment, only Kolchak and Wang Geng were chatting in secret in the conference room. Kolchak did not hide it, and spoke out the pressure and grievance he was facing. He looked at Wang Geng's eyes. Full of worry and sadness.

Wang Geng sighed softly, "Please call me gun or Wang Geng, Alexander Vasilyevich, of course I know that you are under tremendous pressure, but the pressure on my shoulders is no less than yours. The land of Russia is It is so vast, and the Bolshevik slogan of class struggle is so easy to incite the dissatisfaction of the people at the bottom against the previous tsar or temporary government.

The European war that lasted for several years and the current civil war have added great suffering and disasters to the people of Russia. Besides, this famine has deeply hit the society and economy of this country. Now we can live in the Ural Mountains It is already quite difficult to stabilize the situation on the right bank of the Volga in the west.”

"And, as you know, for the Allied Powers, the German-Austrian Allies are the biggest threat to the free world. The reason why the Allied Powers organized coalition forces to intervene in the situation in Russia is to save the Russian people and our friends under the iron heel of the Bolsheviks. What is more important is to restrain the rapid momentum of Germany and Austria, and drag the opponent's hands and feet from the Eastern Front."

"If not, after receiving the resources and support from new pro-German countries and regions such as Finland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, etc., we will go all out to the German-Austrian alliance on the western front The strength of the ** team has been greatly enhanced, and it is very difficult for the Allies to maintain the front line, let alone defeat the Allies!"

Wang Geng patiently explained the current situation to the supreme consul of the interim government of Russia in front of him. Of course, as Kolchak, he knew all this well, but as the saying goes, the ass determines the head, and he Since he is the supreme leader elected by free Russia, he naturally considers Russia first, and for the All-Russia Provisional Government, the biggest enemy is the red Soviet Russian regime, not the German-Austrian Allies!

"Dear Gun, I deeply understand the position of the Allied Powers, but don't forget that free Russia is also a member of the Allied Powers. If my All-Russian Provisional Government cannot quickly and effectively save the country in dire straits from the hands of the Bolsheviks , me and my zheng fu will lose the support of the people.

And once the Soviet Russian regime has recovered from the defeat of the Ufa Battle, it will cost more to deal with them in the future, which is meaningless and unnecessary!So I am not ignoring the demands of the Allied Powers to re-open the Eastern Front of the European War, but I believe that the elimination of the Bolsheviks and the Soviet Russian regime will save the disasters faced by the Russian people and enable the new Russia to play a better role in the Allied Powers! "

Kolchak is obviously also a strong-willed guy. Although he agrees that the focus of the Allied Powers on the Eastern Front is to open up the Eastern Front as soon as possible and hold the tail of the bull of Germany and Austria, but in his opinion, if Russia can be reunified and If it is involved in the war on the Eastern Front, the contribution it can make in the Allies will be much greater than it is now. Because of the civil war, Russia is completely unable to help the Allies, but has become a huge burden and burden.

"Alexander Vasilyevich, do you still have the two interim decrees that you promised me to issue?" Wang Geng changed the subject, looking straight into Kolchak's eyes.

"Decrees? Are you referring to the "[-] Rent Reduction Regulations" and the "All-Russia Temporary Zheng Fu Land Management Measures"? Although these two decrees have been promulgated, it is very difficult to implement them!

You also know that the civil war tore the country apart, and the "Land Decree" created by the Bolsheviks almost destroyed the rural economy. The landlords and rich peasants who did not escape were basically wiped out. This is the right bank of the Volga River. Although it is our control area, but Because of food shortages and wars, the common people have been displaced everywhere, and I don’t know when these two decrees will be implemented.”

Kolchak smiled wryly. What he didn't say was that once the nobles, landlords, bourgeoisie, and rich peasants who followed the all-Russian provisional government could regain the land, estates, and property confiscated by the Soviets, it might not be possible at that time. It can sell the account of the two decrees of the interim zheng fu, but at the moment everything is still in the hands of the soviet, so this guy is not in a hurry to uncover this contradiction.

"Alexander Vasilyevich, thousands of years of traditions and customs, of course there will be great resistance to breaking them all at once, but what I want to tell you is that if we can't solve the land annexation problem better, if We can't let the working people live a better life, and in this era when doctrine has been released from Pandora's box, it is impossible to completely eliminate the Bolsheviks as you expect."

Wang Geng’s tone was a little heavy. In fact, even with the “[-] Rent Reduction Regulations” and the “Temporary Land Management Measures”, they were only temporary measures to ease class conflicts. In this era, workers and peasants especially Peasants are always oppressed at the bottom of the society, eating grass and squeezing milk, which is a true portrayal of the working people.

To completely change the world, Wang Geng has no such extravagant hope. He only hopes to do his best to bring a little change to this era and give people a little more hope. Everything else can only be left to history to judge.

"No no, my dear Gun, you underestimate yourself too much. Others may not be able to do it, but you and your coalition forces will definitely be able to do it. I can see that you have a lot of hills and valleys in your heart, and your ambition is not like mine. People can speculate arbitrarily, but in fact, as long as you and your allied forces are willing to support me, I am confident that I can save Russia from the Bolsheviks' iron heels!"

While putting a tall hat on Wang Geng, Kolchak patted his chest again, this guy even cited an allusion,

"Dear gun, don't you have an allusion in China? What is it called? By the way, it's called Yi Jiang Remnant Bravery Chasing the Poor Bandits. You can't be famous for being an overlord. You and your allied forces are much more powerful than the overlord of Chu. Trotsky is just a Scholars are just trying to drive ducks to the shelves, and you almost wiped out their main generals in the Battle of Ufa, as long as we cross the Volga River, no one can stop us!"

Kolchak looked expectantly at the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces in front of him, the de facto uncrowned king of China and Asia. There are not many countries and forces that can challenge the Sino-Japanese alliance.

In Alexander Vasilyevich Kolchak's view, in 1918, there was probably no one in the world who had the confidence to challenge the King of China and his allied forces!

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