Beiyang 1917

Chapter 527 Sverdlov's Plan


"I said, members of the Central Committee, can you use your brains? Kamenev is right. The problem is not with Joseph, nor with the Iron Infantry Division at Moscow University. In the final analysis, the problem is with Tsaritsyn and the South On the front army!

Originally, I was thinking that the resolution of the Zhong Yang Committee on Comrade Joseph would be formally communicated early tomorrow morning. Now that this has been done, I should call back Tsaritsin and pass on the resolution of Zhong Yang!Lest Ye Changmeng mess up with many things! "

Speaking of which, Ulyanov glanced at Sverdlov. The way things are now is directly related to Sverdlov's mobilization of three divisions to surround Moscow University and the Tsaritsyn infantry division. Of course, the chairman of the yang committee could see Sverdlov's small calculations, whether it was to be prepared for a rainy day, or to give Tsaritsin a big blow. .

Anyway, Sverdlov has made things very passive now, and even the Central Committee of Soviet Russia and himself are a little bit on the fence. The opponent was dumbfounded at this moment, and the first move was changed to the second move, and everyone was on the verge of riding a tiger.

"Vladimir Ilyich, let's pass it on? We had planned to wait until tonight's central committee meeting ended, and we would discuss the personnel arrangements for the Volga Military Region and the Front Army. Now the central committee meeting has not yet come. At the end of the meeting, many of the issues that the zhong yang committee members wanted to report have not yet been discussed!

It seems a bit too hasty to convey the resolution of Comrade Joseph's dismissal to Tsaritsin tonight!I'm afraid that the comrades below will make a big mess by thinking wildly! "Trotsky frowned.

"Lev Davidovich, you're right, but is it still a small case? If you don't convey it decisively, the Tsaritsin Iron and Steel Infantry Division will really open fire. You say we should destroy them or let them go." How about letting them rush into the Kremlin? Isn’t he the candidate for the leadership of the Volga Military Region and the Front Army? Then let’s hold a small meeting here to make a decision!”

Ulyanov pulled a chair casually and sat down in the middle of the small conference room, angrily addressing everyone.

"Now?" Everyone was taken aback for a moment, they didn't expect Comrade Chairman to hold an office meeting right now.

"Even now, the chairman and deputy chairman of the Supreme Military Council are here, and the commanders and military commissioners of the Volga Military Region and the Front Army are also here. Chairman Cheka is a circumstantial witness, and all four of you are members of the Military Council.

Now, I, the chairman of the Central Yang Committee of the Soviet Union, will preside over the meeting of the Supreme Military Committee for you. It is perfect. Okay, everyone, tell me how to arrange the personnel of the Volga River Military Region and the Front Army. Members of the Military Committee, please don’t dawdle , hurry up, hurry up! Ulyanov stretched out his hand and took out a small notebook and pen from his pocket, preparing to take notes.

Several central yang committee members looked at each other, only to realize that Ulyanov really planned to finalize the discussion on the personnel issue, and send it along with the central yang resolution on the dismissal of Joseph. Speaking of which, the only way to divide and disintegrate Chali Only the people on the Tianjin side can consolidate the unity of the Soviet-Russian Red Army, the unity of the local and central yang, and avoid splits.

In addition, either use the strongest attitude to resort to force, otherwise there is no other better way in the case of General Tsaritsin!

"Vladimir Ilyich, I don't think it's necessary to be so hasty. If we ask Joseph to send a telegram to Tsaritsyn, and pass on Zhong Yang's resolution by the way, then ask Joseph to call the division at Moscow University , I think the matter can be resolved." Cheka Chairman Dzerzhinsky finally couldn't help but persuaded.

Trotsky frowned when he heard the words, and Sverdlov and Kamenev couldn't help but snorted. This guy Dzerzhinsky said he was talking about the All-Russia Anti-revolutionary Campaign. The chairman of the committee is dead, why can’t he understand it? Joseph is showing his strength with the support of Tsaritsin and that infantry division. As for Lijin, then wouldn't it fall into Joseph's arms?

"Use your brain, Felix Edmondovich, no individual can override the organization and the collective, can't the Soviet Russian Central Committee function without Joseph?

Now is the era of the collective leadership of the Bolshevik Party and the Soviets being the masters of the country. It is not an era where a central yang committee member can have the final say. This is the case. Comrade Joseph accepted the resolution of the central yang committee. Time to accept the review of the organization department, Zhong Yang has no other tasks for him! "

Ulyanov reprimanded Dzerzhinsky angrily. The thin Cheka chairman shook slightly, and finally lowered his head, shut his mouth and stopped insisting on his ideas.

"Let's talk about it. The personnel issue is also an organizational issue. If you want to talk about Yakov Mikhailovich, you first say that you are the chairman of the Military Committee of the Volga Military District and the commander of the front army, and you are in charge of organizational personnel work. The central committee member and secretary of the secretariat, you speak first!" Ulyanov shook the pen in his hand and clicked directly.

Trotsky and Kamenev looked at each other, with a wry smile on their lips. Of course, Ulyanov asked Sverdlov to say that he didn't have any troops, but it was uncomfortable for these two guys to watch , including the issue that Sverdlov mobilized the three garrison divisions on his own through martial law and curfew. In peacetime, if Trotsky really wanted to care about it, it was really not so easy to let Sverdlov pass.

Fortunately, Sverdlov was well prepared for this question. He had some exchanges with Kamenev last night. They each pulled up a chair and sat down. Sverdlov took out a small bag from his pocket. Books, flipped through a few pages, found my own notes, cleared my throat, and said confidently,

"The personnel in the military region basically overlaps with that of the Front Army, so let me first talk about the arrangements of the Front Army:

The Volga Front Army will first govern the three armies of the Third Army, the Eighth Army, and the Tenth Army. Considering balance and supplementary issues, I plan to give priority to rebuilding the First Army, and divide Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod. organize the Bolshevik cadres from the above-mentioned three front armies, and restore the First Army to it! "

"Wait, Yakov Mikhailovich, in the Battle of Ufa, the Southern Group of the Eastern Front Army, the first, second, fourth and fifth main forces of the five armies were basically destroyed, but only the fifth The Army Group still left two infantry divisions on the north bank of the Volga River. Even if it wants to restore and rebuild, it should give priority to restoring the Fifth Army? Tukhachevsky’s First Army was wiped out!"

Trotsky, the chairman of the Supreme Military Council of Soviet Russia, couldn't help standing up and objecting. In his opinion, since Slavin's Fifth Army still has two divisions on the left bank of the Volga River, the Fifth Army is not counted. With the entire army annihilated, there is no reason to cancel the establishment, but Sverdlov wants to rebuild the first army whose main force was annihilated, so strange!

"Well, Lev Davidovich is right. Why don't you replenish the Fifth Army with two remaining divisions, but completely rebuild the First Army? How do you plan to cancel the two divisions of the Fifth Army? Join other armies?" Ulyanov looked at Sverdlov sharply.

Tonight, Sverdlov alone mobilized three garrison divisions to take military action in the core area of ​​Moscow, which aroused Ulyanov's vigilance. Although, as the vice chairman of the Supreme Military Council of Soviet Russia, Sverdlov have this authority.

But not only Trotsky, but himself and Kamenev didn't know about it beforehand, and the strength of the three divisions was not trivial, almost half of all the troops that Moscow could mobilize. superior.

It is true that Sverdlov is a close comrade-in-arms of Ulyanov. However, he was originally a partner used by the chairman of the Central Committee of the Soviet Union to balance Trotsky's reputation and power. If the second ambitious Joseph is cultivated, the threat to the Soviet Russian Central Committee and Ulyanov himself will be far greater than the previous Joseph. This cannot but secretly alert Comrade Chairman Jing.

Sverdlov was not surprised when he heard this. He had already prepared a draft for this question, so he answered with a smile,

"The First Army is a glorious team, which originated in Simbirsk, and more importantly, Comrade Tukhachevsky, the commander of the First Army, has broken through the encirclement of the Ufa coalition forces. I believe he will We will soon find our way back to the left bank of the Volga River, and once we formally reach an agreement with the Volga Federal Autonomous Government of the Ufa coalition forces, we may even ask the coalition forces to help find Tukhachevsky and escort him back!"

"So I think rebuilding the First Army is the best choice. When Tukhachevsky comes back, he can continue to lead this army and give full play to his outstanding talents! As for the Fifth Army, Commander Slavin, Chief of Staff E He and political commissar Blumberg have both been captured by the coalition forces, and the facts have proved that they are not up to the job requirements as the leaders of the group army. Therefore, there is no need to rebuild the fifth group army, and the two divisions can be assigned to the First Army go!"

Sverdlov's words were obviously not unreasonable. Trotsky opened his mouth instinctively to object, but suddenly found that there was no way to refute it, and the scene suddenly cooled down.

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