Beiyang 1917

Chapter 536 Into History

Around the world on July 1918, 7

The "Samara Peace Treaty" signed by the autonomous government of the Volga Federation and the government of the Soviet Union and Russia stirred up a thousand waves, and occupied the headlines of the major media in the world. A cautious and neutral attitude, while the comments and questions from the media of the Allied Powers, especially Britain and France, are much more intense.

"In Russia, the Sino-Japanese alliance covers the sky with one hand. Is this a victory for the Allies or a shame? Britain and France have lost their decision-making power over the situation in Russia? Prime Minister George and his free party must give the British people an explanation!" This is the front page of "The Times" Headlines!

The French "Le Figaro" commented: "Is this the victory of the Allied Forces, or the victory of the Sino-Japanese Allied Forces? Was Kolchak's All-Russian Provisional Government abandoned by the Allies? What is the level of the world?" Does Georges Clemenceau still deserve to be called the radical French Prime Minister!"

The media in the United States is much more moderate. In the eyes of Americans, the Sino-Japanese alliance is already the best partner of the United States in Asia. , it is the best friend and partner of the American government and people. In fact, President Wilson and his government are happy to see any results that weaken the sphere of influence of Russia, Britain and France.

The headline on the front page of the "New York Times" read: "The victory of the Allied Forces in the Battle of Ufa on the Eastern Front forced the Soviet regime to sit down and face up to the suffering and future of the Russian people. first step!"

The Chinese media is relatively introverted and low-key. Famous media such as "Ta Kung Pao", "Shen Bao" and "Times" not only praised the Allied forces led by Wang Geng for another great victory, but the Uganda on the Volga River in the summer of 1918 The French battle is enough to be recorded in the annals of history, and there is no comment on the establishment of the Volga Federation. After all, everyone knows that this is the same as the West Siberia Federal Autonomous Government east of the Ural Mountains before, and it is a puppet manipulated by the Sino-Japanese Alliance. regime.

The Japanese media fell into a frenzy. In their view, the victory of the Allied Forces in the Battle of Ufa was inseparable from the selfless fighting and sacrifice of the Imperial Army, and the establishment of the Volga Federal Autonomous Government was equivalent to After the Sino-Japanese Alliance seized the Great Plains of West Siberia before, it successfully extended its hand into the Volga River Basin west of the Ural Mountains, and the empire's overseas sphere of influence almost doubled again!

In addition to Wang Geng, the commander-in-chief of the Allied Forces, who is the most praised Asian idol leader, Japan's "Yomiuri Shimbun", "Asahi Shimbun" and other major newspapers are talking about how the Japanese army general Utsunomiya Taro The feat of leading all the soldiers of the three Japanese divisions to fight bravely, and the hard work of young generals such as Hata Junliu, Ishihara Wanji, Ita-Gaki Seishiro, and other young generals has also become the focus of boasting.

The great success of the Allied Forces in opening up territory on the land of Russia set off a frenzy of young people enlisting in the army in Japan. After the establishment of the Sino-Japanese Alliance, rice from southern China and oil from the north continued to flow Exporting to Japan made the Japanese "rice" movement that had appeared in Wang Geng's previous life invisible, and at the same time, the shield of penicillin helped the Japanese people and people all over the world to resist the attack of the devil, the Spanish flu.

Therefore, in July 1918, the whole country of Japan immersed in and enjoyed the thriving prosperity brought to the Japanese society after the Sino-Japanese Alliance. Countless Japanese businessmen discovered for the first time that there is a huge potential in investing and building factories in China. Market and business opportunities, and Japan's domestic light industrial products, steel, coal and other machinery and equipment are also continuously exported to China, which has gained huge profits.

The housewives in Japan used the high-quality and low-priced kerosene imported from China, and the influx of rice from southern China in the grain stores made the food prices in Japan rise slightly due to the war, but they were still at the average level in Japan. Within the range that the family can afford, and because the factories in Japan have received a large number of orders from China, including huge orders for the military logistics of the Ufa coalition forces, the factory owners in Japan have made a lot of money.

Moreover, the Japanese government and the big capitalists have seen the huge threat of the class struggle in Russia and the Bolshevik movement, and at the same time, under the influence of the Chinese government's policy, the working environment of Japanese workers has been improved to a certain extent. The income has also been increased to a certain extent, which makes the social class contradictions in Japan, like the huge China, controllable and gradually developing for the better.

Japan's temple cabinet has gained the highest prestige and support since taking office, and the Japanese army is also proud of the navy. It is said that in the military budget for the second half of the year, the Japanese army will receive 50% of the Japanese military budget for the second half of the year % share instead of the previous 25%.

Of course, the Japanese navy is still the pride of the empire. After all, the Japanese navy is still the number one existence in Asia, and no matter how the Japanese army catches up, it seems that in a year and a half, the waking ones gathered around the king of China Under the operation, it already has the strongest army in Asia. In the Ufa battle, no matter whether it was the Russian army or the Japanese army that won the battle, it was the strategic planning, integration, dispatching and support troops of the Ufa coalition headquarters that played a role in the end. capabilities, as well as the brilliant new Chinese weapons.

Whether it is a Chinese-made 60mm platoon mortar or an 81mm battalion mortar, or the fr-18 "Excellent" fighter-bomber flying in the sky, and the ft-17ii wheeled armored combat vehicle running on the ground, including Among the infantry weapons, the abnormal Browning air-cooled 12.7mm heavy machine gun, 7.62mm Browning air-cooled heavy machine gun, 7.62mm Browning squad machine gun, and M1 Garand semi-automatic rifle are all It is a necessary guarantee for the coalition forces to win an overwhelming victory in the Ufa Battle.

As far as China's domestic situation is concerned, as a sleeping dragon, after sleeping for a long time, there is still a long way to go after waking up. , including the recovery of the Far East and the east of Lake Baikal, the establishment of the Northern Federal Autonomous Region, the recovery of the Middle East Road, the South Manchuria Railway, Qingdao, Kanto Prefecture, Hong Kong and Macau, and the surrender of Japan under its feet, and the conclusion of the Sino-Japanese Alliance.

It also made the China-Ri Alliance a representative of Asian power and the fourth emerging force outside of Britain, France, Germany and Austria, and the United States. In addition, the China-Ri Alliance actually controlled the two lands and resources of West Siberia and the Volga Federation after that. Everything made Duan Qirui and his Zheng Fu's reputation and honor in China climb to the peak moment.

The northern part of China has been completely included in the sphere of influence of the reunited New Beiyang, and although the southern provinces are still in a semi-autonomous state, it all depends on when fu decides to spread the call to the south. There must be local warlords blocking the car, but they themselves don't see any chance of winning.

Therefore, the southern forces put their last chance in the ongoing election of the House of Representatives. The faltering domestic political situation in China will compete for the last time in the parliamentary election at the end of July and the beginning of August and the determination of the constitutional amendment draft. The parliament min zhu and the republic destroyed by Sun Dapao's tragic second revolution will have a chance to be reborn in August 7.

Of course, there is no distinction between the direct lineage of Feng and Anhui in Beiyang. The northern provinces have all been included in Wang Geng’s series of participating troops. Leader: Wang Geng!

Wang Geng, the king of China, the uncrowned king with so many titles that people can't remember, what kind of political system China will choose in the future, and what kind of path it will take, are actually in his hands.

Of course, Wang Geng also has his own titular leader, that is, the future father-in-law Duan Qirui. If his health allows, the old Duan will have to shoulder the burden for his future son-in-law.If it weren't for the fear that Wang Geng's distraction would affect the important Ufa battle, Duan Qirui and Xu Shuzheng would have wanted this guy to go back to Beijing a long time ago. There are too many things to discuss and listen to his opinions.

Xu Shuzheng still has his eyes above everything else, but he has completely given up on military achievements or surpassing Wang Geng's achievements. The strongest army was handed over to Xu Shuzheng, but Xu Shuzheng knew very well that Wang Geng's deep imprint had already been branded on the entire army participating in the war.

For the father of the participating army, who is 7000 kilometers away in Ufa in the far west, can directly contact and communicate with the brigade commander of any participating army in China, no matter what position this guy holds Or he doesn't hold any position, and it doesn't matter whether he has that title or not. In two to three years, or even three to five years, this vigorous army will not have other leaders except Wang Geng, the leader!

Of course, Wang Geng still cannot leave the front line for the time being. In fact, if he can spare time, the place Wang Geng most wants to return to is not Beijing, but New York, and the people he most wants to see are not Duan Qirui and Xu Shuzheng, but Duan Hongbin and Lu Xiaoman In fact, the question of Wang Geng's heir has been lingering in the minds of the commanders and warlords of the participating army for a long time, but although the Lord took in five beautiful concubines at one go, he has never had any heirs, and has been Get married without getting married!

People in the market regard this uncrowned king of China, the Sino-Japanese Alliance, and Asia, while admiring and admiring, there will also be some whispering discussions. Could it be that this person is praised by some domestic physiognomy masters and fortune tellers as the number one young man in China in the past 300 years? Junjie's master is actually barren?Or is it that Wang Geng is so fond of Long Yang and has a habit of breaking his sleeves?

Of course Wang Geng is not a comrade. This guy was even considered a lustful person when he grew up in the military compound in his previous life, but in this era, in such a short period of time, there are so many and heavy burdens on him , so that he has no time to be distracted.And his own lifelong affairs had actually been settled long after he got engaged to Duan Hongbin. Wang Geng had been careful not to let his five concubines get pregnant, because he didn't want to have a concubine prince in the future.

Now that he has come to this era, he does not hope that there will be so many dog-blood stories about Kowloon seizing the heir apparent in the future. In other words, Wang Geng, who is almost equivalent to an orphan, hopes to do his best for the old Duan family and Duan Hongbin. Duan Hongbin was sad, of course. . .I also don't want Lu Xiaoman to be sad. . .So before officially becoming Duan Qirui's son-in-law, he had to wrong the five concubines to temporarily avoid pregnancy.

For Wang Geng, who vigorously promoted the patriotic health campaign and the condom campaign near the Nanyuan resident, he might have to put some thought into getting his concubines pregnant. I'm only 24 years old, in my previous life, that's just two years after graduating from university, there will always be what I should have!

The most urgent task before Wang Geng is not to return to Beijing. He intends to completely let go of the parliamentary election and let Xu Shuzheng toss. The key is the constitutional amendment draft after the parliamentary election. A presidential system similar to the United States, or a cabinet system similar to the United Kingdom. Of course, there is no emperor in China at the moment, and the head of state as a symbol of the country can be the president.

The American presidential system requires a strong president to better lead the country forward. In China's current political power structure, due to the existence of Wang Geng, he is actually a bit like Washington in the United States, which can be regarded as the new China and China. The founder of the alliance, but the cadres of the military departments that participated in the war are currently mainly concentrated within the army. If the military and government are separated, then the elected civilian president will obviously not be able to control the army.

Unless Wang Geng becomes the president, but this is obviously too early, too early!At this moment, Wang Geng hasn't even established his own party yet!The Anfu department created by Xu Shuzheng is nothing more than a loose club of politicians.

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