Beiyang 1917

Chapter 543


For the sake of what the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces said, for the two Russian generals Vasily Nikolaevich Pepelyaev and Sergei Ivanovich Barayanov It is meaningless to fight again. The former Soviet Russian Red Army generals in the prisoner-of-war camp, even from the propaganda point of view of the Soviet Red Army’s recruitment and rebellion, it is imperative to use it boldly. The hearts of the Soviet Red Army prisoners of war. .welcome to read

"Vassily Nikolaevich, according to the situation, how many of the Soviet Red Army generals in the prisoner-of-war camps can stay and swear allegiance to the Volga Federation?" Wang Geng turned to ask the prime minister of the Volga Federation's autonomous government.

"Well, although there are lessons learned from the families of Eich and Lezhevsky, these Soviet Russian Red Army generals are no better than the ordinary Red Army soldiers below. The situation is not ideal. Most people are still waiting and watching. It is because they do not believe that Moscow will really follow the principles on the repatriation of prisoners of war in the annex to the "Samara Peace Treaty", and secondly, they are afraid that even if they swear allegiance to us, they will not be reused, and they will suffer from suspicion, so life will be difficult!"

Pepelyaev said in a bit of embarrassment. In fact, when he met with the Soviet Russian Red Army generals in the prisoner-of-war camp officer team, many of the former Tsarist Russian senior generals were used as military experts in the Soviet Russian Red Army. , but has gradually lost the trust of Moscow among the army generals and division-level cadres.

Many people are willing to switch to the newly established Volga Federation. The key is that they were at least the political commissar of the division commander or the commander of the group army in the Soviet Red Army. If they joined the Volga Federation again, they would be demoted Going to be a regiment commander or battalion commander or something, where is this face going?When he betrayed the Russian temporary government and switched to the Soviet Union, he had already suffered a crime. Would he have to be buried again if he switched to a new owner again?

When Pepelyaev tested these Soviet Russian Red Army generals, he did not dare to offer a big price. For example, if he came here, he would directly give it to a minister or the commander of the army group. First, Wang Geng did not give him such authorization, and second But this guy just wants to take advantage of the prestige of these Soviet generals among the Red Army prisoners of war. He intends to let them join the army, and he can't be the commander of the army.

One side does not have the thought of you treating me as a national scholar, and I will repay it as a national scholar. The other party has no intention of paying such a high price at all.

Therefore, Pepelyayev's investigations at the upper and lower levels of the prisoner-of-war camp resulted in a double sky of ice and fire. Most of the Soviet Red Army prisoners of war who were ordinary soldiers below were in the "[-] Rent Reduction Regulations" and "Volga Under the temptation of the Federal Land Management Measures, and the principle of repatriation of prisoners of war in the annex to the "Samara Peace Treaty" somewhat dispelled everyone's concerns, they were enthusiastically willing to stay and serve the Volga Federation.

The senior generals of the Soviet Russian Red Army above were full of worries and complicated moods, and they were a little bit embarrassed. When they went back, some of them might have to be arrested and tried by the Cheka and sent to a military court for the defeat of the Ufa battle. Scapegoats, such as Egorov, are very worried about this, especially when I heard that Tsaritsyn and the boss of the Southern Front Army, Joseph, were swept away by the Soviet Central Committee of the Soviet Union in Moscow. After not knowing where to be censored, this worry is even more.

If we stay, at least we can't drop too many positions compared to when we were in the Soviet Red Army. Otherwise, we can simply disarm and return to the fields and let us leave the army and become ordinary people. , Resolutely demanded to be repatriated outside of Soviet Russia.

Most of the other Russian generals in the prisoner-of-war camps advertised that they were willing to stay, but their own abilities were limited, and it would be difficult to convince them to join the army and practice martial arts. They would rather disarm and return to the Volga Federation as ordinary people. Those who still have inextricable connections overseas plan to leave Russia to visit relatives and friends to find another way out.

"If you ask me, it's normal for these Soviet generals to have concerns. It was a gamble for them to betray Tsarist Russia and the provisional government and switch to the embrace of the Soviets and Bolsheviks. Now it seems that they have lost a gamble.

This time I chose to join our camp. They were once bitten by snakes for ten years and were afraid of well ropes. It is understandable that they are so cautious. Now in the era of wars and chaos, most of these generals themselves are capable. Don’t listen to their arguing If you want to disarm and return to the fields, most of them are bluffing, and they may be up for grabs! "

Jiang Hongyu analyzed from the sidelines that just now, Wu Peifu took the lead in front of Wang Geng, and now the chief of staff of the coalition army is a little bit ashamed and brave enough to catch up.

"In this way, the senior generals of the Soviet Red Army in these prisoner-of-war camps, I will find some time to meet them in person later, and we can't let those capable people go away easily. In my opinion, both Yegorov and Rzhevsky He is a relatively good commander at the first level of the group army, and there are several division commanders of the Soviet Russian Red Army among the prisoners of war, which are also quite good!

Ladies and gentlemen, whether it is the Allied Forces or the Volga Federation, they have only just taken the first step on the Eastern Front. The so-called tolerance is great. Don't stick to your opinions!It is gratifying to promote the virtuous without avoiding relatives, but it is even better to promote the virtuous without avoiding enemies!

What's more, you Russian generals are actually neighbors who were born and bred on this land. Even if you used to hang out in different camps for your masters, it is not a personal enmity!Those who can let go must let go!Remember, there are no permanent friends in this world, let alone permanent enemies. Only by advancing with the times can we keep moving forward! "Wang Gengyu's earnest words set the basic principles for the use and promotion of talents in the coalition forces and the Volga Federation in the future.

In the face of the general direction set by Wang Geng, the chiefs of staff of the coalition, on behalf of their respective camps, had heated discussions and disputes about the candidates for the generals of the 8 infantry armies and the 4 cavalry armies after the reorganization of the army. As if prepared, he took out a large list of his own recommendations, ranging from division commanders to group army commanders. Of course, the tendency is beyond doubt.

For example, on the list of recommended teachers by Pepeliayev, there are more than a dozen people with the surname Pepe alone. Yev was dizzy, and he dragged Volga Federal Prime Minister to ask the result:

In the list, Vasily Nikolaevich Pepelyaev alone has four brothers and five cousins. It turns out that this guy’s father has the same name as his uncle, and one is named Dani. Gula, one is called Nicholas Jr., so Pepe's brothers and cousins' surnames and middle paternal names are Nikolaevich Pepelyaev.

Sergei Ivanovich Barayanov was also unambiguous. Among the Russian generals he proposed to serve as division commanders, there were also a lot of uncles, brothers, and distant nephews.

Several of them originally served as regiment commanders and battalion commanders in the three Ural cavalry divisions. Now this guy is shy and directly listed on the division commander's candidate list. The reason is quite good. The cavalry has always been High-level arms are the kings of the battlefield, and a Cossack cavalry commander is definitely more than enough to be an infantry division commander.

Jiang Hongyu, Wu Peifu, and Utsunomiya Taro were in a bit of an embarrassing situation. First of all, their familiarity with Russian generals was mediocre. Although Jiang Hongyu had commanded the Second Ural Cavalry Division, he only knew the commander and chief of staff of the cavalry division. I am not familiar with the brigade leaders below.

As for Wu Peifu, in addition to Petrovich and Sergey, including several division commanders of the First Siberian Army, the faces and names of other brigade-level Russian generals may not match their names.

Seeing this, Utsunomiya Taro gritted his teeth and said to Wang Geng, "Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief, in view of the fact that the squadrons of the coalition army and the Japanese army are full of stars but are useless, you have repeatedly said that there is no distinction between the coalition army and the Volga Federation. It is different from race, and everyone competes based on their ability to use talents according to their ability. Then I suggest again that Chinese and Japanese generals should also be able to serve as the commander of the Russian infantry division and the commander of the group army!

Wang Geng was silent when he heard the words, thinking about the pros and cons of this matter in his heart. In Wang Geng's own plan, the Chinese and Japanese senior generals in the coalition forces will mainly serve as the future commanders of the front army and part of the Russian army group commanders. As for the infantry division and cavalry division level, this guy really only plans to appoint local Russian generals as the commanders of the Russian troops in the first stage.

Pepelyayev and Balayanov were fighting for the number of division commanders just now. Now Utsunomiya said that Chinese generals and Japanese generals inside and outside will also be mixed in to lead Russia. Infantry division?The two people were dumbfounded for a moment, turned to see how Wang Geng expressed his position, and muttered in their hearts, didn't they all agree, the Russian generals from their hometowns are the most suitable to lead the Russian troops, are they going to change their minds again?Is this over yet?

"I agree with His Excellency Taro Utsunomiya's suggestion. Commander-in-Chief, please think again. It is impossible for the coalition forces to invest a large number of Chinese and Japanese ground force main forces for the time being, but the generals at all levels of the Chinese and Japanese armies of the coalition army obviously have more power than the Russian generals. If you have the experience and ability to lead the regular army, if you have the opportunity to directly lead the Russian army, even if it is a purely Russian army, I believe that the Ufa battle has proved that our generals have such ability!"

It was Wu Peifu who spoke. This Wu Ziyu, who likes to study maps with his head covered, obviously said more in today's meeting than he said in the entire Ufa campaign.

"I have the same opinion as His Excellency Utsunomiya and Brother Ziyu. In the Battle of Ufa, I, Li Mingzhong, Sun Liangcheng and Xiong Shihui successively commanded the mixed troops of the three countries. There is no problem at all with the national troops fighting, and the Ufa battle has proved this point." Jiang Hongyu was anxious and let Wu Peifu take the lead, and now he expressed his opinion in a hurry.

Seeing that the three people said so, Wang Geng glanced at Pepelyaev and Balayanov who were a little anxious but rubbed their hands and didn't know how to express their views. After thinking about it carefully, he said,

"The reason why the detour troops and troops fighting in the direction of du li in the Ufa campaign are all led by Chinese generals, because the main force of these mixed troops is the squadron, and it is also because compared with the White Guards and volunteers in Ufa The Chinese Armored Division in the Allied Forces and Wu Peifu's Third Army are better trained, experienced and more effective."

Utsunomiya blushed when he heard the words, and thought to himself that I am the Japanese Army, not to mention the division commander, even the brigade commander and regiment commander are at least top students of the Japanese Army University. Most of you Chinese generals are just graduates of Baoding Military Academy , It is equivalent to the Japanese Army Non-commissioned Officer Academy, and there are not many who have attended the Army University, not to mention your Baoding Military Academy or the Army University, which is even worse than the Imperial Non-commissioned Officer Academy and Army University. Didn't you Chinese generals with low education and high positions play the leading role in the Ufa battle?

Of course, Utsunomiya didn't dare to think about it any further. If he continued thinking about it, the Asian military god, national idol, and uncrowned king, who single-handedly promoted and concluded the Sino-Japanese Alliance, His Excellency Wang Geng, the commander-in-chief of the Allied Forces, is nothing more than the West Point Military Academy If he had a military degree, it would be nothing more than a U.S. Army non-commissioned officer school, but in this turbulent 1918, who would underestimate this young king of China?Doubt that he is not educated enough?What a joke!

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