Beiyang 1917

Chapter 545


"Report to the Commander-in-Chief, Slaven and the others are here!" The person who entered the door reported to Junroku Hata, the director of the war room of the coalition headquarters, Major General of the Japanese Army. With his contribution in the Battle of Ufa, Junroku Hata was promoted to another level at a rocket-like speed Military rank, at the same time, as a symbol of the intimacy of the Sino-Japanese alliance, this guy also restored his real name Hata Junliu instead of the Chinese Tian Jun. (.)

At the beginning, the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces hoped that Hata Toshiroku would choose to become a Chinese citizen, so that he would be directly promoted from a major general to a lieutenant general in the Chinese army, and he would not need to care about Japan's nationality and military rank. However, the performance of the Japanese generals and troops in the Ufa Battle was poor. Not so good.

And Hata Junliu feels that at this moment, the Chinese army has already gathered stars and elites, and although the military education of the generals of the Chinese participating army is low, these generals who have experienced the actual battles of Outer Mongolia, Lake Baikal, and West Siberia have been honed on the battlefield. The command ability and military quality are quite high, and Wang Geng's military theory is also accepted very quickly. Judging from the performance of the battlefield command, compared with those division heads, brigade commanders and brigades who graduated from the Japanese mainland who are arrogant or cautious due to lack of aggressiveness. The head of the regiment and the captains of the alliance are not bad at all.

Under such circumstances, after the Battle of Ufa ended, the Sixth Commander Hata Toshiro became very competitive and determined to officially restore the name Hata Junroku, and fought to the front line as a Japanese soldier, and together with Itagaki and Ishihara, fought in the next battle. Restore the lost glory and face of the Imperial Army in this staged campaign.

In Wang Geng's previous life, Hata Shunroku did not have the opportunity to be promoted to major general of the Japanese army until 1926 and served as the brigade commander of the Fourth Field Artillery Brigade. However, in this time and space in 1918, Wang Geng, a butterfly flapping its wings, caused Everything has made a large number of Chinese generals step onto the forefront of the historical stage when they were younger.

This Hata Toshiroku was a top student in the No.1 graduate saber team of the Japanese Continental University. He was wounded in the Japanese-Russian War. He mainly studied German military thinking. He belonged to the young and middle-aged generals in the Japanese Army Staff Headquarters The mainstay, of course, is a bit reluctant to say that youth, born in 1879, Hata Shunroku will celebrate his 39th birthday in a week.

According to Wang Geng, the best position for Toshiro Hata is the Chief of Staff at the General Staff Headquarters. Of course, the war room of the Allied Forces Command has actually become the General Staff Headquarters at this moment, and it can be called the think tank of the Allied Forces Headquarters. However, because Wang Geng The strength of this former student of the Department of Strategy and Tactics at the Graduate School of the National Defense University was originally an expert in the military strategy of Japan and Germany, so Wang Geng, the commander-in-chief, stole the limelight from many chiefs of staff and staff officers.

It is also because of this that every thought and decision of Wang Geng often leads and expands the vision and thinking of these combat staff officers from China and Japan. The commander-in-chief has much less room to play, and gradually everyone feels that the commander-in-chief may have a better idea.

Because so many facts have proved that although the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces and the young King of China only had a military education at West Point Military Academy, his profound strategic and tactical knowledge and his wise and majestic decisions when commanding in front of the battle made Wang Geng an idol in the army. At the same time, it inhibited and affected the performance of subordinate generals.

Of course, this has a lot to do with the coalition command's emphasis on maintaining unimpeded battlefield communication and command. The air superiority of the coalition air force and the existence of eagle-eyed early warning aircraft make the entire battlefield relatively transparent to the commanders of the coalition forces. And it is easy to command, and orders and decisions from the headquarters are often the best choice at that time.

So unconsciously, the Battle of Ufa was like a handy game of chess played by the Allied Army Command. Although there is no guarantee that you can see through every step of the Soviet Red Army, at least, every step you make is quite solid and steady!

Hata Junliu has been talking to Wang Geng mushrooms for the past few days, meaning that he wants to decentralize troops in the next stage of the battle, command a brigade or even a regiment, the glory of the Japanese Imperial Army cannot always be so bleak Hikari's sinking, holding the same appeal are Lieutenants Ishihara Kanji and Lieutenants Seishiro Sakagaki.

Itagaki followed Sun Liangcheng the hardest during the Battle of Ufa, while Shi Yuanyuan was entangled with the swamp in the dark. In terms of firepower, it is not as good as the First Armored Brigade of China, and its strength is less than half of the above two. The commanders of each detachment are all giants such as Sun Liangcheng and Xiong Shihui. It was because he was disheartened and failed to achieve a record that satisfied him.

However, both Wang Geng and Utsunomiya Taro comforted the three of them, and finally rewarded them for their merits. Ishihara Waner took the credit for blocking the breakout of the Slaven Division of the Fifth Army of the Soviet Russian Red Army, and Itagaki fought thousands of miles to win Samar Thanks to La Ferry Togliatti's contribution, both won a second-level silver medal for victory and were promoted to a first-level military rank. At this moment, they must be called Itagaki and Ishihara.

Of course, the overwhelming victory of the coalition forces in the Battle of Ufa caused a wave of enthusiasm for young people to join the army in Japan. The generals were envious and enthusiastic, and they wrote their determination to the General Staff Headquarters and the Minister of War, asking to transfer their own troops to the west to open up territories for the country.

Wang Geng has nothing to do with Hata Shunroku, and Utsunomiya Taro is also fanning the flames, talking about the expansion of the army, the frontline troops need excellent generals like Hata Shunroku to be on their own, and in the end, Wang Geng asked Hata Shunroku to lead Ishihara, Itagaki and the war room The Chinese and Japanese staff officers should first make a solid plan for the next stage of the coalition forces' campaign, and then let this guy go down and lead the troops depending on the situation.

Considering that some of the chiefs of staff of the Allied Forces Command were not worthy of their names, Wang Geng discussed with everyone. After the Battle of Ufa, the generals of the Allied Forces Command re-arranged and appointed personnel. Jiang Hongyu was still the Chief of Staff, while Wu Peifu and Utsunomiya Taro was transferred to the deputy commander-in-chief of the coalition forces.

In fact, Wang Geng originally considered that Utsunomiya Taro was 57 years old after all, and he was also a fat man. The best job for Utsunomiya should be to be his official chief of staff, and he could let Jiang Hongyu be the deputy commander. If necessary, he would continue Stand alone and command the troops to fight.

However, there is an equivalence problem here. Wu Peifu is the commander of the group army of the main force of the coalition forces in China. If he is also the deputy commander of the coalition forces, as the commander of the third army of the main force of the coalition forces in Japan, Utsunomiya Taro should also serve as the deputy commander. , which is one of them.

The second is that Utsunomiya Taro doesn't think he is old at all. Although this guy is 57 years old, he is still fierce. It is said that during the intermissions of the war, the commander of the Japanese army had fun singing and dancing every night, watching the battle of Ufa The commanders of the three divisions in China and Japan did not make any money to fight. Several Japanese cavalry regiments went out and ran a lot, and they suffered a lot, but they did not get a few fighters. Compare.

In the telegrams sent to Utsunomiya Taro by the Japanese Army Staff Headquarters and the Army Minister, apart from congratulations and praises, the most important thing is that he must set an example. Let the commanders of the division and brigade of the Japanese army get the same opportunity as well!

Once this kind of pressure comes, Utsunomiya is naturally unwilling to replace Jiang Hongyu as the titular chief of staff. Everyone can see that the young king of China may be the most dazzling general after Napoleon. It is so strong that even the outstanding young generals such as Hata Shunroku and Ishihara Itagaki feel inferior, and there is almost no room and leeway for them to play.

No matter how arrogant Utsunomiya Taro is, he is well aware of Hata Shunroku's military talent, Itagaki and Ishihara's planning and execution capabilities, and when it comes to his ability to serve as Wang Geng's staff to formulate campaign plans , I am definitely not their opponent.

Therefore, the draft of the Russian army reorganization of the Volga Federation was initially finalized, and before the main expansion plans of the coalition forces of China and Japan were not finalized, Wu Peifu and Utsunomiya Taro finally bid farewell to the nominal post of deputy chief of staff of the coalition forces, and became The legitimate deputy commander in chief of the coalition forces.

Having said so much, looking back, Major General Toshiro Hata, the new director of the operations room of the Allied Forces Command, reported at the door that the Soviet Russian Red Army generals in the prisoner-of-war camp had arrived at the headquarters.

Wang Geng nodded, indicating to Hata Junliu to invite the guests to the small meeting room next door, where he would meet with the former Soviet Russian Red Army generals, and told Jiang Hongyu and Wu Peifu in the meeting He and Utsunomiya Taro first studied the first draft of the Ukrainian campaign plan that Hata Shunroku and the others had come up with, and then he entered the small conference room next to the large conference room.

After a while, a group of Soviet Russian Red Army generals followed Hata Junliu into the small meeting room. Wang Geng stood up from the sofa and walked forward with a smile. , and next to him was Hata Junliu who introduced the other party's name and position in a low voice.

"Everyone, this is General Wang Geng, the commander-in-chief of our coalition forces!"

"Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief, this is Slavin, the former commander of the Fifth Army of the Soviet Red Army"

"This is Slavin's army commissar Blumberg, and this is his chief of staff Eich"

"This is Rzhevsky, the former commander of the Third Army of the Soviet Russian Red Army, and this is his political commissar and chief of staff Heveshin"

"This is Ma Xin, the former commander of the Second Army of the Soviet Russian Red Army, and this is his political commissar and chief of staff Kharchenko"

"This is Kayi, political commissar and chief of staff of the First Army Group. Unfortunately, Tukhachevsky's whereabouts are still unknown!"

"This is Yegorov, the former commander of the Ninth Army of the Southern Front of the Soviet Red Army, next to him is his political commissar, and the last one is his chief of staff, Stepin. Everyone you said you want to meet is here!"

Hata Junliu's Russian is already very slick. In order to make it easier for these Soviet Russian Red Army generals to understand, Wang Geng previously signaled him to introduce in Russian instead of Chinese or Japanese. Be careful, otherwise a bunch of old-fashioned generals, few of whom can understand Chinese and Japanese, will play the piano to the cow.

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