Beiyang 1917

Chapter 548 The Charm of Xuntian


"Why are only 3 Soviet prisoners of war willing to be repatriated to Soviet Russia? In addition to the problems of your Soviet itself, it is also because the various policies of the Volga Federation are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. It is an agricultural country that has not yet fully industrialized, and farmers are the parents and the majority of the country's food and clothing. In 1916, the total population of Tsarist Russia was nearly 1.8 million, of which at least 1.4 million were farmers!"

"Soviet Russia's policy is to use the scissors of workers and peasants to exploit farmers and rob farmers' income without compensation. Grain monopoly itself is a last resort to ensure food supply in wartime and difficult times, but you don't even give farmers a chance for this. You directly engage in surplus grain. Solicitation system!

And our Volga Federation is the same as West Siberia, on the basis of respecting the legal private property rights of all citizens, the land policies we implement are the "Land Management Measures" and the "[-] Rent Reduction Regulations"

"First, the "Volga Federal Land Management Measures" stipulates that each farmer can own no more than [-] mu of arable land with his own property rights. Fu provides seeds, agricultural tools and livestock. The leased land has been cultivated for five years, and the property rights belong to the individual farmers! Don’t think that [-] mu of land is too small. After calculation and statistics, [-] mu of land is enough for a healthy and mature farmer to cultivate du li the upper limit of the land"

"Secondly, for landlords and rich peasants, due to historical reasons, the land they own greatly exceeds the upper limit of [-] mu per capita. Except that the excess part is bought by the government according to the average land price of the previous year, the per capita The land within [-] mu can still be cultivated by renters.

And landless peasants, whether they rent land from the government or rent land from other landlords, rich peasants, or even middle peasants, are protected by the "37.5 Rent Reduction Regulations", that is, tenant farmers turn over their land every year. Rent, including grain and agricultural products, shall not exceed [-]% of the actual harvest of grain and agricultural products that year. This is the last line of defense for the government to protect the interests of farmers! "

"Third, the government of the Volga Federation has announced that it will implement a grain monopoly throughout the federation, but at the same time exempt all farmers from paying rent for three years. Within three years, the 37.5% can not be paid, and all of it will be left to the farmers so that they can recover and Improve your own life and rebuild the economic order in the countryside!"

"The so-called grain monopoly means that farmers' grain can only be sold to the grain purchase point designated by zheng fu, and the grain purchase price will be determined by zheng fu with reference to the market price of the previous year and the crop and grain output of the current year. There will be differences in different regions. 3% floating space!"

"At the same time, in order to avoid the potential loss of farmers' interests caused by fluctuations in market grain prices, farmers can exchange all or part of the grain for grain exchange coupons issued by the government during grain purchases. In this way, no matter whether grain prices rise or fall, farmers can You can use grain exchange coupons to exchange grain from Zheng Fu’s grain depot at any time! The interests of farmers are protected to the greatest extent!”

"Of course, some of you may ask, what about the urban residents and the working class? The farmers are living a good life, so is it possible that the working class is starved to death? Of course not, the Volga Federation government is one of the supporting measures for grain monopoly Second, all non-agricultural populations, such as government officials, school teachers, staff in scientific research institutes, workers in factories, staff in shops, including permanent residents in cities, will have a part of their wages directly Pay with food coupons!"

"The working class doesn't have to worry about bread. The wages paid by Zheng Fu include grain exchange coupons that can be exchanged for large grains from the grain store. Moreover, the Volga Federation attaches equal importance to the interests of the working class and the burghers on the basis of protecting the interests of the countryside and farmers. .()

In the wage and salary standards set by the federal government, each worker is protected by an 8-hour working system, and there are additional allowances for overtime work, and the number of food vouchers in the wages will ensure that the food each worker gets for one day of work will be able to Meet the daily food needs of a family of six! "

"Family of six?! So many!" There was a burst of exclamation in the meeting room, and many political commissars from the working class couldn't help shouting out. In their view, this was the treatment and promise of heaven on earth, no Few people think that it can't be realized at all. How can the government get so much food!

"It is a family of six. The calculation is based on a worker's family in the Volga Federation. There are a pair of parents, two underage children and a couple. In this couple, as long as one person can work eight hours The food stamps obtained are exchanged for food to feed such a large family!

If not, what is the difference between us and you?In the factories in Petrograd and Moscow, your workers work overtime day and night, and the bread they get in exchange may not be able to feed a family of four. With two children, it is difficult to live, let alone live again. Feed two old people! "

"In addition, the world is now in a chaotic era of war. The soldiers of the Volga Federation will receive higher treatment than ordinary people, because they will bleed and die on the battlefield to fight for the living space of the people on this land. The Volga Federation, like West Siberia, will implement the military-first policy of military-political integration under the wartime management system, and soldiers will receive the highest treatment, the highest honor, and the highest guarantee!"

Wang Geng stopped, stubbed out the cigar butt in his hand, took a sip of tea from his teacup, glanced at the stunned group of senior Soviet Russian generals in the conference room, and continued,

"The army is the cornerstone of the regime and the guarantee of victory. In times of war, the army is the Great Wall of Steel that defends the country. In times of peace, the army is the mainstay of building the country. The treatment of the soldiers of the Volga Federation will not be lower than that of the Allies, Britain, the United States, France, etc.* According to the standards of a single person, the military salary of a soldier will allow a family of eight to live a moderately prosperous life, and if a soldier dies for the country, he will be honored as a federal martyr!"

"And zheng fu's pensions for martyrs' families will allow spouses to support a family of five with only monthly martyrs' pensions, and the state will bear the education and living expenses of martyrs' orphans until they reach adulthood. The solitary elders of the martyrs will also guarantee their life until their death."

"Also, the reward system of the Volga Federation Army, in addition to medals and medals, also includes the award of honor land. Every time a federal soldier wins a three-level victory bronze medal, he can get ten acres of superior honor land as food. Every time you get a second-level victory silver medal, you can get [-] acres of top-notch land as a food town, and every time you get a first-level victory gold medal, you can get [-] acres of top-class land as a food town! "

"Food town? Is the ownership of Xuntian still owned by the federal government, but all the rents and taxes received by the government on this land belong to the owner of Xuntian?" Lezhevski couldn't help but shouted!

"That's it. This Xuntian itself is not subject to the upper limit of [-] acres of land per capita in the "Land Management Measures". Lezhevsky, if you have the ability, you will get ten first-class victory gold medals from the Volga Federation." , you have [-] acres of land, which can be inherited by spouses and children for one generation, but cannot be transferred or traded!" Wang Geng nodded.

"What does it mean to inherit the next generation?" Aihe couldn't help asking, and the discussion room was full of emotions. Obviously, the bright future drawn by the government of the Volga Federation made the hearts of these senior Soviet Russian generals feel a little bit dignified. Can't hold back the meaning.

"Inheriting one generation means that the honor land you obtained through military service can be inherited by your son or daughter once, but after your son or daughter dies, the honor land will be taken back by the federal government!" Wang Geng patiently explained road.

"Why can't it be passed down from generation to generation?" Slaven finally couldn't help but also spoke.

"Because the Volga Federation encourages every generation of young people to rely on their own struggle and enterprising spirit to create a better future, instead of lying on the merits of their parents and being an idle dude!" Wang Geng said sternly, but actually laughed secretly in his heart, Nima, If Zheng Fu does not take back the land, there will be no land for the people behind in 50 years!

"These words are reasonable. Let me tell you, Slavin, if you live to be 100 years old, and your children live to be 100 years old, your family will not see another owner for 200 years after this property falls into your hands!" Silavin said. Japin couldn't help but joked about Slaven.

There was a burst of joyful laughter in the small conference room, except for Ma Xin who couldn't save face for a while, everyone else was in high spirits.

Slowly, the Soviet Russian Red Army generals in the room were obviously completely defeated by Wang Geng's big cake. Many people thought in their hearts that it would be a pity that the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces should not be the head of state to engage in politics and economy. A soldier is simply the patron saint of soldiers all over the world. If the army can be treated like that in this era, wouldn't it be more like Napoleon in the past and almost conquer Europe!

"Comrade Ma Xin, everyone, the conditions of the government of the Volga Federation are still very difficult. Now it is necessary to feed the 740 million people and hundreds of thousands of troops on this land. The burden of the government is very heavy, but I believe that if people with insight If you can join us, the future will only be better than the present, not worse. I know you are from Simbirsk, but it doesn’t matter. You are all soldiers raised by the mother river, the Volga River!

The Volga Federation implements a complete policy of equal equality for all ethnic groups. Whether it is the army or the government at all levels, they are all appointed and promoted according to their talents. When the war is over and the people gain peace, I believe we will lead the people on this land to create a beautiful home together! "

"Everyone, as the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces, this is what I want to say today. You can discuss it first. As for the safety of the family members on the other side, please rest assured. Although Moscow hates us to the bone, they still dare not offend us, Volga. The hundreds of people and their families that the federal government wants to return from the concentration camp in Cheka will arrive at Syzran on the other side by train at noon today!"

"Except for Comrade Ma Xin, all of you present here have also arrived with their family members. You will be able to reunite with your respective family members this afternoon! I'll go out first, and when I come back, it's time for you to make a choice!" Wang said. Geng's last sentence made all the Russian generals present overjoyed, but it seemed to push Ma Xin into the abyss!

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