Beiyang 1917

Chapter 550 Military Ranks, Military Service Laws, and Commander-in-Chief


For the Soviet Russian government, only more than 20 of the 3 Soviet Red Army captured in the Battle of Ufa were voluntarily repatriated to Soviet Russia. This is undoubtedly an extremely embarrassing event. From the beginning, he is the master who is not liked by others.

Therefore, Ma Xin, the commander of the group army, insisted on returning, which indeed became a straw for Moscow. However, the matter of Ma Xin leading the troops was put on hold, and Moscow's instruction to Ma Xin was to take a good rest for later use.

Of course, all of this is something to come. On the morning of July 1918, 7, after rejecting the olive branch offered by the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces for the last time, Comrade Ma Xin was invited back to the prisoner-of-war camp alone, and he waited until a few days later. Cai and more than 21 Soviet prisoners of war who were repatriated voluntarily were deported across the Volga River.

Later, at the repatriation and handover ceremony of prisoners of war held in Syzran on the other side of Samara, the Soviet Russian government and the Volga Federation, Ma Xin and 3 Soviet Russian Red Army prisoners of war, together with 6 Russian prisoners of war repatriated to Soviet Russia by the dusty Germans We made an exchange, and it is best to return to the embrace of Soviet Russia.

But at this moment, at 1918 p.m. on July 7, 21, the ten generals of the former Soviet Russian Army who were crying after being reunited with their families at noon had only time to wipe away their tears in a temporary arrangement by the Volga Federal Government. After a decent lunch with their respective families, they were invited back to the Allied Forces Command by the staff officers sent by the Allied Forces Command.

The headquarters of the Allied Forces is located in the government building of Samara, and it is also the location of the government of the Volga Federation. As the government of the Volga Federation built with the support of the Allied Forces and the King of China, it is destined to be unable to get rid of the puppets for a long time Zheng Fu's embarrassment.

With the surrender of the captured Soviet generals, the reorganization plan for the entire Volga Federation Russian troops was finalized, which is why these generals were invited back to the coalition headquarters that afternoon. Fighting day and night, because the Volga Federation is currently a wartime management system led by the Allied Forces, Pepelyaev's federal government is more like the logistics support department of the Allied Forces.

Former Soviet generals such as Slavin and Egorov who came to the large conference room of the coalition headquarters were still immersed in the joy of reuniting with their relatives and being grateful to the coalition forces. It was returned unscathed, which made these former Soviet generals feel grateful to the coalition forces from their hearts. Of course, they were also faintly looking forward to their respective futures in the Volga Federation. **

With the establishment of the Volga Federal Autonomous Government, of course, the Federal Government at this time has not formulated any written constitution. Like the West Siberia Autonomous Government, it only copied the "Volga Federal Autonomous Government Provisional Constitution", in which The core content shows that the Volga Federal Autonomous Government represents the interests of all citizens of the Federation, and the majority party that wins the election of the Federal House of Representatives nominates the prime minister candidate and forms a cabinet. The prime minister candidate and the cabinet list will take office after the Senate votes.

In addition to a vague provisional contract, the Volga Federation's latest "Federal Land Management Measures", "[-] Rent Reduction Regulations" and "Federal Non-agricultural Population Eight-Hour Work System" have become the foundation of this autonomous government after its establishment. The latest and most powerful decree to stabilize the social situation.

As for the federal army, the latest decrees are the "Federal Military Rank System" and the "Federal Military Service Law". Federal citizens between the ages of 18 and 45 are obliged to serve in the federal military and automatically enter the state of reserve service. They need to report and register with the armed forces of the local government as soon as possible, and accept the call of the country to serve in the army at any time.

In non-wartime conditions or when mobilization orders have not been issued, the federal army adopts a volunteer system. All healthy citizens of the right age can apply to the armed forces department of the local government. Conscripts choose their merits to join the army. They must serve at least five years after enlisting in the army before they can choose to change jobs or become volunteers. Volunteers retire from active service and transfer to reserve service when they are 45 years old.

The federal military service law also provides for the composition of the federal armed forces as follows:

The Federal Army, the Federal Navy, the Federal Air Force, the Federal Police Force, the Federal Internal Affairs Force, and the Federal Reserve Force. In addition, the states and autonomous republics under the Federation will have the National Guard and Police Force.

The ranks of the officers of the Volga Federation Army are determined as follows. Like Wang Geng’s previous life, it is basically a system of two ranks for one post, divided into 4 grades and 12 grades:

Marshal: Marshal

General: general, general, lieutenant general, major general;

Colonel: senior colonel, colonel, lieutenant colonel, major;

Lieutenant: Captain, lieutenant, second lieutenant.

Soldiers are divided into two ranks of private and private, and non-commissioned officers are divided into three ranks: sergeant, sergeant and corporal.

In addition, the principle of military rank and position is that one position can be compiled into two levels, as follows:

Military positions in the military area: General, Admiral;

Army ranks, lieutenant general, major general;

Teacher position: major general, senior colonel;

Sergeant; Senior Colonel; Colonel;

Regimental rank: colonel, lieutenant colonel;

Regular position: lieutenant colonel, major;

Full company rank: captain, lieutenant;

Current rank: lieutenant, second lieutenant;

The rank of all deputy positions is one level lower than that of the principal position, and the division level of the federal army is equivalent to the mixed brigade of the Chinese participating army, and the brigade and regiment of the Japanese army, the group army level is equivalent to the Chinese reorganization division and ri The Japanese divisions and the front army of the military region are equivalent to the group army of the Chinese participating army and the Japanese front army.

Since the Allied Powers themselves are not a country, but a military alliance between countries, it is impossible for Wang Geng’s Allied Forces to set up a set of military rank regulations for the so-called Allied Forces, except that the Chinese and Japanese armies each follow the military rank system of their own country’s army. In addition, for these Russian troops who are nominally loyal to the Volga Federation, the above military rank regulations can only be re-issued in the name of the Volga Federation government, so as to achieve the purpose of military rank management.

Of course, in addition to the whole army, this is also for the convenience of being able to reward the Russian generals after the victory in the Battle of Ufa. The military rank and emblem are still those of the all-Russian temporary government inherited by Kolchak, so it would be ridiculous!

The army of the Volga Federation is under the unified leadership and jurisdiction of the commander-in-chief of the federal armed forces. Of course, this position may have been awkwardly vacant, because the Allied Forces are the only kings in charge of the military power in this land. Fortunately, after Wang Geng thought about it, In the end, through the Volga Federation's acceptance and recognition of dual citizenship, he was allowed to serve as the commander-in-chief of the Volga Federation's armed forces.

In fact, with the establishment of the Sino-Japanese Alliance, even in China and Japan, it will not be too far away from the government of the two countries to officially confirm that their nationals can have multiple nationalities, at least in China, the constitution after the parliamentary election in August In the revised draft, this matter will also be pushed forward without any suspense.

As for when there will be a commander-in-chief born and raised by the Volga Federation, obviously no one is thinking about this issue at the moment. The most optimistic estimate will have to wait until the end of the war between the Allied Powers and the Entente Powers.

Vasily Nikolaevich Pepelyaev, as Prime Minister of the Federal Government, had no reason to confer military ranks on the Wehrmacht. At 1918 pm on July 7, 21, the first Volga Federation Senior General was awarded the title ceremony In fact, the person in charge of conferring the title was the King of China who also served as the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the Volga Federation. All the generals of the Allied Forces who served part-time in the government and army of the Volga Federation temporarily joined the Volga Federation and became people with multiple nationalities.

This matter was not that simple. In Russia in 1918, the king of China who dared to break all stereotypes and bad habits was the master of the country. It was the king Geng of China who even made China and Japan a close alliance. Ufa The brilliant victory of the battle allowed the coalition forces and the Chinese commander-in-chief to obtain the full support of the Russian generals.

Everyone ate food from China and blocked the overwhelming offensive of the Soviet Red Army on their own land. The Allied Forces and the King of China can be called the reborn parents of all non-Soviet and Bolshevik people on this land!

Since the three Russian divisions of the First Siberian Army and the Chinese-Japanese Allied Forces do not belong to the Volga Federal Army system in name, the reorganized 8 Army Groups and 4 Cavalry Armies of nearly 32 troops belong to the Volga Federal Army, so these troops All the senior generals in the army need to be re-appointed, and then at the ceremony for the reorganization and establishment of the troops in various places, the commanders of the group army will award the titles to their subordinates.

The commander-in-chief of the Federal Armed Forces, Wang Geng, was conferred this afternoon in the large conference room of the Samara coalition headquarters. He is the commander and chief of staff of the eight army groups. There are no such positions as military commissars and political commissars in the federal army. None of the department directors. In fact, Wang Geng has never had the idea of ​​turning his troops into a party army. He hopes that through the tempering of blood and fire, the army should only be loyal to the country rather than a party or a certain leader.

Although his wish is so, this world has never lacked masters who surround the big tree with the heart of a dragon and speculate all day to please and persuade. The ideal min zhu and republic work hard in that direction.

But I want to be worthy of my heart, no matter what others think, doing things is more important than empty talk, if the efficiency of military du cai is high, then don't waste time in parliamentary politics and wrangling, what the Chinese nation lacks is time, as long as Fight for day and night and don't slack off!

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