Beiyang 1917

Chapter 552 The Internal and External Situation of the Federation


"Generals, the Volga Federation is a new federation. We all come from all corners of the country. Most of you were raised and raised by the mother river, the Volga River. I don't have too many demands on you, just one thing, remember yourself The mission you shoulder, whether the people on this land can defend the fruits of victory, and whether they can live a good life depends on your dedication and hard work to the Federation!"

"There is an old saying in China that people who are different from each other don't conspire with each other. Since everyone has chosen to join the Volga Federation today, we are like-minded comrades. Comrade is not a special name for the Soviets and Bolsheviks, and the people are not the only slogans they can shout!

Today, I hope this is your last choice of life path. The rest is to move forward. The future of you and the people on this land will definitely be in your own hands. As the Allied Forces, there is his historical mission. , will eventually dissipate after completing the mission, and you and the people on this land will stand tall in the forest of the world! "

"Don't worry about where others come from, and don't doubt their loyalty to this land. Today our federation is called the Volga Federation. Tomorrow we may be called the Russian Federation. Land and people are everything. People can live a better life." The sun is everything, if we go against the grain and let the people fall into dire straits!

Sooner or later it will be knocked down, sooner or later it will be replaced, I hope you will realize how different today is!I hope that each of you will not regret your choice to join the Volga Federation today. In troubled times, ordinary people only hope to survive, and my expectation for you is that the people who support you and follow you can live well! "

The sincere words of the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces lingered in the ears of every Russian general attending today's military meeting. After it was over, there was a burst of warm applause in the meeting room. Almost all the Russian generals of the Volga Federation slapped their palms red, and many of the easily emotional Russian generals burst into tears. (.)

The generals of the Chinese and Japanese armies are still calm. After all, they are more familiar with the king of China, the leader of the coalition army, than these Russian generals. They have heard Wang Geng speak so many times that their blood is surging. To be able to hold back the scene, all you have to do is watch a group of old-haired generals bursting with passion and blood.

The applause in the coalition headquarters lasted for about 2 minutes. In the end, Wang Geng stretched out his hand to press down. Everyone gradually stopped. The commander-in-chief of the coalition said with a smile,

"To tell you the truth, the deputy commanders and chiefs of staff of the coalition headquarters and I are also very emotional. At this moment, I regret that the design of the federal military uniform is too fancy and good-looking. It is co-authored with our China-Japan Alliance. The military uniform looks too plain and simple, Your Excellency Utsunomiya, I think we have to come up with a plan for the design of our new military uniform as soon as possible, the Federation uses a double-headed eagle, how about we use a golden dragon?"

There was a burst of good-natured laughter in the conference room, and General Utsunomiya Taro, the deputy commander of the coalition army sitting on Wang Geng's right hand, echoed with a smile, "That's a good idea. We in Japan also admire dragons, but in your case In China, the dragon used to be a symbol of the emperor, Commander-in-Chief, are we being too ostentatious?"

"Hehe, there's no rush. You and I have joined the Volga Federation. If it's too late and you want to enjoy yourself, I'll ask someone to make you some federal general uniforms with double-headed eagles. Let's show off." Wang Geng laughed. on the road.full text

"General uniform? Can't be an admiral? How about you give me a marshal or something? I am a dignified general of the imperial army. I can't go to the federation but be downgraded to a general of the army? Or I can also be a general of the army!" Taro Utsunomiya seriously road.

"Let's discuss this matter later. Today is the first military meeting of the Volga Federation after the reorganization of the army. Let's hurry up and get to the point. Major General Hata Jun-six, please tell us about the current situation and the draft action plan for the next step. !" Wang Geng didn't continue teasing Utsunomiya, and turned to the chief staff officer of the war room, Hata Toshiroku.

Although Jiang Hongyu is the official chief of staff of the coalition headquarters, in Wang Geng's plan, Jiang Hongyu will be delegated to command one aspect of operations, so he directly asked his chief staff officer in the war room, Hata Junliu, to give a briefing. As for the candidate for the new chief of staff of the General Staff Headquarters, Wang Geng originally preferred Hata Shunroku to take over, but this guy was so focused on leading the troops to the front line to fight for the Imperial Army that it lost face in the Battle of Ufa, which made Wang Geng a little difficult.

"Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief, everyone, I am Shunroku Hata, Chief of Staff of the War Room of the Allied Forces Command, Major General of the Japanese Army. Let me introduce to you the current situation we are facing!" With the stars shining brightly, the guy got up and walked to the battle map that covered almost a wall, and introduced the situation.

"The Volga Federation was formally established, especially after signing a peace treaty with Soviet Russia to demarcate and recognize each other, we took over Saratov, Voronezri, Kursk and Tsaritsyn from Soviet Russia, and the entire federal jurisdiction The territory is about 94 square kilometers, and the registered population is about 740 million, of which nearly 200 million people were evacuated from the Ufa Great Plain to the east of the Ural Mountains, and they are still returning.”

"Because the land policy implemented by the Federation is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and the policy of exempting land tax for three years has made the rural people compare. At the same time, it is also because the working class and citizens who are loyal to or support the Soviet and Bolshevism, including some peasants, have already adopted the "Safe According to the provisions of the Mara Peace Treaty, the above areas were evacuated on time, so in these places, the advance detachment and task force of the Volga Federation entered relatively smoothly!"

"Most of the towns and cities are completely in the hands of the government of the Volga Federation. Of course, the escort is the advance detachment of the coalition forces. Now in these four states on the left bank of the Volga River, the main difficulty is the lack of food. In the previous civil war, the White Guards and the Soviet Red Army fought three times around Tsaritsyn, and with the withdrawal of the Soviet forces, the Tsaritsyn region now has the largest food shortage!"

"This is true, Your Excellency Commander-in-Chief, I, the prime minister of the Volga Federation, dare not stay in the prime minister's office. From morning till night, there are calls from all over the place asking for food. The left bank of Volga lacks everything, the most The only thing we need is food, and we have to figure out a way for the logistics of the coalition headquarters!" Pepelyaev interjected and complained.

"The food problem is mainly due to the insufficient transport capacity of the Trans-Siberian Railway. At the moment, in the Far East and China, the food we mobilized is piled up like a mountain, but there are not enough wagons, so it is too late to transport it! It is too late to transport weapons, ammunition, shells and troops!" the chief of staff of the coalition forces Jiang Hongyu said.

"The issue of food will be discussed later. The main reason is that the summer grain here has not come down yet. After this period, the summer grain harvest in the lower reaches of the Volga River will greatly alleviate the current predicament. Think of a way! Sixth Major General Hata Jun, please continue!" Wang Geng frowned slightly and said.

"At present, the situation within the Volga Federation is quite stable after the establishment of the Volga Federation. After all, we firstly do not rob food, and secondly, we distribute relief food to the people. The public security has stabilized the situation, and now the common people are worried about how long the Volga Federation government and army can stay, don’t stay there and withdraw, when the time comes, the common people will suffer again!”

Hata Toshiro glanced at the crowd, most of them were thoughtful, while Slavin Egorov and other Russian generals nodded slightly and whispered something to each other, Wang Geng signaled him to hurry up and continue. Going on, the guy went on to say,

"Restoring traffic within the federation, stabilizing the economic situation, and industrial and agricultural production are the errands of Prime Minister Pepe. Let's not mention it today. Now let's talk about the external situation. In the north of the federation, to the west of the Volga River is Soviet Russia, and to the east is Russia. Across the Kamala River and the Kolchak regime in Kazan, Kolchak's troops have exceeded 20!

According to our information, the main force of Kazan Kolchak will launch an offensive to cross the river tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, and then attack directly westward along the Trans-Siberian Railway. The first step is to take down the barrier to the east of Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod Germany!Another contest between the White Guards and the Soviet Red Army is about to start soon! "

"Your Excellency, Major General, does the Volga Federation really want to remain neutral to the war between Moscow and Kazan? I heard that the trains transporting food and arms along the Great Siberian Railway to Kazan have never stopped!" Raise your hand boldly The person who asked the question was Yegorov, the freshly-baked army lieutenant general, and he was asking the same question that many of the generals present had in mind.

"This question, according to the instructions of His Excellency Commander-in-Chief, whether it is the Allied Forces or the Volga Federation, take a neutral position on the war between the Soviet Russian government and the Kolchak regime!

However, our commander-in-chief said that since we are neutral, whoever wants to do business with us, we will definitely not stop doing it. Kolchak’s food and weapons were bought with gold from the Allied Powers. After the Volga Federation and Soviet Russia ceased the war, they stopped fulfilling the previous contract with the Kolchak regime. "Hata Toshiroku replied solemnly.

"Your Excellency, Major General, according to what you said, the Soviet Russian government bought arms and food from the Volga Federation or the Allied Powers, and we also sold them?" Kharchenko, the commander of the Volga Federation Navy who was still a polished commander He kept raising his hand and asked.

Hata Junliu frowned slightly, and looked at Wang Geng as if asking, Wang Geng smiled and made a gesture for him to answer, the chief staff officer of the war room said,

"In principle, this is the case, but Your Excellency the Commander-in-Chief told me that even if we are all neighbors, there are good and bad relationships, and there are relatives and distant friends. Therefore, if the Soviet Union buys weapons and food from us, it depends on whether we have enough. Inventory, the second depends on whether they can offer the starting price, and the third depends on whether we are in a good mood!"

Kharchenko stopped gnawing at the words, and several generals including Slavin and Egorov exchanged glances here. Obviously, the so-called neutrality of the Volga Federation has limits, but for those who have just switched to Volga For the former Soviet Russian senior generals in the federal camp, as long as they are not about to lead the team to directly fight the Soviet Red Army on the battlefield, in other respects, they should be able to quickly adjust their position and adapt to the new identity and situation in front of them.

Of course, Yegorov was even thinking that if one day the Volga Federation and the Kolchak regime turned their faces, he would be the first to lead the troops to fight there, teach Kolchak and the White Guards a lesson, and defend three times. During the Battle of Tsaritsyn, his troops fought fiercely with the White Guards in Tsaritsyn. Both sides were covered with each other's blood. Just killing each other's prisoners was already a deep hatred!

Of course, at the moment, several Slavins, Egorov and others, especially the political commissars of the former Soviet Russian Red Army Group Army, have mixed feelings in their hearts. Many people worry that the Soviet Russian Red Army will not be able to stop Kolcha. Ke's offensive, after all, after losing 30 main forces in the Battle of Ufa, the newly formed Volga Front Army now has at most 20 troops!If Kolchak's troops had half the firepower of the coalition forces, the outcome of this battle would be unpredictable!

"On the opposite side of Kolchak, the Soviet Red Army newly established the Volga River Military Region and Front Army. According to the results of our aerial reconnaissance and intelligence analysis, the Volga River Front Army of the Soviet Russian Red Army has at least 25 troops. The Third Army of the Front and the Eighth and Tenth Armies of the Southern Front, in addition, the Fifth Army and the First Army seem to have been rebuilt and are being formed and replenished!"

"Budyonny and his cavalry have confirmed that they have returned to the Soviet Red Army. It seems that Moscow will set up a cavalry army in the Volga Military Region. If you count the workers' divisions in Nizhny Novgorod and Moscow. On the Eastern Front, Soviet Russia will be able to mobilize no less than 30 troops!" Shunroku Hata spoke with a serious expression on his face!

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