Beiyang 1917

Chapter 554: Beyond the Victory


"I heard that Kamenev, the new commander of the Fifth Army of the Soviet Red Army, was not easy. He first served as the chief of staff of the Third Army, and was later transferred to Petrograd to organize the defense of the Baltic Sea coast. After the armistice with Germany and Austria, he returned to the Eastern Front, and the formation of the Fifth Army was placed in Nizhny Novgorod, and it was used as the main reserve of the Front Army!"

The headquarters of the newly established Volga Military Region and Front Army in Soviet Russia is in Nizhny Novgorod. Sverdlov and his partner Kamenev are both members of the Central Committee of Soviet Russia, and Sverdlov is still The vice chairman of the Supreme Military Council of Soviet Russia, so the Soviet Red Army in Nizhny Novgorod will never give up.

According to our war game deduction, Kolchak's troops have no problem crossing the Volga River, and there is a chance to take Cheboksary, but the possibility of conquering Nizhny Novgorod is very small. "Hata Shunroku analyzed while gesturing on the combat map with his baton.

"Your Excellency, Major General, you just said that the commander of the Tenth Army of the Soviet Russian Red Army was replaced by Gidis? Could it be that Voroshilov was dismissed like Joseph?" Yegorov, as the old man of the Southern Front of the Soviet Russian Red Army, endured He kept raising his hand and asked.

"Where, Lieutenant General Yegorov, your former comrade from Ukraine who came to shine in Tsaritsyn, not only was not dismissed, but was promoted, Kliment Yefremovich Volo Shilov was appointed deputy commander and second military commissar of the Volga Front of the Soviet Red Army.

Since Yakov Mikhailovich Sverdlov and Lev Borisovich Kamenev are both members of the Soviet Russian Central Committee, they often have to return to Moscow for Soviet Russian Central Committee meetings, so In fact, it was Voroshilov who was in charge of the front-line military command of the Volga Front Army! "

Hata Toshiroku's answer obviously made Yegorov, Slavin and others have mixed feelings. I didn't expect that Voroshilov not only did not suffer from Joseph's downfall, but rose step by step!

"Your Excellency, Major General, why didn't the Soviet Red Army use the main force of the Tenth Army to guard the Volga Railway Bridge in the direction of Kazan, but deployed it in the area from the south of Kazan to Simbirsk? The strength of the Tenth Army is enough With 8 infantry divisions and enough artillery, Voroshilov didn't use his main army to guard the most important line of Kazan?" Rzhevsky asked the question. **

"The problem is this. The first is that there is not enough time. The eighth and twelfth armies retreated to the north. Among them, the tenth army traveled a long distance of 700 kilometers to the Simbirsk line. Because of time constraints, this If we go north to the front line of Kazan and change defenses with the Third Army, it will easily form gaps and loopholes, giving Kolchak an opportunity to take advantage of."

"Secondly, we judge that Moscow is still worried that the coalition and Volga Federation troops will cross the Volga River to support Kolchak's western offensive, and our combat effectiveness is much stronger than Kolchak's troops. Therefore, Voroshi Love used the tenth army, the main force, to protect the flanks of the third army, and mainly to prevent us from crossing the river westward by surprise!" Hata Shunroku explained.

"Your Majesty, the Volga Federation has already signed a peace treaty with Moscow. Aren't they worried that we will tear up the peace treaty and turn their backs on us and continue to cross the river and attack west?" It was Lieutenant General Stepin who asked this question, but Several other Russian generals also had such doubts in their hearts. Would the coalition forces and the Volga Federation really plan to continue crossing the Volga River westward like this?

"The Central Committee of Soviet Russia is not all idiots. It is normal for them to have such worries. Of course, this is also closely related to the current situation. As far as the coalition forces and the Volga Federation are concerned, the next direction of deployment of troops is nothing more than Soviet Russia, In Ukraine and the south, it is normal for Moscow to worry that we are playing tricks to tear up the peace treaty. Of course, from another perspective, Voroshilov may also want to gather heavy troops on the flanks, and let go of the northern line to lure the enemy in deep!" Hata Junliu explained tirelessly.

Wang Geng nodded slightly when he heard the words, and exchanged glances with Utsunomiya Taro and Wu Peifu beside him. Obviously, Hata Shunroku, the de facto chief of staff, and his staff team did their homework very well. Basically, all situations were considered. .

"Your Excellency, Major General, what do you mean, Voroshilov placed Gydis' Tenth Army on the southern front of the Kazan campaign in order to go north and cut off the retreat of Kolchak's main force?" Yegorov asked. raised his hand and asked.

"If I were Voroshilov, I would do this. Kazan itself is a fortress and fortress city that is quite easy to defend and difficult to attack. If you want to destroy or attack Kolchak's main force, obviously let the other party in to lure the enemy Going deep is a better way.

Of course, whether Voroshilov has this courage is not very clear to us. When Moscow used to command the Soviet Red Army’s defensive operations, it often emphasized that it would stick to the front and never retreat. Now they have changed from Tsaritsyn to Kazan. I don’t know if they Will stick to this habit! "Hata Junliu said with a smile.

Speaking of the topic, there was a buzzing sound in the conference room. Obviously, the imminent battle between Soviet Russia and Kolchak in the north made the generals of the coalition forces here a little itchy and ready to move. The Japanese Third Division Lieutenant General Nibuta Erlang, the head of the division, couldn't help shouting,

"Major General Hata, mother-in-law, why are you talking so much about the Soviet Red Army and the White Guards? Hurry up and talk about the next battle plan that your war room has drawn up for our coalition forces. This is driving people to death! This time, the Third Division will absolutely Be a vanguard! Otherwise, my court will never agree!"

His Excellency, the 54-year-old division commander, has fair skin, a beautiful moustache, and a rather loud voice. Except for the artillery unit, the third division is still in the second line of Chelyabinsk and has not come here. Chai Goro, the head of the No.12 Division, did not even qualify as a reserve team during the Battle of Ufa.

When Jiro Oba yelled like this, the two division heads Shibagoro and Fujii Yukatsuki next to him couldn't help but yelled too. Shibagoro, the head of the No.12 Division of the Japanese Army, just passed a month ago Turning 58, he is one year older than his boss, Utsunomiya Taro. Seeing that he will be transferred to the reserve service if he waits any longer, this guy grabs Fujii who is beside him, and looks at this yelled,

"Fujii-kun, it's time for our No.12 Division to go to battle this time. Your Seventh Division has already participated in the Ufa Battle and has had enough fun. Next time, it's time to talk about you as the second-line reserve team. Daba and I It is the main force of choice for the new campaign!"

Unexpectedly, Fujii didn't buy it at all, and broke away from Shibagoro's hand, shouting,

"Your Excellency, Lieutenant General, during the Battle of Ufa, the Seventh Division only stayed in the base camp in the northwest of Ufa to bask in the sun and rain. It was the reserve team for the battle. To say that it participated in the battle, only the Artillery Wing and a brigade tried it out. It's all about skill, of course we will be used in the next battle, how can we say that we are more familiar with the customs, customs, environment and climate west of the Ural Mountains than you, the No.12 Division can take our place last time and serve as a reserve team for the battle!"

Oba Jiro of the third division here was unwilling, and shouted with his neck stuck, "Fujii-san, do you still feel ashamed of your seventh division in the Ufa battle? A brigade plus a cavalry regiment, stunned!" Even the thousands of wounded soldiers who were hiding in the swamps couldn’t be found, and Mr. Chai, you have forgotten what happened to your No.12 Division in Vladivostok. The next battle is of course our first battle. The three divisions take the lead!"

The heads of the three Japanese divisions pinched themselves in the conference room, accusing each other's troops of not being good enough, and that the next battle will take the lead with their own division's main force. A group of Russian generals were eye-opening and snickered. , the Chinese generals here all showed contempt on their faces, and said in their hearts, Nima, as long as you Japanese army with [-] broken guns dare to say that you are the main force of the coalition forces, the combat effectiveness of the Russian troops is much stronger than yours !

"Okay! Enough is enough! Oba, Fujii, and Shibagoro, all shut up for me. How decent is this? Isn't it embarrassing to be an old man! Listen to Hata Shunroku's explanation honestly, who will continue to explain?" I just dismissed him for nonsense, and sent him back to Tokyo to play in the mud!" The commander of the Japanese army and the deputy commander of the coalition forces Utsunomiya Taro turned his nose angrily, slapped the table fiercely and shouted.

With Utsunomiya Taro's roar, the three Japanese division heads stared at each other dissatisfied, closed their mouths and stopped.

Wang Geng, commander-in-chief of the coalition forces here, lit a cigar by himself, took a puff beautifully, and said lightly to Jun Hata, "Major General Hata, please continue, the morale of your seniors is good, I think Let's see how your revised next-step battle plan is going! It's really exciting!"

The commander-in-chief of the coalition forces took the lead, and there were not a few generals lighting cigarettes and drinking tea here. The atmosphere in the entire conference room suddenly became active and relaxed. Hata Shunroku took a few sips of water from the teacup handed over by Ishihara Kanji, put down the cup, and continued. He gestured at the map and told the generals present his next plan.

"For the coalition forces and the Volga Federation, the direction of future deployment of troops is nothing more than Soviet Russia in the northwest, Ukraine in the southwest, and the White Guards on the Don River in the south. Since we signed the "Samara Peace Treaty" with the Soviet Russian regime, this also means that the East Front After the Allied Forces fought in Ufa, the main enemy has changed from the Soviet Union to the German-Austrian Allies, of course, this is also the original intention of the Allied Forces to send the Allied Forces to fight on the Russian Eastern Front!"

"Major General, is the Volga Federation going to fight Ukraine? I heard that the German and Austrian garrisons in Ukraine have not all retreated yet. The troops of Voroshilov and Chernavin were taken from Ukraine by the Germans. Those who rushed to Tsaritsyn, we, the Volga Federation has just been established, isn't it a bit too hasty to provoke the Germans?"

It was Lezhevski who was speaking. When he was in the Tsarist Russian army, he served as a division commander in the Tsarist Russian Southwest Front Army led by the Tsarist Russian military god Brusivov. Come on, the Volga Federation has just been established, the army has not yet been reorganized, and the weapons and equipment are not fully in place. If you want to fight the Germans, you really don't know what to do!

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