Beiyang 1917

Chapter 577 Whimsical

"This is hell, Felix Edmundovich, have all the local Soviets and Chekas run away? The troops are retreating, but who let the local Soviet zhengfu, workers' pickets and Cheka staff run away? Running away together? Completely disorganized and undisciplined. In this situation, you must act immediately and drive everyone back to me. We only promised the Volga Federation to demarcate this demilitarized zone as a buffer zone, but we did not say that we would use these The land is given to that shitty Volga Federation"

Ulyanov pinched his waist with one hand and waved the other to get angry at Cheka chairman Dzerzhinsky. The Cheka chairman looked ashamed and didn't know how to explain it.

In fact, the establishment of the Volga River Military District caused a certain degree of confusion in the administration of the local Soviet government and the command of the local Cheka troops, not to mention the ceding of Saratov Voronezri Kursk and Tsaritsyn Afterwards, the local Soviet government staff and Chekas who were withdrawn from the south were also in a state of chaos, and many institutions and personnel hadn't found the leaders they should report to

"How do you answer the Volga Federation now?" The People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Union wiped the sweat from his brow. Last night, this guy spent a whole night negotiating in a telegram with Yuefei who was far away in Berlin. Cannons and anti-aircraft guns were squeezed out there. In the case that the second payment was temporarily not fully raised, in addition to the first batch of 10 Russian-style rifles and 20mm anti-aircraft guns from ten anti-aircraft artillery battalions, I hope A second batch of 300 cannon from fifty batteries was rushed across the border

"I don't think it's necessary to talk to them. Tell the Tenth and Eighth Army to prepare for battle. Once the Volga Federation troops cross the river and enter the demilitarized zone, we will resolutely fight back. Territory is a matter of principle. We must not tolerate too much. I'm weak," Trotsky, chairman of the Supreme Military Council, said in a stern tone.

"Lev Davidovich, Comrade Chairman, what you said is easy, but the task of the Eighth and Tenth Armies is to prepare to outflank and cut off the rear of Kolchak's main force from the south to the north, as a strategy for the Battle of Kazan The reserve team was arranged in the south, not for the purpose of confronting the Volga Federation. Besides, if the Volga Federation troops cross the river, can this battle continue? Do you know how many troops the coalition forces have on the other side of the river? At least 30 people on the ground The main force of the army" Sverdlov frowned and couldn't help pushing back

"It took such a high price to make peace with the Volga Federation and demarcate the border. We can't be fooled by the enemy. The most urgent task now is to destroy Kolchak and his main White Guards, not to tear up the peace treaty again and start a war with the Volga Federation. Once the Volga Federation is destroyed After crossing the river and fighting with the main force of the coalition forces, we have to think about how to defend Moscow. With all due respect, the Volga Front Army will definitely not be able to withstand the joint attack of Kolchak and the Volga Federation."

Bubnov, a member of the Central Committee of the Soviet Union who had not spoken all this time, could not help but said that after he was transferred back from Tsaritsyn, he took over Kamenev's duties as Chairman of the Moscow Soviet and Commander of the Garrison Command. Tsaritsyn had a lot of good times, of course, it is far worse than the one-handedly covering the sky in Ukraine earlier

"Don't say that the Volga Front Army can't resist it, even if the troops from Petersburg in the west are transferred over, it may not be able to stop it. Maybe the working class in Russia must be organized and armed, and the army should be expanded by at least one million. Where? Where are the bullets? Where are the aircraft cannons?" Sverdlov's expression was ugly, he spread his hands and shouted

"Calm and watch your identities, especially you, Yakov Mikhailovich. You and Kamenev's Volga Front are the only barrier east of Moscow. As commander of the military district and front, you cannot If things get messed up, we can’t change our policy of first going north and then going south. The top priority is to defeat Kolchak. As for the south, whichever Volga Federation is going to make a fuss, I’d like to see what tricks they can come up with.” Uriano With a wave of his hand, he stopped the top bulls of Bubnov and Sverdlov

"Vladimir Ilyich, how should we answer the Volga Federation?" Chicherin asked from the side

"How to answer? Call that Pepelyaev back and warn them not to try to interfere in the internal affairs of the Soviet Russian government, and remind them that the demarcation of the demilitarized zone has reached the bottom line of our tolerance. If they go further and violate our sovereignty , then the Soviet Russian government will not hesitate to fight, and use blood and fire to defend the dignity of the Soviets and Bolsheviks." Ulyanov's words were resounding, and his face was so heroic

Trotsky, Sverdlov, Chicherin, and several other Soviet Central Committee members all looked at each other in dismay after hearing what was said, obviously a little confused by Comrade Ulyanov's inconsistent statement

"What are you still doing in a daze? The answer to the Volga Federation is like this, what the hell, a broken puppet regime and five people and six people think they are?" Ulyanov turned around twice with his hands behind his back, seeing Qi Qielin and several central yang committee members still surrounded him silently, and couldn't help but get up in a hurry and shouted

Chicherin had no choice but to grit his teeth and turn around to answer the call. Ulyanov turned around and said to Trotsky, Sverdlov and Dzerzhinsky,

"We still maintain radio contact with the Allied Forces Command? Send a telegram to the king of China and ask him what his plan is? If he wants to tear up the "Samara Peace Treaty" and Kolchak to deal with us, then we We had to announce that we would directly join the German-Austrian Allies, and told him that as long as he abides by the "Samara Peace Treaty", we can acquiesce to the fact that the coalition forces can go south in the demilitarized zone, but we must not go north to support Kazan and Gao Elchak

Didn’t the other party ask to lease our Volga River Fleet last night in the name of the coalition forces? I promised him that anyway, according to the demarcation of the demilitarized zone, the Volga River Fleet is unable to move an inch, and the north is blocked by Kolchak. The Caspian Sea is not our territory anymore, what do you all think? "

"So, the diplomatic note from the Volga Federation just now was because we received a telegram from the Allied Forces Command last night and did not respond in time, and the other side used tricks?" Bukharin suddenly realized as he slapped his head aside.

"I agree with Vladimir Ilyich. The Volga Federation is just a puppet. The telegram this morning was just to respond to the request made by the coalition forces last night. If we don't want to go to war with Kolchak and the Volga Federation at the same time, then we just I was able to agree to the other party's request last night because I was worried that the king of China would make progress. If the coalition forces turned west after crossing the river instead of going south, it would be difficult for the Tenth and Eighth armies to stop the enemy." Trotsky frowned. locked way

"Man is a knife and I am a fish. What is there to think about? Now buy time and concentrate our forces to completely defeat Kolchak, so that we will have more confidence to bargain with the coalition forces. According to our previous judgments, if the coalition forces continue to fight We fight, there is no need to abandon the Kolchak regime and support the Volga Federation

I think our previous judgment is still accurate. The coalition forces signed the "Samara Peace Treaty" with us to free up their hands to attack Ukraine and Poland. Tear us apart," Sverdlov thumped the combat map on the wall, gritted his teeth

"But in this way, the Volga River was originally the border river between us and the Volga Federation, but now it has become the other side's inland river. If you still lease the fleet to the other side, you may not come back in the future," Bukharin mumbled.

"Nikolai Ivanovich, everything will be there, let's talk about it after we defeat Kolchak first." Trotsky put his hand on Bukharin's shoulder, stared into his eyes and said, watching It's not like cheering up Bukharin, but giving yourself a reason

"Dzerzhinsky, go to the telecommunications room to send a telegram in person. Be sure to contact the coalition command and tell them that this is our last line. Moscow has no way out," Ulyanov ordered.

"Wait, Vladimir Ilyich, I have an idea. You see, since we and the Volga Federation are now friendly states, and the two sides have signed the "Samara Peace Treaty", we also leased our Volga fleet to If we have lost the other party, then should we return some benefits?" Sverdlov rolled his eyes and asked

"Advantages? Yakov Mikhailovich, the other party said that the rent of the fleet in the Volga River region should be converted into food, but now you have to pay on credit, and you will pay when you are free. What else do you want to exchange for the fleet? Weapons and It is absolutely impossible to even think about arms," ​​Trotsky said aside.

"Yes, besides food, what else do you want to exchange for it? Let me tell you, Yakov Mikhailovich, I think we try to negotiate as little as possible with the coalition army and the king of China, and we suffer every time. , and it’s unspeakably painful, I feel that the other party is setting up traps everywhere, and I don’t know what’s going on when I fall into it,” Ulyanov said with lingering fear

"Information we need information Voroshilov's telegram said that Kolchak's Western and Central Route Army did not cross the river at the predetermined location and disappeared. Can we ask the Allied Forces for information? Their reconnaissance plane can see The sky is hovering above our heads, bullying us and dare not beat them down, since we have given the coalition forces so many benefits, is it not an exaggeration to ask them for information on the movements of Kolchak's main force?" Sverdlov hey way

"You must be crazy, Yakov Mikhailovich, the Allied Forces and the Volga Federation, are the most vicious enemies who wear the same trousers with Kolchak, and you are asking them for information, this is simply The Arabian Nights, you must be confused. Who gave you this bad idea? This person should be handed over to the Cheka for review to see if he is an enemy spy lurking inside us." Bukharin waved his hands emotionally and shouted stand up

"Don't talk about reconnaissance planes or anything, that Kolchak government and the White Guards, and I don't know how many of them are the eyes and ears of the coalition forces. If the other party is really willing to help us, they may be able to wipe out all of Kolchak's operations. Get us the plan and the deployment of troops." Trotsky's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help saying

"Is this okay?" Ulyanov was a little uncertain, and asked several other central committee members.

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