Beiyang 1917

Chapter 581 2 losers?


"Alexander Vasilyevich, although the failure of the 1st Kazan Infantry Division's attack is regrettable, isn't it our original intention to transfer the opponent's armored train, not to mention that the opponent's casualties will never be smaller than ours, I think Let the artillery positions of the ambush Southwest Group fire, and together with the artillery of the Central Group, kill the opponent's armored train." Chief of Staff Hastings said aside

"However, my chief of staff, the enemy only came over with one armored train. If we expose the artillery position of the Southwest Group, the other two armored trains from the other side will catch up and counterattack. We can't move as fast as the other side moves on the railway. "

Kolchak is not confused at all. If the three armored trains of the Soviet Red Army on the southwestern defense line rushed to rescue, he would have ordered the two artillery groups to open fire at the same time, and must destroy the opponent's armored train.

But at this moment, the other party only came in one row, and obviously they were holding back. If they exposed the Southwest Artillery Group that had been lying in ambush and hadn't opened fire in advance, it would not only scare the enemy, but also easily lead to the counterattack of the other party's subsequent armored trains.

"Alexander Vasilyevich, if we don't destroy the armored train of the opponent, the enemy will not send reinforcements from the armored train, because with this train they can stabilize the right-wing front, or we Let the artillery of the middle group fire first, anyway, the position has been exposed long ago, killing the opponent's three artillery will cost us a lot, at least 6 artillery have withdrawn from the battle," Hastings said anxiously

"The group of good artillery fires across the board. The target is the enemy's armored train. It must be intercepted and smashed into scrap iron." Kolchak thought for a while and agreed to Hastings' suggestion

In fact, the armored train that came to reinforce the Soviet Red Army's right-wing position was originally a little distance away from the position of the First Ural Infantry Division, about 1 kilometer away. When the artillery company turned its guns and bombarded in the northwest direction, the armored train of the Soviet Russian Red Army had already started quickly and retreated to the northwest direction. Dianhuakai chased after the train, but just missed

"Damn, these Bolsheviks are not stupid at all. They took advantage of us and wanted to sneak away. What do the artillerymen in our group do? Don't you know how to measure in advance? Hit the front of the opponent's car." Kolchak saw it in the binoculars The opponent's armored train was speeding away, and most of the shells fired by the artillerymen in the middle fell behind the opponent's armored train due to the time difference, which made the commander-in-chief of the White Guards a little frustrated

"It is unreasonable to order the artillery of the southwestern group to fire on the whole line. It cannot stop this armored train of the Soviet Red Army. It is unreasonable for all artillery commanders to be dismissed and investigated." Without waiting for Hastings to persuade, Kolchak turned his head and shouted at the combat staff officer.

Of course, Hastings, the chief of staff of the White Guards, also saw this scene through the binoculars. After giving the order, he couldn't stop it, so he had to add another sentence,

"In addition, I will send an order to the artillery company in the group to move to the west. Be quick to prepare for the reinforcements of the enemy's follow-up armored trains. Send the artillery observation post of the southeast group to pay close attention to the reinforcements of the armored trains behind the opponent's left-wing position. Do not fire without orders. Commander-in-Chief, what do you think?"

"Well, that's it, why didn't the artillery of the Southwest Group fire? These fat-brained guys couldn't stop this armored train of the Soviet Russian Red Army, and all the artillery commanders were shot by me." Kolchak looked at the opponent in the binoculars. The armored train that took advantage of him drove farther and farther, but the artillery positions of the southwest group that he had ambushed for a long time did not fire, and he roared out of anger

Finally, after tens of suffocating seconds, the artillery group in the southwest direction of the White Guards finally opened fire. Six artillery companies and 18 field guns let out an earth-shaking roar, and the shells whizzed out and smashed into the fast-moving The Soviet Russian armored train, and then it exploded like raindrops on the iron armored train

After the armored train was bombarded by the sudden intensive artillery fire, although it began to turn its muzzle to fight back, the armored train's gait became staggering, and the carriages hit by the white guards' artillery fire continued to explode. Heavy machine guns and on-board artillery were also attacked. damaged

This armored train in Soviet Russia also carried 3 artillery companies with 18 pieces of artillery, but the moving guns were poorly aimed. Therefore, the artillery counterattack of the armored train could not effectively suppress the firepower of the 6 artillery companies of the Southwest Artillery Group of the White Guards. , After driving for more than 3 kilometers, the power locomotive of the armored train was hit by several shells from the White Guards and exploded. The armored train that lost its power finally stopped on the railway line

The infantrymen on the armored train jumped out of the carriages and evacuated to the trenches on the nearby Soviet Red Army defense line to avoid shells, while the heroic artillerymen on the armored train were still guarding the powerless armored train. The artillery positions of the White Guards engaged in artillery battles. Since one-third of the artillery on the Soviet-Russian armored train was damaged and destroyed by the opponent's intensive artillery fire during the retreat, the artillery fire of the armored train was obviously inferior to the White Guards in the distance. Firepower of the Southwest Artillery Group

"Fight well and finally the opponent didn't run away. The chief of staff told the artillery in the middle group to take the time to shift positions and move to the southwest to prepare to join the artillery battle in the southwest. I guess the opponent will soon reinforce the remaining armored trains to this place. direction to save their armored train"

Kolchak saw through the binoculars that the other party's armored train finally stopped like a dead snake, being hit by his own artillery sparks splashed and exploded, and couldn't help but happily ordered:

"What are you doing in a daze? Hurry up and deliver the order as the commander-in-chief said. In addition, inform the southeast artillery group that the armored train that missed the opponent's left-wing position will never be allowed to come for reinforcements. As long as the opponent appears, I will stop him with artillery fire." Hastings' emotions also rose, and he shouted at the combat staff officer

This guy is worried that if the five armored trains of the Soviet Red Army rush over and gather together to fire, the 20 artillery companies of the White Guards will not be as mobile as the opponent's armored trains.

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