Beiyang 1917

Chapter 587 Who Will Take the Responsibility?


"Alexander Vasilyevich, I didn't expect the Soviet Red Army to be so tenacious, and Berzin's Third Army could fight so well! It doesn't count if we cut our teeth, but he ran away on the train!" Russian provisional zheng bsp;txt

"Bullshit! It's not that the opponent can fight at all, but the performance of our West Route Army is too disappointing. I said Sergey Nikolaevich, you brought the 4th and 5th Divisions of the Don Cossacks. How could the 4 artillery companies be blocked by an enemy infantry division?! They couldn’t get in and cut off the railway line! I’m waiting for you to give me an explanation!”

Alexander Vasilyevich Kolchak, the supreme consul of the All-Russian Provisional Government and the commander-in-chief of the All-Russian White Guards, his face was ashen, and he slapped the table fiercely and shouted.

"Alexander Vasilievich, please listen to my explanation!" Vice Admiral Sergey Nikolaevich Dimilev, the former commander-in-chief of the White Guards West Route Army, wiped the sweat from his b Tried desperately to explain.

"I'm listening! If your explanation is not sufficient, I'm going to tear Ma Su down!" Kolchak said with a serious face. <.. ..>

"The enemy we face is not an infantry division at all, at least a division plus a regiment, and the combat effectiveness is very strong. Although they don't have cannons, the firepower of machine guns and rifles is well configured. Although we have 4 artillery companies, but No matter how you bombard the opponent, you still haven’t lost your fighting power!”

"And you also know that the number of ferries and rafts we collected was insufficient, and the time was too short. In the end, most of our cavalry rode across on horseback. They were exhausted from fighting against the rapids of the Volga River, and it was difficult to free up their hands. Come and shoot while crossing the river!" Dimirev explained eloquently.

"Bullshit! It's just cavalry swimming across the river. You won't set up machine guns to organize fire cover on the north bank? I don't believe that you can't smash a landing field for troops to go ashore with 4 artillery companies and 24 cannons!" Kolchak said angrily. Panting heavily, he patted the table!

A group of White Guard division commanders sat on both sides of the conference table in the large conference room of the headquarters, all of them sat upright. In addition to the huge casualties of the Eastern Army under the command of Erchak himself. \\..\\

The other troops on the north bank of the Volga River who outflanked and crossed the river did not complete their tasks. That is to say, the former commander-in-chief of the Central Route Army, General Krashilnikov, was considered a lucky general. He led the 6th and 7th Divisions of the Don Cossack Cavalry smoothly Crossed the Volga River, occupied the empty Alexandrovna, and the record of the other participating troops was all good.

The commander-in-chief of the Western Route Army, Timilev, who failed to cross the river at the most critical Kozmodemyansk and went south to cut off the railway line, was the first to be named and held accountable by Kolchak at the combat review meeting that day. The target, if it is not done well, it is possible that he will be dismissed and investigated for trivial matters, and he may be dragged out and shot.

Everyone knows that Anna, Dimirev's ex-wife, is Kolchak's personal secretary at the moment. None of the lovers of the supreme consul in Russia, and Kolchak's wife and children have been sent to France at this time, and Anna's identity as Kolchak's confidante is already semi-public in Kazan secret.

Dimirev and Kolchak are both subordinates, close comrades in arms, and rivals in love. Of course, before and after the October Revolution, Anna broke up with Dimirev and dissolved her marriage without hesitation. Therefore, This triangular relationship is even more involved. Dimirev is still single at this time, and obviously he has not given up on his longing for Anna. Wearing a green hat on his head does not affect Dimirev's becoming Kolchak's subordinate. One of the generals who were reused.

But the greater the responsibility, the heavier the burden. In the campaign plan drawn up by Kolchak, the detour and crossing attack of the West Route Army are the most lethal parts. Just like this afternoon, if the West Route Army Even if there is only one success in the crossing area, Kolchak can successfully encircle the opponent's third army. Once the opponent is encircled, there will be no suspense in annihilating and eating Berzin, the third Soviet Russian army.

In this way, on the northern front, the main group army of the Soviet Russian Red Army was completely lost, and the troops of the Volga Front Army of the Soviet Russian Red Army that were temporarily assembled and reorganized in Nizhny Novgorod had at best no combat effectiveness and were not in Kolchak at all. in the eyes!

The problem is that all of this has come to naught. Kolchak's attempt to attract the main force of the Third Army to defend Tsivelisk with the tepid attack and deployment of the Eastern Army has succeeded, but Cheboksary, who is empty in the rear, unexpectedly Relying on an infantry division and a temporary worker division to hold the ferry.

And the two powerful Cossack cavalry divisions of Dimirev, who had high hopes, failed to successfully seize the Kozmodemyansk ferry and went south to cut off the railway line, thus cutting off the retreat of the Soviet Red Army. .

"Who said it wasn't, Alexander Vasilyevich, needless to say, I concentrated the firepower of 2 heavy machine gun battalions and 4 artillery companies, and beat up the Soviet Red Army position at the ferry across the river. Of course, the landing field has also been opened! The 5th Brigade of the 10th Cavalry Division of the Don River also successfully crossed the river and rushed to the river bank. It's horse pits and tree stumps, and the cavalry can't move at all!"

"Sergey Nikolaevich, what do you want me to say about you? Can't you rush? If you can't rush, you won't dismount to fight? The cavalry of the Allied Forces in the Battle of Ufa never fought with sabers at all. Fighting, don’t your cavalry have firesticks on their backs? Don’t Mosin Nagant ride rifles? You can’t fight without wielding sabers?” Kolchak roared furiously.

"However, Alexander Vasilyevich, the Cossacks of the 5th Don Cavalry Division did dismount and fight with rifles, but did our cavalry charge with rifles, lacking machine gun fire cover, and our own artillery on the other side of the river It happened to be out of reach, and the enemy's Maxim heavy machine gun firepower prevailed, and the Cossacks of the 5th Division were overturned with their men and horses! We were blocked just like that, because the landing field area on the south bank of the ferry was narrow, the follow-up troops You can't even continue to cross the river!" Dimirev yelled aggrievedly.

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