Beiyang 1917

Chapter 591 Iron-Blooded Discipline

The Prime Minister of the Volga Federal Cabinet was so frightened that he almost wanted to hold the commander-in-chief's leg and cried, "I have made military achievements for the leader. I was born and died with grass and milk. I will be your prime minister as well as your mother and mother." Is it easy for the housekeeper to also be the Minister of Foreign Affairs? Your Excellency Commander-in-Chief, I don’t need to be intimidated! No matter what, you can give me a gold medal to avoid death or something!"

Of course he thought so in his heart, Pepelyaev remained calm on the surface, and confessed loudly, "Don't worry, Your Excellency Commander-in-Chief, since I and my people regard the Volga Federation as our homeland, then We definitely can’t do things like eating inside and out. Now we can not only sing the Russian version of the military song "Three Great Disciplines - Nine Items of Discipline", but also the Chinese version and the Japanese version. cooked!"

Wang Geng smiled slightly when he heard the words, and lightly patted the hand of Pepelyaev who was sitting on the chair on his right,

"Of course I believe you, otherwise I wouldn't let you be the Prime Minister of the Volga Federation, but the generals under you, especially those who just voted from the Soviet Red Army, have to be taken care of by them, what? The female nurse, female assistant, and female secretary who warms the bed, warms the tent, and warms the quilt, don't be caught by the gendarmerie for this kind of shit!

An army is an army, and there are plenty of formal places to have fun, and the military discipline in the barracks must not be sloppy!There are places where people are not willing to spend money for entertainment, and rely on wearing military uniforms to control the soldiers, so they dare to harm the common people and ruin other women's women, and shoot one after another! "

Pepelyayev was sweating profusely when he heard the words, and while nodding in agreement, he took out a handkerchief and wiped his sweat, thinking, this Chinese king is actually good at everything, but the woman is a bit clumsy. Isn't it common for children to have three wives and four concubines? Why are you so rigid and deliberate at such a young age?This is too much of a waste of a good youth?

Thinking about it this way, Pepe really didn't dare to break the taboo of the commander-in-chief of the coalition army on women's sex. I heard that the scum of the Japanese army who violated military discipline and harmed local women by the gendarmerie along the way could almost catch up with the entire Ufa The total number of Japanese soldiers killed in the battle has been increased. The king of the allied forces is acting like a puzzled killer. . .

"Vassily Nikolaevich, let's get down to business, you just answer Kolchak in this way, given that the Volga Federation abides by neutrality, and the Soviet Russian government, as well as the All-Russian temporary government of His Excellency Kolchak are all neutral neighbors When the two sides are fighting, we cannot publicly support either side, so the arms-for-land deal can only be done in private!" Wang Geng said to Pepelyaev.

"However, Your Excellency Commander-in-Chief, after the reorganization of our own team, the cannons and machine guns are not enough. Where can we get cannons to exchange land for Kazan?" Pepelyaev scratched his head in embarrassment.

The commander-in-chief of the coalition forces obviously had a plan for this issue, and when he heard the words, he smiled and said, "

My Excellency, the Federal Prime Minister, it is only a matter of time before the Volga Federation’s National Defense Forces use coalition-style weapons. In the future, we will replace the Russian artillery and Maxim machine guns in our hands sooner or later. I think so,

Sergei Ivanovich Barayanov's Ufa Army can give priority to refitting with coalition-style weapons, and the replaced Maxim machine guns and Russian artillery are used to support Kolchak!Our arsenal in Yekaterinburg has already started trial production of 75mm Ri-type mountain artillery, and the Ufa Army will be given priority at that time! "

Pepelyayev was overjoyed at first, then became anxious, grabbed Wang Geng's hand and shouted,

"Hey, Your Excellency Commander-in-Chief, if you want to change gear, of course my Samara Army should change first. Anyway, I am still your deputy commander-in-chief of the armed forces. If the Ufa Army changes to the coalition weapons first, you call me the Federal Cabinet Where is the face of the prime minister, foreign minister, and commander of the Samara Army? How can I hold my head up in front of Sergei Ivanovich!"

The commander-in-chief of the coalition forces quietly took his hand out of Pepelyaev's palm, and patted the fellow's hand in turn, saying,

"Vassily Nikolaevich, you are the Prime Minister of the Cabinet and the Commander-in-Chief of the Federal Armed Forces. How dare you argue with your generals about this kind of thing, otherwise people will definitely think you are using power for personal gain, and I will not be convinced! Besides, the Ufa Group Army is still staying in Ufa at the moment, and half a day is enough to transport the reloaded weapons to Kazan by train! This will be able to send charcoal to His Excellency Kolchak in the snow!"

"Hey, Your Excellency Commander-in-Chief, don't fool me. In the entire Allied Forces and the Volga Federation, no, no, in the entire Sino-Japanese Alliance and Asia, who dares to say no to your decision? I can't back down on this matter." , if you want to change clothes, I have to give priority to my Samara Army to change clothes!

After all, our Samara Army is a direct line of troops stationed in the capital. This is the face of the Volga Federation. In Samara, there are guards and patrols. The soldiers wear brand-new military uniforms, but they hold old-fashioned Russian rifles in their hands. Look Don't be awkward, I myself feel awkward looking at the long spear!The Russian-style artillery has a heavy weight and a short range, which is obviously different from the Japanese-style mountain artillery. No, my troops must change first if they want to change their equipment! "

Pepelyayev refused to give in, and begged Wang Geng pitifully. The commander-in-chief of the coalition had no choice but to give in. After thinking for a while, he said,

"Okay, okay, the three infantry divisions of the Ufa Group Army add up to the cannons of six artillery companies. There are more than 6 Maxim machine guns, but the number of cannons is a little less. In this way, Your Excellency Pepe, your sa The machine guns and cannons of the Mara Army and Sergei Ivanovich's Ufa Army were replaced.

I know that you have hidden a lot of private goods for yourself. The standard configuration of other Volga Federation armies is 1 division and 2 artillery companies. Your Samara Army has 3 artillery companies for an infantry division!In this way, the Russian 9mm mountain field guns of the 76 artillery companies of the Samara Army were replaced, and the 6 artillery companies of the Ufa Army were added, a total of 15 artillery companies with 90 Russian artillery pieces, each with a base shells, plus ~1 Maxim heavy machine guns, used to exchange Kolchak for all the territories occupied by the White Guards south of Tsaritsyn! "

The price given by the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces is definitely not low. Pepelyaev was elated when he heard the words. Not only did his troops change their outfits, but he could also help the White Guards in Mount Kazan and solve the problem of the White Guards south of Tsaritsyn. This problem can be said to kill three birds with one stone, so why not make this guy happy?

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