Beiyang 1917

Chapter 593

Denikin slandered in his heart, you are a speculator. When you escaped from Petersburg, you got in touch with the Germans. You needed ammunition, ammunition, food and ruble marks, but then I brought people from the Allied Powers over. Seeing that the Allied Powers could offer a higher price, didn't they just take the aid from the Allied Powers and announce their support for Kolchak and his All-Russian Provisional Government!

Of course, Kolchak and the Allied Powers were still in the honeymoon period at that time. Unlike now, the Allied Forces kicked Kolchak and the Kazan regime away, and supported Pepelyaev’s Volga federal!

As for Denikin himself, after the Allied Forces sent troops to the Eastern Front, the Sino-Japanese Alliance and the King of China were the masters on the Eastern Front. Wang Geng, the commander-in-chief of the Allied Forces on the Eastern Front, had the final say, and the British and French envoys stationed in Russia were nothing in his eyes. In addition, the Don River White Guards were still unable to go north to take Tsaritsyn, which led to the exhaustion of the aid received in the early stage. , At the moment the team is weak, the gathered troops of 5 people have less than 30000 guns, and there is an extreme shortage of cannons, Maxim heavy machine guns, bullets, and shells.

For Denikin, it is certainly not worthwhile to go north to Kazan to serve as cannon fodder for Kolchak, but it is even more unwise to declare that Du Li is an enemy of everyone. The Germans are beyond their reach, and Germany has never had any ambitions for Russia. To cover up, Denikin preferred to join the Volga Federation instead of turning to the German-Austrian Allies and the Allied Powers as enemies.

Of course, it depends on how much the king of the Allied Forces is willing to pay. If it is really not possible, he, Denikin, will take his team into exile in the Crimean Peninsula to lie dormant for a while to observe the future situation. The three southern states and the coalition forces going south from Tsaritsin are stronger!

"Peter Nikolaevich, are you sure we must declare du li and join the German-Austrian Allies? With the United States joining the Allied Powers, Germany and Austria may not be opponents, let alone on the Eastern Front, the Allied Forces on the Eastern Front will definitely not tolerate Xiao Wang, if we make a wrong bet, it may be impossible to recover! We declare du li, and then bargain with the Volga Federation, if they can give us fair and decent treatment, how about we join the Volga Federation?"

Denikin thought to himself, Krasnov would not suddenly tear his face and attack him, not to mention that his guards were waiting outside the gate, and the fat guy in front of him would not dare to risk the world and fight with himself !In the entire Don River White Guards, his direct descendants accounted for at least three-fifths!

And Krasnov actually lives in a small garden building behind the headquarters of the Don White Guards. There is a large courtyard in the middle, and the front is connected to the headquarters building of the Don White Guards. Denikin, the deputy commander and chief of staff, Most of the time, he was not actually in Rostov, so his house in Rostov was a few streets away from the headquarters.

"No, no, no, Anton Ivanovich, I admit that leading troops in war is your strong point, but I have a sense of discretion in judging the political situation. In my opinion, the German-Austrian Allies are on the Eastern Front and After the Soviet Russian regime signed the "Brest Peace Treaty", the sphere of influence and strength of Germany and Austria have been unprecedentedly enhanced.

From Finland to Azerbaijan, such a long list of new du li countries maintain neutrality in name, but actually support Germany and Austria. Now, whether the main force of Germany and Austria is on the western or eastern front, they will have a huge advantage over the Allies!The internal contradictions of the Allied Powers have been constant, and Britain and France have always seemed to be at odds with each other.

And the United States is a white-eyed wolf who knows how to shout slogans to make money in war, but is unwilling to contribute sincerely when it comes to war. This can be seen from the Americans' support for China and the Sino-Japanese alliance!What's more, it has been almost 15 months since the United States declared war on Germany. At this moment, American soldiers on the battlefield in France haven't even shown the faces of the Germans!Britain and France count on the Americans to save their decline on the Western Front. I don't think they can be trusted at all! "

Krasnov sat in the chair waving his arms, spitting all over the place, and he was really eloquent.

"Peter Nikolaevich, it is true that what you said has some truth, but the United States has the strongest industrial strength in the world. Its oil and steel production is much more than that of Germany and Austria. Moreover, after the United States entered the war, it did not just say If you don’t practice, the Yankees have mobilized at least 15 million people into the new barracks in the past 300 months. At this moment, the number of American troops sent to the French battlefield has exceeded 100 million. Although they lack battlefield experience, their strength is obvious. Yes! The strength of Germany and Austria is temporary, we must not take it lightly!"

Denikin shook his head and refuted Krasnov's statement. Of course, he did not deny that the European War has been going on for four full years, and the most powerful is undoubtedly the German Army. One million U.S. troops will definitely not be able to defeat one million German troops. Yes, but the German army is more than 100 million. Originally, the Allied Powers have always had the advantage of military strength and weapons on the Western Front, but when can they take advantage of the German army?

Now that Germany and Austria have temporarily got rid of the dilemma of fighting on two fronts, it is indeed doubtful whether Paris can hold if they attack the western front with all their strength. Sooner or later, the tactical advantage will be offset by the economic and industrial potential advantages of the Americans, and surpassed!

It's like betting and betting. Krasnov saw the outbreak and strength of the German and Austrian allies after the two-front war, while Denikin firmly believed that as long as the Yankees participated in the war, they would definitely rely on their strong industry and military The strength of production, come from behind to gain the upper hand!

"Let me say, Anton Ivanovich, you are familiar with the Eastern Art of War, and you should know that in the 36 tactics in the Chinese Art of War, there is a trick called far-reaching and short-range attack. It is also called the side of the couch. Far, so can be our friend and partner!

The Volga Federation is close to us, so they will come to trouble us sooner or later, and most of the people who control the Volga Federation are Ufa Bashkirs. If our Cossacks join the Volga Federation, they must be discriminated against and oppressed. Looking up at Pepelyaev's bastard's face, why don't we declare du li and be the masters of our own country? "

Krasnov fiddled with the cigar in his hand, and looked at the deputy in front of him playfully. Of course, he knew that Denikin did not agree with regional and national separatism. And fight.

But the Cossacks are an ethnic group, not a nation. The ancestors of the Cossacks came from all corners of the country, and only after staying in the Don River Basin, the Volga River Basin and the Ural River Basin did they gradually form a semi-military autonomous ethnic group and cultural phenomenon.

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