Beiyang 1917

Chapter 603 The cruel reality

The one who disagreed was the former enemy commander-in-chief of the Central Route Army, General Roman Mikhainovich Krashinikov. Now the area south of Tsaritsyn, including the Don River and the North Caucasus, is under the control of the White Guards. Under the leadership of the traitor Denikin, he joined the Volga Federation, which made the Cossack-born generals in the direction of Kazan quite disappointed and bitter. . .

In other words, no matter how hard they struggle, they may never return to their hometown on the Don River. Therefore, these Cossack generals pointed their target at Moscow. The instigators of all this were Soviets and Bolsheviks. Only by conquering Moscow and overthrowing the Soviet regime can the Cossacks gain a new foothold!To build a new home!

"It is obviously not wise to use the Cossack cavalry to attack the city. Nizhny Novgorod has been an important fortress since ancient times. The city defense is much stronger than that of Cheboksary, and the Soviet Red Army gathered there. Quite a lot, and can be supplemented by Moscow from the west at any time, I agree with Sergey Nikolayevich’s suggestion, we should consider taking a feint and go to the south to hit the enemy hard on the plains and in field battles!”

Although Ivan Kuzmich Mironov, the commander of the 3rd Division of the Don Cavalry, is a general of the Cossack cavalry, he is obviously more clear-headed. Going to Nizhny Novgorod, the Cossack cavalry will not have much use. It's better to go to the south, there is much room for maneuver, and you can use the maneuverability of the cavalry!

"Alexander Vasilyevich, we can effectively use the railway line to guarantee logistics and material transportation when fighting on the northern front. If we go to the south, the movement of troops will be greatly restricted. After all, not all places are connected to railways! Just some , and most of them came from the direction of Moscow, not from Kazan! How can we guarantee logistics and transportation?" Schwablin, the commander of the 6th Division of the Don Cavalry, raised his own doubts.full text..

"That's a good question. In fact, we have been discussing this issue for two days. Then Sergey Nikolaevich came up with an idea. We can use Kazan-Tetyushi-Samara The first line of the Volga River is transported by river, and then landed on the shore and transported by horses and horses! Now the Tenth Army and Eighth Army of the Soviet Red Army are stationed west of the demilitarized zone, only [-] kilometers away from the left bank of the Volga River! By car! Horse transportation logistics supplies can arrive in a day!"

Chief of Staff Hastings's astonishing words stunned all the commanders of the White Guard present. Many people blinked their eyes when they heard the words, wondering in their hearts that the Volga River and the left bank were not all classified as illegal by the Volga Federation. Is it a military zone?Even if it is not designated as a demilitarized zone, the Volga River is not something that Kazan's arms and material transport fleet can go casually?

"Everyone, since the Volga Federation can provide us with cannons and machine guns, as well as bullets and shells in the form of private trade, then, I believe that as a friendly neighbor of the Kazan government, our civilian transport ships should not be able to sail on the Volga River Question, within [-] kilometers of the left bank is a demilitarized zone, but civilian transport convoys should still be able to pass through as usual?"

Dimirev explained with a smile on the side, in fact, after he came up with this method, it really caught the eyes of Kolchak and Hastings!

"I think Sergei Nikolaevich is thinking too simply. It's hard to tell who the Volga Federation is helping. Last time we crossed the river on the northern line, the location of the troops was not revealed to Su. The ground reconnaissance troops of the Russian Red Army, but Berzin’s Third Army fought well at first, and suddenly disappeared like a rabbit whose tail was stepped on, maybe the coalition forces passed the information to Moscow!" Krashinikov hummed beside him.

"This is nonsense. Although the Volga Federation claims to be neutral and signed the "Samara Peace Treaty" with the Soviet Russian government, in my opinion, that is just their expedient measure. The Russian troops and generals of the Volga Federation Born in our Kazan White Guard system, everyone still has this trust. We are completely consistent in opposing Soviet Russia and Bolshevism. If the Volga Federation wants to be an enemy of us, it needs to send us cannons, machine guns and ammunition Are you coming?"

Dimirev refuted Krashilnikov's guess with a slightly red face, and even couldn't help saying, "The Allied forces wiped out 30 main forces of the Soviet Red Army in the Battle of Ufa. The level of equipment of our White Guards is comparable to that of the Battle of Ufa." How strong is the Soviet-Russian Red Army in China? If the Volga Federation and the Allied Powers want to betray and destroy us, we will have no resistance at all! Their total strength now exceeds 50!"

Although Dimirev's words were not pleasant, they reflected the predicament faced by the Kolchak regime in Kazan. Now the west and south of Kazan are the territory of the Volga Federation. If the Kazan regime wants to develop, it can only To the west and southwest, if the Volga Federation is regarded as an enemy rather than an ally or a good neighbor, then the time for the collapse of the Kazan regime will not be far away!

"More than 50? There are rumors that countless military trains from the east of the Ural Mountains are unloading from the direction of Ufa every day. The security is very strict. I guess the Allied forces are still increasing their troops. The king of China didn't take us at all. In the eyes of Soviet Russia, his Volga Federation has already got the Don River and the North Caucasus in his hands at this moment. The next step is not to attack Georgia and Azerbaijan, or to go to Ukraine and the Germans to strangle them!

Although we don't have to treat the Volga Federation as relatives, we only communicate with each other for the benefit of each other, but we must not be the enemy of the Volga Federation. Fortunately, fortunately, their marching directions are Ukraine in the west and the Caucasus in the south. Mountain, who can stop the winner?Who dares to stop? "

The words of Chief of Staff Hastings cruelly but truly pointed out the current diplomatic orientation of the Kazan regime.

"Your Excellency Chief of Staff, even if you can use the Volga River and the Demilitarized Zone to transport and support logistics in the south, what about the north? Should Cheboksary be defended? There are at least 10,000+ Soviet Red Army gathering in Nizhny Novgorod. It only takes half a day for them to fight back along the railway line. If we divide our troops, we will definitely not have an advantage on the northern and southern lines. If we don’t divide our troops and all go south, then the price we paid before will be in vain? And how to cover the south? The flanks and rear of the army?"

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