Beiyang 1917

Chapter 605

Andrei Gavrilovich suggested using offense instead of defense. I think it is a good method of warfare that is in line with the art of war! "The person who said this was Dubrovsky's chief of staff, Samson Mikhailovich Willing. Sun Tzu's Art of War, God knows which dynasty's version of Sun Tzu's Art of War the Russians can read.

"Wrong, completely wrong, I said Samsun Mikhailovich, you have completely misunderstood Sun Tzu's original intention. The meaning of "there is not enough rules, but there is more than enough to attack" refers to when the troops are insufficient. Forced to take a defensive position to consume the enemy's vigor, waiting and looking for the emergence of fighters, and when the troops are sufficient, you can take the initiative to attack boldly to obtain more benefits!

Our current strength in Cheboksary on the northern front is only a quarter or even less than that of the enemy. At this time, the enemy is strong and we are weak. Of course, we should take a defensive position. How can we attack rashly! "

Chief of Staff of the 1st Division of the Kazan Infantry Kalyani Grigoryevich Chiovany shook his head to refute Willing's statement. The research is not bad at all, but after finishing speaking, seeing Glinioff frowning and his face looking a bit ugly, this guy hastily followed up,

"Well, Commander, I mean that Samsun Mikhailovich's interpretation of Sun Tzu's Art of War that "the rule is not enough, the attack is more than enough" is wrong. It is not against attacking to the west. Since we use the offensive Dai Shou, the initiative is on our side. Give him enough momentum. It is good to be able to bluff the opponent for a few days. One thing is that the railway line must be kept smooth and safe, otherwise the railway will be cut off and cannot be withdrawn. Come back, if the loss is too great, it is not enough!"

Glinioff nodded when he heard the words, and thought that the chief of staff of himself was a little jealous, otherwise I wouldn't even be able to see the meaning of supporting Dubrovsky's style of attack instead of defense. I have been the chief of staff for so long for nothing!

"Then it's settled! Let's also learn Sun Tzu's art of war, and use offense instead of defense, but we will draw a battalion from the Kazan 1st Division and the 2nd Division to strengthen Andrei Gavrilovich's army." 3rd Division, in addition, His Excellency Alexander Vasilyevich Kolchak left me the 3st Regiment of the 6th Brigade of the 1rd Don Cavalry Division before departure, and I transferred two Cossack cavalry battalions from it. Here you are! How much do you want for the brigade, artillery battery, and heavy machine gun battalion guarding Yadlin?"

Glinioff is obviously also a master who can make up his mind. In a blink of an eye, he led his group of generals to toss out a style of attacking instead of defending, pulling the banner and pulling the tiger's skin to continue attacking westward. Of course, just Like Gliniov who suddenly jumped out in front of Kolchak and Hastings to take on the heavy burden, this guy is still grateful and appreciative of the 3rd Division Commander Dubrovskiken who volunteered to stand up and shoulder the heavy burden What's more, this method of attacking instead of defending is logically the most in line with the current status quo. [ . ]

Otherwise, in Nizhny Novgorod, the Soviet Red Army, which was tremblingly waiting for Cheboksary's White Guards to attack, could not wait for the attack, so it would definitely counterattack or attack eastward in reverse to test the truth.

"There are not enough rules, but there is more than enough to attack." Very well, everyone, let's do this, let the Bolsheviks in Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod taste our strength!

Here, Dubrovsky pinched his fingers and calculated for a long time, and said to Gliniov, "Peter Andreyevich, since we are pretending to be the main force, there is nothing we can do about the lack of troops, but the first The front-line firepower must be full of posture. It is recommended that we concentrate at least 6 artillery companies and 3 heavy machine gun battalions on the front line of Yadlin, so that at least the opponent can think that there are at least three infantry divisions guarding Yadlin! What do you think? "

"Too little! Andrei Gavrilovich, I will strengthen you with 8 artillery companies and 6 heavy machine gun battalions. Since we are going to pull the banner, we have done enough tricks. The firepower is equipped with our front heavy The rear is light, and the troops are equipped with the front light and the rear heavy. It will definitely make Voroshilov and Berzin suffer a lot!

This afternoon, all the supplementary divisions got on the train, together with 5000 civilians from Cheboksary, went to Yadlin to dig trenches and repair fortifications for your 3rd division. Go to Novgorod, when can your team be dispatched? "

Glinioff acted resolutely, and waved his big hand to 8 artillery companies and 6 heavy machine gun battalions. This moved Dubrovsky a little, and when he saw this, he stood up and stood at attention, "Report to Comrade Commander , The Kazan 3rd Division can be dispatched at any time, I plan to take the main force of the division to Yadlin this afternoon, and when the armored train arrives at night, I will launch an offensive at dawn tomorrow!"

"Very good! Andrei Gavrilovich, whether Cheboksary can hold it depends on how long you can keep the show you sang at the front from the opponent. Don't be soft-hearted when you are clearing the field. In addition, the team's flag To fight more, I suggest that you fight at least one division's banner per regiment.

In addition to the flags of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd divisions in Kazan, your team also sent out the flags of the 4th, 5th, and 6th divisions. The two cavalry battalions pretended to be at least two cavalry brigades. What exactly? Do you think of a way!The key is secrecy and falsehood. For the soldiers, you can tell them that the main force is just behind. His Excellency Kolchak and His Excellency Hastings will bring the main force up from the flanks to encircle Nizhny Novgorod at any time. ! "

Gliniov, the new commander of the Cheboksary Northern Group of the White Guards, stood up and gave Dubrovsky a salute. Don't forget to continue to support a few more tricks!The group of White Guard generals in the northern group showed a strong aggressiveness and unity!



Although the formation is laid out like this, Gliniov's idea in mind is that Yadlin is the bridgehead and the first line of defense, Cheboksary is the second line of defense, and Tsivelisk is the third line of defense. , if the railway and highway hub of Tsivelisk falls, the last line of defense is to withdraw to the bridgehead position on the south bank of Kazan and defend it for ten days and a half months, no problem!This guy thought so confidently.

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