Beiyang 1917

Chapter 608 Heroic and Confident

Speaking of which, Voroshilov walked up to Xiatenko, thumped the man's chest and said, "Efim Afanasyevich, you are from the political commissar of the cavalry division. We fought side by side in Tsaritsyn. For so long, I have 100% trust in you, and the cavalry mobile detachment responsible for the counterattack of this front army will be handed over to you to command! How is it? Are you sure?!"

"Please rest assured, Krement Yefimovich, I have experience leading cavalry, I dare not say anything else, at least it will be no problem to delay the opponent for a day!" Xia Jianke proudly said, puffing out his chest.

"No, no, no, one day is not enough, Yefim Afanasyevich, you can hold the opponent for at least two days, if not, you can go around the enemy's flank, according to my analysis, Gore Chak's infantry will not march far away from the railway line, so you can adopt a hit-and-run strategy. Of course, be careful, it is not good to be caught by the opponent's cavalry division. In short, strengthen reconnaissance, and the radio station must not call the enemy Broken! I am optimistic about you!"

Voroshilov looked hopefully at Xiatenko in front of him to cheer him up. In fact, this guy hoped that Xiadenko's cavalry detachment could hold off the enemy for at least three days, but if Kolchak's five divisions swarmed If it arrives, it is a miracle that the Soviet Russian cavalry with less than 3000 people can hold the opponent for a day!

"Okay, Krement Yefimovich, I will do my best, but if we attack the enemy from the flank, we may also be cut off from Nizhny Novgorod by the enemy's penetration. I hope that in this case Under this situation, I can act decisively on the fly and command the troops to break through the weak links of the enemy.

Even if the enemy is chasing too closely, I plan to go around and lure the enemy to the south. Supplement, you can meet us when the time comes! Xia Tenke put forward his own idea, and looked at Voroshilov without blinking.

"Efim Afanasyevich, don't you intend to take your team to the Volga Federation?" Boris Mikhailovich Shaposhnikov, the chief of staff of the Fifth Army, said abruptly. He made a good-natured joke, which immediately caused a burst of laughter from the crowd, and the dignified and solemn atmosphere in the war room was immediately diluted a lot.

"Hehe, Boris Mikhailovich, don't worry, I won't go anywhere until the Kolchak gang is wiped out. Of course, when the conditions are ripe, I will really take the troops to the Volga Federation. I will ask them to settle the Ufa battle, do you dare to bring your team to follow?!" Xia Jianke countered with a smile without showing any weakness.

"Hey, what I said, I, Boris Mikhailovich, put my words here. If our front army has a chance to teach that ignorant Volga Federation, I am willing to take the lead with the Fifth Army! I don't believe they are not White Guards The horns on the head are so powerful? I need to learn! But I said, deputy commander and political commissar, when will the cannons purchased from the Germans arrive? Kolchak also saw it and hit the door. We don’t have cannons Tired of guarding!" Shaposhnikov squeezed his eyes and said.

"Speaking of cannons, People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs Chicherin is still communicating with the Germans by telegram. The main reason is that they can't make up the payment for the goods. The anti-aircraft guns and rifles have not been paid in full. The Germans are not easy to deal with now. Of course, if we fight better, Comrade Chicherin will have more say in the diplomatic front and the international community. Comrade Sverdlov said that as soon as the cannons are delivered, they will be sent to the next one immediately. Come Novgorod!"

Front Army Political Commissar Kamenev answered this question instead of Voroshilov. In fact, he revealed intentionally or unintentionally that Voroshilov’s way in Moscow was not as rough as his own, not to mention that he was the central yang of Soviet Russia. Members, in terms of party positions, a group of Soviet generals here are not even qualified as candidates for central yang. Kamenev felt a little regretful at this moment, wondering if it was wise for him to leave Moscow to visit the muddy waters of the Volga Front Army?

"Don't worry, comrades, there will be bread, cannons and machine guns, but for now, let's defeat the rampant attack of the Kolchak gang first, Yefim Afanasyevich, the cavalry detachment will be handed over to you Command, the front army headquarters does not have remote control, you can completely act arbitrarily, as long as you can disrupt the enemy's deployment and slow them down, even if you take the cavalry detachment to go far to Kazan, I will not stop you!" Voroshilov made a firm statement.

Xia Tenko turned to look at the Political Commissar of the Front Army, Kamenev, who nodded and said, "Krement Yefimovich is the Deputy Commander of the Military Region and the Front Army, and the Second Military Commissar. It is the former enemy commander-in-chief again, and his decision is at the same time the decision of me and Comrade Chief of Staff, Yefim Afanasyevich, we are waiting for news of your victory!"

"That's all right! Comrades! Although I don't dare to say how I can beat the Kolchaks, but since I took this army out, if the enemy comes with a division, I can at least block it. Brigade, I’ll eat it! The enemy came with two divisions, and I took them around in circles. Although the cavalry divisions of the Don Cossacks are tough, they are only good at wielding sabers. They may not be equipped with German-style 20mm high sheaths like ours. Pao, when the time comes, I will beat them to pieces with both men and horses!"

Yefim Afanasyevich Xiadenko clenched his fists tightly, his face glowing boldly and confidently!

Xia Jianke's cavalry detachment will be formed overnight, and will set off to sneak eastward at 10 pm, trying to stop the advance of Kolchak's White Guards in a further place. According to the intelligence and the distance on the map, combined with the previous high The speed at which Kolchak's engineers repaired the railway, Voroshilov judged, even if Kolchak's troops marched westward overnight for 24 hours to repair the railway, it is estimated that they would not be able to advance 60 kilometers.

"Efim Afanasyevich, we still have several company-sized reconnaissance troops retreating west of Yadrin. As long as the radio can be contacted, we will notify them to join you. Where is the position to stop Kolchak?" said Chief of Staff Chernavin.

"Kolchak's troops just stayed up all night, and it is estimated that they will advance to a position about 60 kilometers west of Yadlin. If they are exhausted, they will be able to enter Reskovo. But if this is the case, unless they take turns to advance, otherwise the next day During the day, I had to stop in Reskovo to rest and sleep. I looked at it. Reskovo is 90 kilometers away from Nizhny Novgorod. Due to the destruction of the railway line, our cavalry detachment drove 90 kilometers to Nafi in one night. If we are exhausted, we will march 60 to 70 kilometers at most!"

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