Beiyang 1917

Chapter 617 Really Passive

The two consecutive telegrams from the Tenth and Eighth Army showed that although Kolchak might have led the main force of Cheboksary's White Guard southward, due to the long distance, it was far from being able to threaten the Soviet Red Army. The security of the flanks of the main army of the Southern Front, of course, is likely to change in the next few days. Therefore, the task before the Volga Front is still quite arduous.

"It seems that the situation on the southern front is temporarily stable. Let's solve the problem on the northern front first. Do you have any comments on Karl Ivanovic's style of play just now? Although artillery training and training is not a short-term effort, But it was also stated in the telegram from Moscow before that at the latest tomorrow afternoon, Moscow will be able to transport the cannons of 30 artillery companies!

Therefore, our firepower on the northern front will be greatly strengthened. In this case, it is not unimaginable to counterattack and recover Cheboksary!The key is that soldiers are expensive and fast!The Front Army Command must make a decision as soon as possible. " Voroshilov was obviously a little impatient.

"Kliment Yefremovich, in fact, although the White Guards on the northern front may be short of troops, or only five divisions, but our two armies in Nizhny Novgorod have just been replenished, and it is time to rest. I can't talk about it. In this case, should we attack in an all-round way or send three divisions to push along the railway line? If the enemy has five divisions defending Cheboksary, it will be very difficult for us to regain the lost ground with only three divisions. !"

Sergei Sergeyevich, the commander of the Fifth Army, pondered. Although the first wave of attack was still a few divisions of the Third Army, the rest time for the two armies was far from enough. It was able to be transported, but the gunners, the animals and carriages pulling the cannons, and even the shells had not landed yet. At this time, only relying on the information that Kolchak led the main force to go south, Kamenev, who had been on the battlefield, felt a little bit in his heart. False panic.

Voroshilov glanced at Kamenev, and Chernavin, the chief of staff of the front army, had rushed to say, "The so-called military speed is the most important thing in war. You need to be surprised when fighting. The White Guards' empty-handed strategy actually killed our eyes. Well, if the other party really only has one brigade blocking our Kostovo, if we don't fight back let alone ourselves, even a Red Army soldier can't agree, not to mention that Moscow is still watching us, waiting for us to report a new battle plan. !"

"Having said that, Vladimir Nikolaevich, what is the basis for our counterattack? Is it the information reported by the Volga Federation? If the main force of Kolchak started going south a day ago, why did the Volga Federation arrive? I just remembered to tell us Kolchak's movements this afternoon, and what if the news is false? What will we do then?

The troops in the south were frightened by the unwarranted enemy and did not dare to act rashly, while the main group army in the north was impatient and rushed forward. If they fell into the trap of Kolchak's main force, how would it end then?Break out again?Who will defend Nizhny Novgorod? "Sergey Sergeyevich Kamenev retorted, not to be outdone.\\..\\

Chernavin was at a loss for words for a while, his face flushed, and he was so angry that he couldn't speak. Voroshilov was touched by Kamenev's words. Although he didn't think Moscow's information was wrong, but, Water is impermanent, and soldiers are impermanent. What if Kolchak even deceived the aerial reconnaissance of the Volga Federation?

What if Kolchak went south with a feint, and the troops who attacked Kostovo were just a bait to lure the enemy, and Kolchak's main force was ambushing somewhere south of the railway line?Voroshilov's face turned serious, obviously things may not be as simple as he thought before, if there is an eventuality, if the Volga River Front Army really screwed up a good show, it will be difficult for him, the former commander-in-chief of the enemy. Let go of the blame!

The words of the commander of the Fifth Army obviously did not only hit Voroshilov's heart. Berzin and Mezheninov, the partners of the Soviet Russian Third Army, also fell silent. Here, Shaposh, chief of staff of the Fifth Army Nikoff couldn't help but said,

"I agree with Sergei Sergeyevich's opinion. It is feasible for Kolchak to deceive us and the Volga Federation with a feint. It is worth our serious and calm thinking. Novgorod is the main purpose of Kolchak's main force sending troops from Kazan, to the south to attack our flank? I don't see the need for it. First, we can retreat to the interior, and second, we still have tenth troops to the south Kolchak does not have an overwhelming advantage in terms of strength against the eighth and two main armies!"

Shaposhnikov's words were like a heavy hammer, once again hitting the hearts of Voroshilov, Chernavin, Berzin and Mezheninov. As for the political commissar of the Fifth Army, Lyubimov , at this time, he was contemplating and did not speak. The shock in this guy's heart was, Nima, these Moscow generals in the north are not fuel-efficient. This Shaposhnikov looks inconspicuous. It's fun to be the chief of staff of the army group, and it's not ambiguous at all when it's time to express opinions.

"Karl Ivanovich, what do you think of the opinions of the two commanders of the Fifth Army?" Kamenev, the political commissar of the Front Army, saw that the atmosphere in the meeting room had dropped to freezing point, so he stood up and handed the ball to Biel. Jin, it is the Third Army that shoulders the heavy burden. You, the commander, are the military commander. You can't be an ostrich buried in the sand.

Berzin frowned and fell silent when he heard the words. In his opinion, what Kamenev said of the Fifth Army is certainly possible, but can Kolchak use his troops to such an extent?Tossing and tossing 10,000+ troops within a range of hundreds of kilometers, food consumption is a problem in all aspects of soldiers' physical strength, this guy frowned and thought for a long time, seeing that everyone in the conference room was staring at him waiting for an answer, he just opened his mouth and said,

"Speaking of the impermanence of soldiers, the impermanence of water, we lack the means of aerial reconnaissance, and the means of timely feedback for ground reconnaissance, and the enemy is really difficult to deal with. Kolchak may take the main force to Saransk to attack our 1st Army and the Budyonny Cavalry Army, or he may kill the carbine with a feint and kill our troops counterattacked from Nizhny Novgorod. ! Both possibilities exist!"

Berzin frowned, but he was telling the truth. Everyone here was quite frustrated when they heard the words. Obviously, the matter has developed to this point, and the Soviet Russian Volga Front Army is really quite passive.

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