Beiyang 1917

Chapter 626 Where can I send reinforcements to you?

After the February Revolution in Russia in 1917, the Ukrainian national patriotic group established the "Ukrainian social organization United Rada" on March 1917, 3 ("Lada" is Ukrainian, "meeting" , "Parliament", "Representative-Assembly"). 7

On March 1917, 3, the "Zhongyang Rada" was established, and the famous historian Grushevsky was elected as its chairman.Grushevsky was forced to stay in Moscow by the Tsarist government because he opposed Great Russian chauvinism. When the central yang Rada was formed, it only asked for more autonomy, and it has not yet made a claim for sovereignty du li.

On June 6 of the same year, the Central Rada established the General Secretariat, the Ukrainian government. From July 28th to 7th, rizhong yang Rada held talks with the Russian provisional government, and on July 11th, the two sides reached an understanding and mutual recognition.To this end, Uzbekistan Rada issued a special public announcement.

But on August 8, the reorganized Russian interim government overturned the agreement reached in July and did not recognize the legitimacy of the Ukrainian General Secretariat.For this reason, the Russian provisional government was severely criticized by the Bolsheviks led by Ulyanov.

This measure of the Russian government has intensified the Ukrainian Rada's desire to seek independence. On November 1917, 11, on the day of the victory of the Russian October Revolution, Uzbekistan Rada decided to establish the Ukrainian Regional Defense Revolutionary Committee.However, both the Russian Mensheviks and the Bolsheviks tried to take the opportunity to seize power in Kiev, but failed.

On November 11, Uzbekistan Rada announced the establishment of the "Ukrainian People's Republic". On December 20, the Soviet Russian People's Committee issued a contradictory "ultimatum" to the Ukrainian Rada. On the one hand, it recognized the Ukrainian People's Republic, but demanded that it submit to the Soviet Russian regime.

On December 12, the Russian Bolsheviks started anew in the eastern Ukrainian city of Kharkov and established the Ukrainian Soviet Central Executive Committee and Soviet Zheng Fu. On January 24, 1918, the Ukrainian General Secretariat (zheng fu) decided to create its own army. On January 1, 8, after being recognized by many countries, the central Rada declared Ukraine a sovereign country.

Simon Petliura is one of the founders and leaders of this army.He is the representative of the General Committee of the Central Rada's army stationed in the army and has leadership responsibilities.What happened next in Ukraine was dizzying:

1918年2月7ri基辅遭德国联军占领,乌zhong yang拉达和人民部长拉达被迫撤往ri托米尔市,2月下旬——3月zhong yang拉达在德军协助下又回到基辅,但是不久(3月27ri)德军解除了乌克兰驻基辅最有战斗力的民族军武装。

On March 3, Ukrainian Jian Skoropatsky took office as Ukrainian "Getman" (Ukrainian, meaning "chief").Then in April, the Ukrainian National League met secretly and decided to revolt to overthrow the Skoropatsky regime. On May 29, the ruling cabinet troops were stationed in Kiev under the leadership of Petliura. On May 4, Petliura became the head of the Ukrainian ruling cabinet, commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian National Army, and Minister of Defense.

Since the Soviet Russian government and Germany finally signed the Brest Peace Treaty, objectively this peace treaty removed both Belarus and Ukraine from the sphere of influence of Soviet Russia. The German army even helped Petliura's Ukrainian National Army to expel the Soviet Russian Red Army staying in Kharkov. Voroshilov's Ukrainian 5th Army was defending that Kharkov Ukraine. The Soviet regime lost the battle and was forced to withdraw to Tsaritsyn. In fact, Soviet Russia finally gave up its infiltration and contention for Ukraine.

This made Simon Petliura lead the Ukrainian ruling cabinet and national army to completely fall to the camp of the German-Austrian Allies. Of course, the Ukrainian people are unwilling to accept this, but the country has just announced du li, and only the German-Austrian Allies camp Several countries in the United States officially recognized Ukraine's du li, which left Ukraine with no choice but to become the granary of the German-Austrian Allies while its own population of 1500 million had to tighten their belts to cope with the Great Famine in 1918.

The stationing of the German army in Ukraine is also a helpless and objective existence. In order to suppress and control the centrifugalism and pro-Soviet Bolshevik tendencies in the Kharkov area, the Ukrainian government moved its capital to Kharkov from Kiev, expressing that the enemy is at the gate of the country other determinations.

With the Allied forces falling from the sky west of the Ural Mountains, the seemingly powerful 30 main force of the Soviet Red Army in the Battle of Ufa was completely annihilated in just seven or eight days, and then a little-known Volga Federation was supported by the Allied forces. Therefore, at this moment, the threat theory of the Allied Forces of the Allies and the Volga Federation is prevailing in the Ukrainian government and opposition. The Ukrainian cabinet that originally demanded that Germany reduce its garrison in Ukraine to reduce the burden on its own country and improve national self-esteem, now wishes Ludendorff Send another twenty divisions to help protect and defend Ukraine from aggression.

"My Excellency Commander-in-Chief, just a month ago, you and your zhengfu were muttering and complaining that our German army had too many troops stationed in your Ukraine, and you were so poor in supplies, food, military expenses, water, electricity, coal, etc. You can’t afford it, and now you’re making a 180-degree turn and asking us for this and that, do you think it’s appropriate?”

General Wilhelm Greiner, the supreme commander of the German army stationed in Ukraine, is sitting on the sofa at the moment, lighting a cigarette, squinting his eyes and teasing the head of the Ukrainian cabinet in front of him.

"Your Excellency, my people and I certainly welcome warm and friendly German guests, but now the fire is imminent. Although the Soviet Russian government has temporarily given up its attempt to get involved in Ukrainian territory, and they were beaten up by the coalition forces in the Battle of Ufa, they were completely defeated. Now, I see that they can't protect themselves under Kolchak's offensive, but the Volga Federation, which defeated Soviet Russia, has suddenly grown stronger, and they frequently gather and mobilize troops in the border area, obviously aimed at us of!"

Although Simon Petliura was a little angry, he looked at the German army general with his legs crossed. Obviously, it was still the time to beg someone at this moment, and humility is the kingly way.

"Well, Your Excellency, Prime Minister, you have to understand my difficulties. Almost one-third of the German divisions on the entire Eastern Front are stationed in your Ukraine. This is already the best effort we have made in Germany to stabilize the situation in Ukraine. You know At present, the strategic focus of the Allies is on the Western Front. In August, the main force of the Allies may have to launch a decisive offensive on the Western Front. At this time, where do you want me to send troops to you? Not to mention your cabinet before They are still clamoring to drive us away and demand that we withdraw our troops!"

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