Beiyang 1917

Chapter 641 Allied Central Front Army

“由于坦克和装甲车辆的产量还来不及满足装甲集团军的编成,因此第一阶段,先编练6个混成集团军,每个集团军辖1个中国混成步兵旅(13000人)、1个ri本步兵旅团(14500)、1个西伯利亚步兵师(13000),1个du li野战重炮兵联队(1200人)、1个装甲团(2200人)、1个高炮团(800人)、1个工兵辎重团(2072人),加上集团军司令部(218人),合计步兵集团军总兵力为47000人。

The specific plan is as follows:

coalition army zhong yang front army

The 1st Infantry Group Army has jurisdiction over the 7th Chinese Mixed Infantry Brigade, the 1st Japanese Infantry Brigade, the 1st Siberian Infantry Division, the 1st Field Heavy Artillery Wing, the 1st Armored Regiment, and the 1st Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment, the 1st Regiment of Engineers and Supplies.

The 2st Infantry Group Army has jurisdiction over the 8th Chinese Mixed Infantry Brigade, the 2st Japanese Infantry Brigade, the 2st Siberian Infantry Division, the 2st Field Heavy Artillery Wing, the 2st Armored Regiment, and the 2st Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment, the 2st Regiment of Engineers and Supplies.

The 3st Infantry Group Army has jurisdiction over the 25th Chinese Mixed Infantry Brigade, the 3st Japanese Infantry Brigade, the 3st Siberian Infantry Division, the 5st Field Heavy Artillery Wing, the 3st Armored Regiment, and the 3st Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment, the 3st Regiment of Engineers and Supplies.

The 4th Infantry Group Army has jurisdiction over the 26th Chinese Mixed Infantry Brigade, the 15th Japanese Infantry Brigade, the 4th Siberian Infantry Division, the 3rd Heavy Artillery Regiment, the 4th Armored Regiment, the 4th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment, and Li 4th Regiment of Engineers and Supplies.

The 5th Infantry Group Army has jurisdiction over the 58th Chinese Mixed Infantry Brigade, the 9th Japanese Infantry Brigade, the 5th Siberian Infantry Division, the 7rd Heavy Artillery Regiment, the 5th Armored Regiment, the 5th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment, and Li 5th Regiment of Engineers and Supplies.

The 6th Infantry Army has jurisdiction over the 59th Chinese Mixed Infantry Brigade, the 21st Japanese Infantry Brigade, the 6th Siberian Infantry Division, the 3rd Heavy Artillery Regiment, the 6th Armored Regiment, the 6th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment, Li The 6th Regiment of Engineers and Supplies. "

Speaking of this, the ears of all the Chinese division commanders and brigade commanders and Japanese division commanders and brigade commanders in the conference room were pricked up. The division commanders of the Siberian Infantry Division did not have much reaction. Whether it is reorganization or reorganization, it is a spoils sharing meeting between the generals of China and Japan. The former Russian generals in Siberia absolutely do not want to report the position of the commander of the group army.

At this time, Qian Tianfu, director of the war room of the Allied Forces Command, smiled and did not continue. Wang Geng, who was the chief chairman of the conference table here, took over the conversation and said calmly,

"According to the comprehensive consideration of the coalition command and the specific situation of the generals, I announce the following appointments in the name of the commander-in-chief of the coalition:

1. Lieutenant General Zhang Weixi, former commander of the 3rd Division of the Chinese Army Reorganization, was appointed as the commander of the 1st Infantry Army of the Zhongyang Front Army of the Allied Forces.

2. Lieutenant General Hehe Cao, the former commander of the 1st Japanese Division, was appointed as the commander of the 2nd Infantry Army of the Zhongyang Front Army of the Allied Forces.

3. Lieutenant General Li Mingzhong, former commander of the 9th Reorganized Division of the Chinese Army, was appointed as the commander of the 3rd Infantry Army of the Zhongyang Front Army of the Allied Army.

4. Appoint Lieutenant General Hanoi Lizang, the former head of the Japanese 2nd Division, as the commander of the 4th Infantry Army of the Central Front Army of the Allied Forces.

5. Lieutenant General Xiong Shihui, the former commander of the 20th Division of the Chinese Army Reorganization, was appointed as the commander of the 5th Infantry Army of the Zhongyang Front Army of the Allied Forces

6. Lieutenant General Fukuda Yataro, former commander of the 5th Japanese Division, was appointed as the commander of the 6th Infantry Army of the Central Yang Front of the Allied Forces.

After Wang Geng announced the appointment of the first batch of 6 infantry armies, there was a buzzing sound below. Obviously, the division commanders of the three main reorganized divisions of the Chinese 3rd Army who joined the coalition first, and the division commanders who had just rushed from Japan The heads of the three divisions of the Japanese First Army who came here took the opportunity to command a brand new mixed army of the Central and Yang Front Army.

And the first batch of these 6 infantry armies were organized into the main mixed brigades and infantry brigades of both China and Japan. The slightly weaker ones were the six Siberian infantry divisions. Duli Armored Regiment, Duli Anti-aircraft Artillery Regiment, and an engineer and logistics regiment, the overall combat strength is stronger than that of the original Chinese Reorganized Division and Japanese Type A Division.


Perhaps the armored reconnaissance battalion was replaced by a cavalry reconnaissance battalion to take care of the traditions of the Siberian troops. Of course, in terms of machine gun firepower, there is still a big gap between the Chinese mixed brigade with an armored battalion, but the Siberian troops rode horses and drove three sets of carriages. It is also an indisputable fact that it is more handy than driving a Chinese wheeled armored combat vehicle.

Moreover, unlike the Federal Infantry Division, the infantry squads of the two-level infantry divisions in Siberia are not equipped with field rifles.The infantry squads of the Chinese mixed brigades among the six infantry armies cleared the Yitian rifles and replaced them with M6 Garand semi-automatic rifles. Therefore, although the mixed troops are infantry armies, their individual firepower is still high There has been a substantial improvement!

Of course, the sad Japanese Army was organized into the infantry brigades of these six infantry armies. Since the rifles of the Japanese Army's standard weapons are still 6 big, inadvertently, the firepower of the Japanese brigades is attacking the Siberian infantry divisions. Closer, and maybe even weaker in the future, the distance from the Chinese mixed brigade equipped with m1 Garand is getting farther and farther.

好在这6个新编的zhong yang方面军步兵集团军中的ri本旅团、西伯利亚步兵师,都像中国混成旅一样装备了中国产的7.62勃朗宁班用轻机枪、7.62mm的勃朗宁气冷式重机枪、60mm口径的排属迫击炮、81mm口径的营属迫击炮,包括中国产的甜瓜手雷。

It's just that the Chinese army has a self-defense weapon: the Colt m1911 automatic pistol, but it does not have the same large-scale equipment as the Japanese brigade and the Siberian infantry division, while the logistics, medical soldiers, and civilian staff in the Chinese army are newly equipped A smaller and lighter Chinese-made Colt .38 revolver.

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