Beiyang 1917

Chapter 643 What is the system?!

"Shut up!" Although the voice of the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces did not sound loud, its penetrating power shook the roof tiles, and it suddenly silenced the scene in the conference room. Wang Geng shouted a little angrily, "This is Sa Is there a vegetable market on Mala Avenue? Do you still look like a soldier? Why don’t you have any sense of proportion? Obedience to orders is a soldier’s bounden duty. Whoever wants to do it just get the hell out and go back to your country and be your king of the mountain. This is the Allied Powers The Allied Forces Command! Not Juyitang Wagang Village!"

It is rare for the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces to lose such a temper. At least the generals of this group of Chinese troops who participated in the war have not seen their leaders lose their temper for a long time. He raised his cheeks and continued to stare at Yoshiichi Tanaka on the opposite side. As for the division heads of Kawai Cao, they were not in their eyes at all.

On the other hand, Yoshiichi Tanaka stuck his neck up and put on a posture of resistance. The commander-in-chief of the coalition forces, Wang Geng, didn't wait for him to speak, and said coldly,

"General Tanaka, the Allied Forces Command leads all the Allied Forces. The Japanese Army Department should have informed you of this before you went abroad. As the commander-in-chief of the Allied Forces on the Eastern Front, I am the head of the family here. It is natural to discuss things. Discuss with everyone. When there is no need to discuss, my words are the final decision and order of the headquarters. Those who disobey have no other choice but to be sent back to their country!

This is not only you and your first army, but all Chinese troops, Japanese troops, and Volga federal army generals in the coalition must keep this in mind!If you can't do it, you don't deserve to be my subordinate!I will be kicked out of the coalition and this land, do you hear me clearly? "

When Tian Zhongyi heard the words, he was choked and almost lost his temper. The king is so domineering and unreasonable. This is not a posture to discuss with others, this is completely du cai! The commander of the 1st Japanese Army gritted his teeth and held his neck and wanted to argue. The commander of the 1st Japanese Division, Kawacao, quietly grabbed him and said in a low voice, "Tanaka-kun, be patient! You must be patient. ! Messing up the commander-in-chief has no other benefits except to let the 3rd Army see our jokes!"

Tian Zhongyi's face turned into a pig's liver, and he didn't know how to step down for a while. Jiang Fangzhen, the commander of the Chinese 4th Army, said with a smile on the opposite side, "Your Excellency, it is the duty of soldiers to obey orders. If you think the coalition command is unfair, sir It is possible to make a plea within the framework of the Allied Powers through the Japanese government, but as long as we are in the Allied Forces for one day, we must obey the unified command of the Allied Forces Command! There is no bargaining on this!"

"Jiang Sang, can't the headquarters cover the sky with one hand? How can we be convinced?" Tanaka Yoshiichi muttered in Japanese to Jiang Fangzhen who was opposite. \

"General Tanaka, the commander-in-chief has already said that when it is time to discuss, everyone will naturally discuss it together. When it is time to be arbitrary, there is no room for bargaining. Please keep this in mind with you and the generals of the First Army. Of course, the Chinese generals You must keep in mind, Li Mingzhong and Xiong Shihui, who told you to be noisy just now?

You will be fined to clean the toilets in the headquarters building after the meeting and sing "Three Great Disciplines - Nine Points for Discipline" ten times before going to bed! Jiang Hongyu, the chief of staff of the coalition army, said seriously to the Chinese and Japanese generals on both sides of the conference table beside Wang Geng.


"Your Excellency Tanaka, if you are unacceptable to the coalition command's mixed plan for the Zhongyang Front Army, I will ask the Japanese Army Ministry to replace the commander of the 1st Army. If you are not satisfied with the formation plan, then the Central Yang Front Army of the Allied Forces will no longer consider the mixed reorganization with the participation of the Japanese 1st Army. You and your 1st Army can go home and go back and forth from wherever! Now, I want to hear from you decision!"

The commander-in-chief of the coalition forces has the same complexion as usual, and his tone is calm, but there is a deep chill and supreme domineering, Nima, even if you want to say no to me in the mountain county, you have to weigh it carefully. You can't do it He's just a heir to the Changzhou Clan who hasn't taken over yet, yet he dares to say no at the first meeting?Let me hear you say no again?I will directly kick you back to Japan, and then we will see if you, Yoshiichi Tanaka, who is known as the youngest army general in history, have the face to go back!

The heads of the three divisions next to Tanaka heard the words, but their faces turned green with fright. How could it be acceptable for them to be repatriated when they first arrived without any credit? With six Chinese reorganized divisions and 18 mixed brigades, plus two Siberian armies, it would be effortless to tear apart the Japanese 1st Army, whose weapons and personnel have already fallen behind in all aspects.

Kawai Cao, the commander of the 1st Division, was sitting next to Tanaka Yoshiichi, and he kept tugging at his commander's sleeve to signal him to give in quickly, otherwise things would get stuck, except for the 3rd Army named Utsunomiya Taro It's a joke, and I can't explain it to the Ministry of the Army. Of course, Yoshiichi Tanaka is not a brave man. Although he is aggrieved, he also knows that a man can bend and stretch. This guy stood up with a sullen face, and bowed his head to the King of China.

"I have offended you just now. Please forgive me, Your Excellency Commander. The Japanese 1st Army resolutely obeys the unified command of the coalition headquarters. The plan of the headquarters' organization is acceptable! My personal immature opinions and thoughts are only for your consideration and consideration, Commander-in-Chief." In the end, of course you have the final say!" Yoshiichi Tanaka's face changed very quickly, and his words were so smooth that the generals in the conference room were amazed.

Nima, even if you know current affairs, Wang Geng sneered in his stomach, but his face eased, he waved his hands and said, "Tanaka and the 1st Japanese Army have just arrived, I hope that the process of adaptation for you will be as short as possible. In the Ukrainian campaign, once Germany and Austria really turn around, we may not have enough time to complete the formation. Fortunately, the personnel and equipment of the six infantry armies are basically complete, and they should be able to form combat effectiveness soon. As for the mechanized army And the armored army, although the equipment is not in place yet, but people can't wait for the equipment, the troops must be organized first!"

An episode was revealed, but the atmosphere in the conference room was obviously a little more dignified, and Wang Geng then signaled to the director of the war room, Qian Tianfu, to continue explaining the second paragraph of the formation plan.

The combat staff here has quickly put on a new schematic diagram of the formation and training of the mechanized group army of the central yang front army of the coalition army. Army Colonel Qian Tianfu pointed to the schematic diagram and explained.

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