Beiyang 1917

Chapter 648 The Choice Faced by Germany


Therefore, Wang Geng was extremely vigilant about the movements of the main force of the German and Austrian troops. For this reason, he emphasized again,

"Gentlemen, what Jiang's deputy chief of staff said just now is correct. The operational policy of our entire Eastern Front Allied Forces is to fulfill the tasks entrusted to the Eastern Front Allied Forces by the Allied Powers and draw Ludendorff's attention away from the Western Front. Austria mobilized some troops to return to the Eastern Front to fight, but Ludendorff could not feel a huge threat, so he sent 100 divisions back to fight with us on the Eastern Front. To put it bluntly, if the decisive battle on the Eastern Front broke out tomorrow, and the opponent If the main force of more than 50 divisions joins the battle, we have almost no hope of victory!"

The words of the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces struck heavily on the hearts of the chiefs of staff and deputy chiefs of staff of the coalition forces. It was the first time for Jiang Fangzhen and Jiang Hongyu to see Wang Geng's seriousness, while Yoshikazu Tanaka of Japan slowly nodded his head and said,

"Sogar~~~ I understand, Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief, we must grasp this speed and suck the German and Austrian main force bit by bit, so that they will not feel the pain, but will not turn into a rage and turn back in anger. Let's fight with all our strength! Then we will practice while fighting, and we will combine the combat effectiveness and effectiveness of the Eastern Front Allied Forces, and when we are stronger, we will fight the opponent decisively at that time!"

The Japanese army general is waving his fists now, with a determined face, he doesn't look like a 54-year-old at all.

"Hahahaha, that's right, that's it!" Wang Geng laughed, obviously, he still quite recognized Tanaka Yoshiichi's understanding and comprehension ability!


"My dear Erich, Wilhelm Greiner sent urgent telegrams from Ukraine one after another, and Simon Petliura's minister in Berlin kept sending notes to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, asking us to fulfill Germany's original promise to govern Ukraine The cabinet's promise to help them resist the enemy's upcoming aggression, the issue on the Eastern Front, and the development of the situation are a bit beyond our expectations!"


As early as 4 years ago, in the early morning of August 1914, 8, they were touted by the German government as a "perfect pair of commanders" met for the first time at Hannover Station.In the car, Ludendorff reported to Hindenburg, the new commander of the Eighth Army, the situation of the Eighth Army and some instructions that had been issued. Hindenburg listened patiently for 23 minutes and said, "I don't have any better ideas. .I think that's the way to do it." And went to bed.

In this way, His Excellency Hindenburg was fully adapted to his supposed role from the very beginning.Years later he would say frankly that one of his chief tasks was to "make the most of my chief of staff's ingenuity, his almost superhuman energy and his incessant drive, and to create the conditions for him when necessary" .

In August 1916, Hindenburg was appointed Chief of the General Staff, while Ludendorff was Director of Quartermaster.Nominally Hindenburg commanded the army, but in fact Ludendorff commanded in his stead.The third Supreme Command led by Hindenburg and Ludendorff focused on economic and military production from the very beginning.

In 1916, Ludendorff formulated the "Hindenburg Plan" to command the entire army, depriving workers of certain rights they had won before the war, and intensified the suppression and exploitation of the working people in Germany.They also intensified their meddling in politics, effectively becoming the supreme rulers of Germany's destiny. In July 1917, under their pressure, Kaiser Wilhelm II had to remove Bethmann Hollwig as chancellor.

The European War brought great suffering and sacrifices to the people of all countries, while the monopoly capitalists made a fortune from the production of arms. In Germany, as a loyal agent of the Junker nobles and the monopoly capital group, Hindenburg gave great help to the broad masses of the people and ordinary people. The soldier's pain was blind and deaf, and he said that war was like a bath for him.In the German ruling group, Hindenburg always stood on the side of the main war faction, advocating the war to the end, opposing peace talks, and advocating unlimited submarine warfare.

After the victory of the Russian October Revolution, he initially opposed the truce with the nascent Soviet state, and then put forward harsh conditions to force Soviet Russia to accept the Brest Peace Treaty.Of course, in name all of this is under the auspices of Hindenburg, but in fact, it is Erich Ludendorff, the military director who controls everything, everywhere behind the scenes.

Of course, as early as April 1918, Ludendorff took advantage of the favorable time when the Brest Contract with Soviet Russia was negotiated and the Soviet Union had actually withdrawn from the war. Launched the 4 Spring Offensive on the Western Front, trying to decide the outcome of the battle before the U.S. military could play a role on the battlefield.In the end, it came to nothing. Then in June of the same year, the Allied Forces on the Western Front began to counter-offensive. The Allied Forces launched the 1918 Summer Offensive on the Western Front with the British and French allied forces as the main force and the U.S. Army as the auxiliary.

During the Battle of the Marne River and Amiens on the Western Front throughout June, the Allied Powers, with Britain and France as the main force, launched a large-scale offensive against the two salient parts of the German defense line, Amiens and the Marne River. The French army invested 6 people in 42 main divisions, the French army invested 50 people in 56 divisions, and the remaining British and French troops, about 67 divisions each, guarded the Allied defense line.

The eight main divisions of the First Army of the American Expeditionary Force acted as a reserve force, while the remaining sixteen divisions of the US Army's recruits stood on the third line of defense.

Ludendorff, on the other hand, took advantage of the opportunity of finally signing the Brest Contract with Soviet Russia in May. Through intensive mobilization throughout May, the German army, which was supported by troops from the Eastern Front, deployed 5 and 180 divisions on the Western Front. , [-] heavy field guns and [-] light field guns.

As the offensive side, the Allied Powers possessed [-] heavy artillery pieces and [-] light artillery pieces. The Air Force of the Allied Powers was nearly twice as strong as that of Germany—[-] in the attacking direction of Amiens against Germany’s [-] Two hundred; about eighteen hundred against one thousand and seventy in the direction of the Marne.

The summer offensive of the Allied Powers in June was a tragedy for both sides. The Allied Powers on the offensive side had fewer troops on the front line than the German and Austrian troops on the defensive side. The British and French assault groups used had more troops than the opposing German and Austrian troops.

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