Beiyang 1917

Chapter 651 The 1st Fighter Wing

在1917年6月的最后一个星期,伴随着一纸电报来到,德军战斗机部队的重组工作正式开始,6月24,下令第4、6、10和11战斗机中队在第4集团军防区内就地组成第一战斗机联队(1))。<ofe)在给jg1的电文中规定了jg1的任务:“第一战斗机联队(jagdgesschwadernr.1)由第4、6、10和11战斗机中队组成,这一联队是半du li组织,任务为争夺与保卫所布署战线上方的制空权。”



From July to November 1917, Britain launched the Flanders operation against Germany (the first five months of the third yprryk's combat life can be described by a large number of mechanized transport vehicles and various tents. jg7 quickly showed Their own characteristics.

Each squadron under jg1 has its own unique painting scheme: the 11th squadron mainly uses red, the 10th squadron prefers yellow, and every 4th and 6th squadrons use white and black spirals or geometric patterns.The painting scheme on the plane is also related to the preferences of each pilot. Pilots often paint their own unique logo on their planes to show that they are "Von Richidehofen's Circus ( us)'. <Shot down an Allied observation balloon north of the ypres.When radio technology was still in its infancy, this kind of observation balloon, as the "eyes" of the troops, played an important role in the work of collecting battlefield intelligence.Because of the special status of observation balloons, both sides often arrange various devices beside their own observation balloons to prevent the opponent's aircraft from attacking, which makes attacking such observation balloons as difficult as fighting against the opponent's fighter jets.

Awoingt garrison southeast of mbrai.

Me advancing on both sides to split the British and French defenses, moving towards the coast, attacking the British and French flanks.

In the first three days of this "King's Battle", jg1's actions were restricted due to dense fog and extremely low visibility. By April 4th, jg12 had only carried out a total of 1 combat patrols, and the record achieved Only one, the Wing Captain shot down his second se100.The next day, the team leader shot down a "camel" that was sweeping the ground in the same area. This was jg5's only harvest of the day.

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