Beiyang 1917

Chapter 658 Goring's Character

It is not easy for the German generals who have always held the view of preemptive strike to accept this as long as it can be delayed. However, as far as the Eastern Front is concerned, in the past four years of the European War, the German Army on the Eastern Front has been on the battlefield most of the time. Defensively, Germany's strength must not be wasted on the Eastern Front. This is why the German Eighth Army on the Eastern Front had to single-handedly challenge the most elite 4st and 1nd Army of Tsarist Russia with 2 enemy and 1 at the beginning of the war.

Speaking of nothing else, with the strength of Germany, it is a fantasy to gain advantages on both the east and west fronts at the same time. The rattling steam roller of Tsarist Russia on the eastern front is not doing well no matter how mud-footed giants are, but the combat effectiveness and brave sacrifice of the Tsarist Russian Army God is definitely not bad, and in the Borusilov offensive, the Tsarist Russian army was undoubtedly the winning side.

Goering actually took a certain risk by going out and setting traps, so he set the main battlefield on the side of the Ukrainian border, in order to leave a way out for himself, in case the Volga Federation protests against the Ukrainian government afterward. At that time, he could justly point out that the patrol aircraft of the Allied Air Force in the Volga Federation violated Ukraine's airspace, and the defense of Ukraine's airspace was sacred to Lieutenant Hermann Wilhelm Göring and his 1st Fighter Wing Obligations and responsibilities.

This chapter is played by hand)

But Second Lieutenant Kent von Dohring panicked like a bereaved dog. He was alone and was chased by 4 coalition SE5 fighter jets behind him. Everyone saw it clearly. Almost all the ace pilots of the 26th Squadron who saw this scene They all took a breath, isn't Duolin the mascot of the squadron who doesn't suffer every time, how can he lure the enemy and let him shoot down 3 planes in one go? !This is almost annihilated for a small team, the coalition air force is so powerful?

The captain of the alliance, Hermann William Göring, also had the same doubts in his mind. Fortunately, he saw four planes of Ruzel's team fighting with three SE4s of the alliance at a distance of 1000 meters behind. The chase, of course, also looks a bit surprising that the 3 planes of Ruzel's team are circling and trying to get rid of the tail biting, and the chasing tail biting is still 5 meters away and keeps firing. Instead, it is 4 se500 fighter jets of the coalition forces!

Herman William Goering was so angry, Nima, Ruzel is the successor of the 26th Fighter Squadron he trained by himself, and was chased and fled by a formation of 4 planes with 3 planes. What is this like?In fact, it is not accurate to say that they escaped. Ruzel's team had shown their buttocks to Zhao Jiadi's team of the coalition army behind because they were chasing the coalition army Lin Fu's team in front.

On the one hand, this is to save Duolin, and on the other hand, it is also because Zhao Jiadi's team was shot down by Ruzel's team and injured one SE5 each, while the opponent's Lin Fu team shot down and injured each of Duolin's team. Compared with the fokkerdviii, Lieutenant Bruno Ruzel obviously felt that Lin Fu's team was the trump card of the coalition air force, while Zhao Jiadi's team here was a rookie.

With Bruno Ruzel's excellent record of shooting down 40 enemy planes at this time, and his identity as the chief ace pilot of the 1st Fighter Wing with ace against ace, in order to save Duolin, and for Zhao Jiadi's team to be Taicai However, Lin Fu's team was a bit strong, so Luzel gave up on continuing to occupy a strong position and bit his tail to attack the Allied Army's Zhao Jiadi's team, but turned around to save Duo Lin.

It can be said that Ruzel is already quite cautious. If he is a little bit bigger, he should take his wingman to rescue Dolin, and let No. 3 and No. 4 continue to chase Zhao Jiadi's team in front of him. 2vs3, over there is 2vs4, Luzel thinks this is a bit risky, especially when the se5 team 4vs3 tail biting attack Dolin team 3 planes just now was quite neat and beautiful, and he only brought his wingman to go 2vs4 may not be stable Cao wins, so Luzel took the entire team of 4 planes to rescue Dolin, and gave his butt to the 3 SE5s of Zhao Jiadi's team.

The decision made at the beginning was destined to be the regret of Lieutenant Bruno Ruzel's life. What the squadron leader didn't expect was that Dolin, who had completely lost his square inch, rolled and fled south blindly. I ran after it with full horsepower, but because my fokkerdviii was not as fast as se4 in level flight, I couldn't catch up all of a sudden.

This embarrassing situation caused the distance between Dolin and the pursuers in front to get closer and closer, and the distance between Luzel's team and the pursuers behind them was getting closer and closer, but it was the distance between Luzel's team and Lin Fu's team. The distance looks so close and is always so far away.


If you don't rush down to rescue, I'm afraid that Kent von Dohring won't see the rising sun in Ukraine tomorrow. The commander of the regiment, Goering, ordered the four planes of the 4th team to continue hovering over 4 meters for vigilance. The 5000 planes of the team went to help Ruzel, and Goering personally took the 3 fokkerdviii of the wing and stabbed down with their wings sideways, and they would personally chase Dolin's coalition se4 team!

For a proud new captain like Hermann William Göring, charging into battle is his specialty, which is why the Red Baron chose the short-lived Reinhardt instead of his successor. Goering, because Goering's impulsive character is not suitable for the commander of the wing in the eyes of the Red Baron, he can't always put himself in the perspective of the commander commanding the overall situation to direct the battle.

The so-called happy hunting can also be said that wherever there is the ace of the enemy plane, there is the figure of the Goering fighter. Hermann Wilhelm Goering should be asked to continue hovering over the sky to alert the 3rd and 4th teams. Going down to rescue his teammates is definitely not in line with Goering's character.

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