Beiyang 1917

Chapter 682

Since General Wilhelm Greiner's German Army Command in Ukraine insisted on using Kiev as the base camp of the German army, General von Kussmanny's 27th Army, as the main force of the 10th Army, was always stationed in Kiev. Going south to participate in the battle to defend Kharkov, this prevented the German troops on the front line of Kharkov from concentrating to gain the upper hand on the invaders.

Of course, William Greiner, the former chief of staff of Eichhorn, is a mild-mannered commander-in-chief. He temporarily allocated two infantry divisions of the 31st Infantry Corps stationed in Odessa to von François. However, the focus of the mission of these two German reserve infantry divisions is to help the two infantry divisions of the Ukrainian National Army defend the front line of Donetsk together. , full text hand typed

Nominally, both the 10th Army and the Ukrainian army are under the command of the German-Ukrainian Allied Army Command in Kiev, but in fact, the new commander-in-chief of the German Army in Ukraine has given the command of the former enemy to the former enemy commander of the Kharkov Battle Hermann von Francois, the master who became famous in the Battle of Tannenberg 4 years ago.

The commander-in-chief of the German Army in Ukraine, William Greiner, is self-aware. He himself is the kind of staff officer that the Chinese say is like Xiao He and Zhang Liang. To lead the army in battle, it is better to have a von Francois like Han Xin. .

That night, General Hermann von François, who presided over the military meeting at his former enemy headquarters, was in a very bad mood. In such a short period of time in the morning, the clouds and smoke have suffered such heavy losses. If Hermann William Goering's fighter wing hadn't stationed a fighter squadron in Odessa, and hadn't participated in last night and this morning In terms of air combat, then the 1st Fighter Wing created by the Red Baron Manfred Albrecht von Richthofen no longer exists.see the latest chapter

The Luftwaffe had never suffered such a disastrous defeat in the four years of the European War, but the opponent was only the little-known Chinese Air Force. The pilot even participated in a large-scale air battle for the first time, and actually won?Actually almost completely annihilated the 3st Fighter Wing under the command of the arrogant wing leader Hermann William Goering?

The German Air Force lost more in the air battle with the Allied Air Forces on the Eastern Front this morning than the combined losses of the entire German Air Force on the Western Front in the past month. The difference between the alliance is similar, but can this be used as an excuse and reason for Herman William Göring to shirk his defeat?

Didn't this guy Goering yell all day long that he, an ace pilot, can fight at least 3 planes of the opponent?How come you, Goering, just collapsed with two flying wings when the opponent came up?Von Francois certainly knows that the German Fokker series fighters do not have much advantage over the fast British SE2 biplane fighters of the opponent in terms of performance, but only one-third of the opponent is SE5, and the remaining third One is a light bomber like dh5!How come the 4st Fighter Wing, which is full of well-known ace pilots, lost so badly with all the fokker fighters?

Of course, Hermann William Goering's explanation is that the fokker fighter squadron of the 1st Fighter Wing actually has the upper hand against the opponent's dh4 fighter-bombers, and it will definitely not lose the wind against the opponent's se5 fighter squadron. The Chinese have the latest single-engine, two-seat, single-wing metal-shell fighter-bomber Zhonghua FR18 developed and produced by themselves. This aircraft is large in size but fast, and its climbing performance is even stronger than the German Fokker series fighters. If it is not because of the FR18 If the circling and turning properties of the Fokker series were slightly weaker than those of the Fokker series, Hermann William Göring would have no chance to escape.

After the air battle in the morning, when the black-faced Hermann Wilhelm Göring insisted on taking the 8 Fokkers back to Kharkov Airport and retreated to Kiev, General Von François Infantry almost lost his breath Jump up and curse, although the 1st Fighter Wing was assigned to the German Army Command in Ukraine for temporary dispatch and use, but it was the German 1st Air Force Command that could directly command Goering. Facts have proved that Goering gave up and continued to take off It is a wise choice to retreat to Kiev quickly.

The m-aircraft artillery battalion has nothing to do in the face of the opponent's horizontal bombing at an altitude of 3000 meters.

In the era of 1918, the planes shot down by anti-aircraft guns were mainly bombers with poor maneuverability, and most of them were shot down at low and medium altitudes. Even so, the average cost of the anti-aircraft guns to shoot down an enemy plane The number of shells was more than 5000 rounds. In the entire afternoon of July 7, all the anti-aircraft artillery battalions of the German army that dared to shoot against the air suffered heavy losses. If the strikes are all concealed, there will be more ground anti-aircraft artillery battalions destroyed by 29 large formation air strikes by the coalition forces instead of five.

Of course, the misfiring of the German anti-aircraft artillery battalion caused the air strike target of the coalition air force to shift from the airport to the artillery positions of the German and Ukrainian troops. The heavy artillery positions in the middle!The three anti-aircraft artillery battalions defending the artillery positions and about 2% of the artillery that had not had time to move were destroyed by aerial bombs rained down by the coalition forces.

The 1st and 1nd Infantry Divisions of the Ukrainian 1st Army, which guarded the 2st line of defense, became the third target of the coalition air strikes. Of course, due to the relatively strong trench-style defensive positions built by the Germans, log supports and trenches were built. , There are bulletproof shelters everywhere in the traffic trenches.

Although the M-heavy howitzer shells are more powerful, they are not capable of completely destroying the fortifications that the Germans helped to build.


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