Beiyang 1917

Chapter 691 The coalition forces are catching up?

() Of course, at 4 o'clock in the morning, the continuous roar of aircraft and the sound of the large coalition fleet made the soldiers of the Ukrainian infantry division hiding in the forest camp under the shade of the trees cover their mouths and dare not breathe. Many people are waving the cross to thank God and Lord Petliura. The enemy's bomber group is obviously heading towards Ukraine's first trench defense line on the border. If the big guy is sleeping in the fortified area at this moment In the bunkers and trenches, it may become the funeral objects of the coalition air strikes in the next moment.

Of course, more and more people looked at the coalition heavy bombers in the dark night sky, and they couldn't help thinking in panic. Does Lingcheng's air strike mean that the Allied forces' ground offensive is about to launch?No one volunteered to fight back to the first trench to hold Ukrainian territory,. ,

More people wondered whether this place is too close to the enemy's main attack direction. Should they ask the division commander and the headquarters to continue to withdraw the troops to the south as soon as possible? Didn't they say that the coalition air force would not bomb the cities of Ukraine?Why don't we just rush back to Kharkov if we hide in this dark forest where we suffer from mosquitoes and small bites, at least we have a house to live in and hot tea to drink, and the coalition air force doesn't drop bombs.

Immediately afterwards, there was a huge explosion and flames from the air strike in the northwest direction. Although it was more than ten kilometers away, you could see that half of the night sky was reddened by the explosion and the fire on the ground. The scale and intensity of the air strike were stronger than those in the daytime. The coalition air strikes are much more domineering. Dodging a catastrophe is the first feeling that floats in everyone's mind. After finally looking up and watching the dull thunderous air raid explosions in the northwest direction, the sound of the air strikes fell silent. The team turned back in the direction of Belgorod.

The tired and exhausted Ukrainian Infantry 1st Division and 2nd Division, more than 25000 Ukrainian National Army soldiers, hardly fell asleep throughout the early morning. The gap made the soldiers of the National Army breathe a sigh of relief, and began to worry about gains and losses. The radical guys said that the firepower of the coalition ground forces was not strong after listening to the sound of artillery. Take it back, or if the weather is bad and the opponent's air force cannot be dispatched, the firepower of our two divisions may be able to overwhelm the opponent's attacking Japanese troops.

Conservative guys say that the coalition forces never fight unprepared battles. If the opponent has the same scale of air strikes before each ground attack, even if the German elite infantry divisions come up, they may not be able to resist, and they have to find a way to call the Germans. Hurry up and send a new flying wing, or even get dozens of hundreds of anti-aircraft artillery battalions, otherwise the battle will be one-sided and there is no way to fight it.

The guy with a flexible mind couldn't help but said quietly, "Are you counting on the weather? Can you count on it? Ukraine's June and July are expected, but today is July 7th. The rainy season will no longer come, and it is a hot and dry summer." Do you expect God to keep the other party's air team from dispatching with a sullen face? It's a daydream!"

After worrying about gains and losses all morning, after 8 o'clock, with the sun shining and the temperature rising, the 1st and 2nd Infantry Divisions of the Ukrainian National Army, except for the sentries who were in charge of vigilance and patrolling, were afraid of getting angry. The smog exposed the target, most of them just dealt with it, ate some dry food and drank a few sips of cold water, and fell asleep in the tent wrapped in a blanket exhaustedly. Once the tense nerves were relaxed, fatigue took over the ground of fear , the entire camp was almost silent except for the snorting of war horses and the singing of birds.

"Artem Wlodimilovich, wake up, wake up!" Konstantin Konstantinovich Kravshenko, chief of staff of the 1st Ukrainian Infantry Division, anxiously pushed back The division commander Milevsky sleeping soundly in the tent.

"What's going on? Is there a situation? Guards, where are the guards?!" Zheng Xiang, who was sleeping wrapped in a blanket on the marching cot, was drooling and mouthful. Milevsky, the commander of the 1st Infantry Division, was awakened from his dream. The pistol on the bed turned over and hid under the cot, shouting at the top of his voice!

A few guards wrapped in overcoats and stall cats near the big tent of the division headquarters rushed in with sleepy eyes and panicked hands, holding Mauser pistols in their hands, "Master, what's the matter, what's the matter? , it was the chief of staff who woke up the division commander!"

The division commander here, Milevsky, couldn't touch his own gun for a while, so he stretched out his hand anxiously and pulled out the gun from the waist of the person standing in front of him, and held it in his hand. Then he raised his head, only to find that In front of me was Kravshenko, chief of staff of the division. At the door of the tent were some of my guards holding Mauser pistols. The group looked at me in amazement.

"Master, it's me, Chief of Staff Kravshenko, you guys, keep the tent vigilant, don't make noise! ​​Get some hot food." The chief of staff said, turning his head and driving the guards out of the tent, and then turned around Helping his teacher up from the ground, Milevsky, who woke up from the nightmare, came back to his senses and regained consciousness. When he lowered his head, he saw that what he was holding was the German system that Kravshenko had snatched. Luger pistol, the old man blushed, put the gun back into Kravshenko's hand, and complained while sitting on the bed and rubbing his face,

"What's the fuss, what time is it, I fell asleep after tossing and eating something all night, I said Konstantin Konstantinovich, can't you let me sleep well? It's Kharkov Was it occupied or did the Germans escape? Tell me, I’m listening!” The commander of the 1st Ukrainian Infantry Division, who had come to his senses, assumed the posture of an ace division commander, but seemed a bit calm.

"Master, the police sentry 1 km away from the northwest reported that they had lost a sentry, and they couldn't find it no matter how hard they tried, so they hurriedly reported it!" Kravshenko, the chief of staff of the 1st Infantry Division, looked nervous, clutching the Milevski forgot to holster the pistols he had tucked back.

"Huh? The Allied Forces are catching up?!! ​​Why didn't you say it earlier? They went straight to Kharkov along the railway and highway, and went east to the riverside wetlands for what? Have our whereabouts been discovered? Notified the south Did you send someone out to look for it? Could it be that the sentinel went out to relieve his hand and fell into the river? Did he become a deserter? Did he take the weapon away?" Division commander Milevsky rubbed it hard It was only then that he realized that the situation was a bit serious, and he couldn't help but sweat on his spine. He stood up and grabbed the arm of his chief of staff, shaking and shouting.

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