Beiyang 1917

Chapter 693 The Darkness Before Dawn


"The situation is a bit beyond our expectations. It is indeed very serious. The first fortified defense line near the border has all fallen into the hands of the attacker. The guard battalion of the 1st Ukrainian Infantry Division and the reconnaissance battalion of the 2nd Division are standing firm The entire army was wiped out, and the enemy is now divided into two groups. The enemy on the left is about the strength of a Japanese infantry regiment, led by a battalion of nearly 40 wheeled armored combat vehicles. The right bank rushed towards Kharkov, and the enemy dispatched a federal infantry brigade in the middle, with a force of about 6000 people. They crossed our first trench and fortification from the front. Cove is coming head-on!",

Under the dim light, pointing to the battle map on the wall, the person speaking is the 10th Infantry Army under the German 29th Army in Ukraine, the main force of the 47th Infantry Division, Major General Sven von Neuhaus, and the Chief of Staff Joseph After von Dietrich rushed to Donetsk overnight to command the two infantry divisions of the 31st German Infantry Army of the East Group of the German-Ukrainian Allied Forces, the division commander of the 47th German Infantry Division, which was stationed in the southern suburbs of Kharkov, Sven von . Neuhaus temporarily played the role of chief of staff.

Of course, the 47th Infantry Division commanded by this guy has only one 139th Infantry Regiment by his side in Kharkov at the moment. In the basement of the railway station are General Hermann von François, the former enemy commander of the German-Ukrainian coalition forces, and Simon Petliura, the prime minister of the ruling cabinet of Ukraine, the minister of defense and the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian national army.

Major General Sven von Neuhaus, commander of the 47th Division of the German Reserve Infantry, is 42 years old this year. He is three years older than Simon Petliura. Although his family is only a viscount, the family fief is in the Near the port city of Neuhaus on the North Sea coast of Germany, at this moment, he pointed at the red arrow on the map indicating the attacking side with a solemn expression, talking about the enemy's situation in front of him.

"Have the 1st and 2nd Divisions of the Ukrainian Infantry reached the designated concealed standby position?" Hermann von Francois, the former enemy commander, turned to ask Simon Petliura beside him.

Simon Petliura frowned and said hesitantly, "The last time I received a telegram from the Division Headquarters of the 1st Infantry Division was at 3:5 in the morning. There are still 8 kilometers left in the camp, and now the sky is bright. Both divisions have entered a state of concealed standby and radio silence, and cannot be contacted for a while. According to the plan, when the radio is silent during the day, they will turn on every two hours. , the time is very short, but we did not receive their call sign at 10 o'clock, and we will try to contact again at [-] o'clock!"

"Should the 3rd and 4th Divisions of the Ukrainian Infantry enter the designated positions?" Major General Neuhaus stared at Simon Petliura and asked, although the former enemy headquarters of the Ukrainian National Army in Kharkiv The command is unified, but the confidential officers and translators are all staff officers sent by the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense.

Therefore, the movements of the Ukrainian troops were always informed by the Ukrainians in the former enemy headquarters immediately before they were passed on to the German generals in the German-Ukrainian coalition headquarters, and all the telegrams of the Ukrainian troops, the Ukrainian national army commander-in-chief and The deputy commander-in-chief of the former enemy headquarters was naturally the first to learn about it.

"The 3rd and 4th Divisions of the Ukrainian Infantry have been evacuated to the forests on both sides of the town of Momotoby, ten kilometers east of Kharkov, and they have also entered a state of radio silence. The 1st Army Group has a sleepless night, and the troops are almost exhausted at this moment, and they are probably sleeping to catch up!" Simon Petliura frowned slightly, and said with a heavy heart.

Although this fellow served as the prime minister of Ukraine's ruling cabinet for the second time, the tragic experience of being overthrown by a coup d'état and being imprisoned last time made him dare not give up control of the army easily. Even the commander of the 1st Army of the Ukrainian National Army in Kharkov is also the Ukrainian military strongman with countless titles. In addition to a German-made Mauser 98 rifle, he also carried a Mauser pistol on his back. The firepower from far and near was also fierce. If it was left in China a few years ago, it would have been called the Jingwei Pistol Regiment.

"Your Excellency, General, according to the air-to-ground firepower of the coalition forces we observed early this morning, the strength and quantity of the enemy's ground artillery fire are average. There are more than 100 cannons, and the opponent's first-line offensive force is probably an infantry brigade accompanied by a Chinese armored regiment! Unfortunately, we only arranged 2 Ukrainian infantry battalions on the position, and we were hit hard by the opponent's heavy bomber air strikes beforehand. If If the coalition forces do not have air support and superiority, my 47th Infantry Division can completely block the attack of a brigade of the opponent in the position!"

Sven von Neuhaus's tone was full of confidence and regret. Here, Hermann von Francois hadn't spoken yet. Simon Petliura didn't want to, and couldn't help complaining. ,

"I said, Your Excellency, Major General. I said earlier that your German division should go up to guard the first trench and fortification line of defense. You pushed three times and four times to come up with a plan B. Now you are making sarcastic remarks. My Ukrainian boy has lost more than 1000 people. Two elite battalions, if you knew this earlier, why did your main force retreat by train to the vicinity of Krasnod in a hurry? Why don't you call them back and you personally command to recapture our first line of defense? "

The Ukrainian Prime Minister is obviously still distressed that he lost the two battalions that symbolize the so-called national du li and brave spirit in order to show the courage of the Ukrainian National Army. There are a total of 1120 best boys in Ukraine. According to the observation post, almost no one fought back. The opportunity was the first time that the coalition forces appeared over Ukraine. The 400-pound bomb dropped by the Handley Page O250 heavy bomber collapsed and buried more than half of the fortifications. The battalion of the First Division was almost completely wiped out. Almost half of the Japanese yellow-skinned monkey soldiers in the squadron were wiped out, and the battalion of the 2nd Division performed just as well, and those who were not killed were basically captured by the coalition forces.

The only good thing is that the German-Ukrainian coalition's plan b was only communicated to the commanders above the regiments of the divisions of the Ukrainian National Army, and it was strictly kept secret from below. Where is the standby and what is the next action plan.

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