Beiyang 1917

Chapter 696 It's a hell of a hit

() Deputy Battalion Commander Aliyev blew up the 1st company that was still lying on the ground, and the Cossacks got on their horses one after another. Under the leadership of Aliyev, they chased to the west of the jungle. Here, Levchenko gave an order , the 3rd Company of the Cavalry, which suffered the most losses, rescued the wounded and cleaned the battlefield. The 3rd Company of the Cavalry, which had lost its soldiers, was about to withdraw to the right wing position of the 1st Infantry Division one kilometer away with the wounded and dead soldiers.

Then he turned his head and yelled at the battalion messenger behind him, "Manjuk, you take two people back to report to the division commander first, saying that my cavalry reconnaissance battalion found a platoon of enemy scouts in the northwest of the division's position. The Chinese army, now the enemy has been defeated by me. The deputy battalion commander Aliyev is leading the 2st company to clear up and chase. The 1rd company has suffered a large loss and is on the way back with the wounded. I will take the 3nd and 2th companies. Stand still and wait for the teacher's instructions!",

The messengers of the reconnaissance battalion here have not yet set off, but the two messengers of the 2st Ukrainian Infantry Division on the road behind have rushed over on horseback, and Nazarenko, the orderly of the division commander Milevsky, is sweating He rolled off the saddle and threw himself in front of Levchenko, out of breath, saluted and reported,

"Evgeny Alexeyevich, the division commander wants your battalion to report the situation. How many enemies have you encountered? Find out as soon as possible and report immediately!"

Battalion Commander Levchenko here hadn't come to say anything, only to hear the dense gunshots in the jungle that had just been silent for a while, and Levchenko and the surrounding Cossack cavalry panicked and fell to the ground again , Battalion Commander Levchenko looked around and took a deep breath. At this time, he led the Cossack Cavalry No. 1 of the 100st Cavalry Company to chase westward for less than 100 meters. From their flanks, that is, the enemy just now In the grass on both sides of the ambush dry river ditch, a dense rain of bullets was fired again.

The shooting sound of the M1 Garand semi-automatic rifle was like a burst of beans, and it was also mixed with the shooting sound of at least two Browning light machine guns. It seemed that there was at least one platoon of Chinese scouts lurking in the original area. There was no evacuation on both sides of the position. At this time, the firepower was fully fired, and more than 2 Cossack cavalry led by the deputy battalion commander 50 meters away carefully pulled their horses to avoid bushes and jungle obstacles. The cavalrymen were swept off their horses by the intensive firepower, and the remaining survivors hurriedly jumped off their horses and looked for any place that could cover their bodies.

Fortunately, it is the well-trained main force of the Ukrainian National Army. A mg1 water-cooled heavy machine gun on horseback assigned to the 08st company of the cavalry soon rang out after seizing the position. This is how much suppression Hold the opponent's firepower.

Lie on the ground here and use the binoculars to see clearly the battalion commander Levchenko's seven orifices are smoking. I didn't expect that the enemy is really a platoon of troops. Before, only one squad was arranged to fire. After picking up the cheap, this Chinese scout The squad pretended to retreat, led their 1st company to the west, and then ambushed in the original position. The 2 squads who did not fire fired from the flanks and attacked the waist and buttocks of the 3rd cavalry company. It was also bad.

"Pass my order! The whole battalion dismounts and fights. The 2nd company walks over the enemy's flank. I move all the heavy machine guns off the horseback rack and put them into battle. The 4th company takes over the position of the 3rd company. Manjuk , you and Nazarenko go back and report to the division commander that our reconnaissance battalion was attacked by an enemy company's troops on the west side of the road in front of the right wing of the division's main position, and they are now encircling and turning around, wait until the opponent is eaten!"

It should be said that the commander of the Ukrainian cavalry reconnaissance battalion reacted quite quickly at the moment. He finally discovered that fighting in forests mixed with dense bushes is completely different for cavalry than in open plains. I can't get up to speed, and it has become the best shooting target and target for the enemy's ambushing infantry. The area of ​​​​this man and horse is too large and dazzling. I can't fight on horseback like this. I have to get off the horse and become an infantry. Lao Tzu One battalion and four companies, if you can't eat the last reconnaissance platoon among you, what face do you want me to go back to see the division commander Milevsky?

After all the Ukrainian cavalry battalion got off their horses and fought, the casualties were indeed much smaller. The shooting density of the opponent was gradually weakened under the suppression of the crossfire of the 3 mg08 heavy machine guns, but at this moment the opponent was covering and firing on both sides. The squad that was pretending to retreat was about 180 meters away from the west side and shot behind a tree trunk that had been knocked down by lightning. Suppressing the left flank position of the 1st Cavalry Company.



Next to a bush on the left wing of the 2nd company, there is an mg08 roaring and pouring ammunition, but the sad thing is that half of the ammunition belt has not been fired. The 2nd company here has changed three machine gunners, and the opponent's sniper Almost every bullet was fired within 120 meters. After the fourth Ukrainian machine gunner was headshot by the opponent, the soldiers of the second company lying on the ground looked at each other in blank dismay. No one dared to go up and touch the mg4 heavy machine gun.

The fate of the mg1 heavy machine gun shooter on the Ukrainian 08st company's position on the west side is also bad. After changing 5 shooters in a row, he just finished shooting an ammunition chain, and the sixth shooter didn't even dare to look up and fight. Aiming, lying on the ground, burying his face behind the machine gun, holding the shooting grip on it, closing his eyes and shooting wildly, just like that, before firing 100 bullets, this guy's right hand was directly shot by the opponent's sniper The fired bullet cut off half of the palm, holding the blood gushing in the severed palm, the machine gun shot rolled all over the ground, it was unbearable to watch.

Levchenko was lying in the command position behind a big tree and was stunned and almost fainted. Nima, how can we fight this battle?His own cavalry was suppressed by the opponent's sniper's accurate shooting and did not dare to lift their heads. They simply hid behind the cover and shot with their eyes closed. It's crazy that they can hit the enemy!

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