Beiyang 1917

Chapter 7 Who will save the world tomorrow?

After seeing off Liu Jiwen and Wang Geng, under Kaili's escort, Wang Geng finally obediently returned to the convalescent ward. From the bustling metropolis of New York in 2001 in his previous life, to 1917, when the birds don't shit, Wang Geng is still not used to it. , no Internet, no TV, no radio station, no information except newspapers.

Opening the window and looking around, the building not far opposite is actually the long-established private Pace University in New York. This university is quite cute in the eyes of people who longed to go abroad in previous lives. It has a high ranking in business and is easy to apply for.

Nima, I'm a graduate student of the National Defense University, a serious ace player!After graduation, you will be a serious division-level cadre in the military region. Who cares about you, the beautiful Pace University in New York State, which is estimated to be a school that is not in the top [-] in the United States. A diploma is quite a hot thing.

As soon as Wang Geng remembered that his division cadre and the deputy commander's girl had sex, he couldn't get up. The original owner of this body, Wang Geng from West Point Military Academy, was not simple, and he was actually closely related to Gu Weijun's family. The leader of the student union again, and a buddy who seems to have different political views from Liu Jiwen?

Kelly went out to collect newspapers for him and hadn’t come back yet. This guy took a pad from the table, took a pencil casually, and began to recall while planning the next step on paper:

After returning to China, it is natural to hug Lao Duan's thick legs, find a way to infiltrate the Anhui Clan, and strive to become the right-hand man of Lao Duan, the direct heir of the Prime Minister and Chief of the Army.

But what about before?There is not much time left in the United States. What is the big deal in 1917?In the previous life, the United States delayed its participation in the war until April, and China even delayed it until August. This time, the effect will be greatly reduced!

What should I do by myself?While unconsciously scribbling and drawing on the paper, Wang Geng thought about it. Soon, he thought of a project he had done in the first year of graduate school in his previous life, which was to explore the issue of isolationism in the United States.

By the way, the United States announced its participation in the war. On the one hand, it was sympathetic to the English-speaking countries that had the same origin as the Allies in the European War. On the other hand, it was also messed up by Germany's unrestricted submarine warfare in the Atlantic Ocean. Of course, the most important thing The most important thing is that the Yankees loaned so much money to the Allied Powers and provided so much assistance, so they couldn't be in vain because of the defeat of the Allied Powers in the end?

How did the last President Wilson convince Congress?

That's right, there was a speech in Congress... what kind of speech was it?After thinking for a long time, Wang Geng finally remembered that it was a war speech!correct!This speech by President Wilson is very famous, it is called the State of War, and it was made together with one of his close friends, Lieutenant Colonel Edward House!

Well, since it is now February 2th, it is obviously more than a month before President Wilson delivered the war speech on April 25nd in history. Wang Geng gradually has a score in his mind. Famously, when he later declared America's entry into the war, he claimed that the only object of the war was to stop it, and when it ceased, it ended!

Gu Weijun and the British and French missions are constantly lobbying Washington, hoping that the United States will participate in the war against Germany as soon as possible, and save the European continent in dire straits. This barbaric war has strangled too many civilizations and lives, and it is like a quagmire with no end in sight. However, neither Gu Weijun nor the British and French missions have ever looked at this war from the standpoint of the President of the United States, Wilson and the American people, so they cannot impress Wilson and the US Congress!

Wang Geng made up his mind to produce a speech for Wilson in his previous life, which he had been tossing and revising before going to the congress podium. Wang Geng had collected detailed information when he was doing a thesis in his previous life, although he might not be able to get everything right. But Wang Geng, who claims to be the trump card of the trump card, has sufficient self-confidence to produce a provocative war speech that can persuade Congress!

Furthermore, apart from the State of War speech, Wang Geng had already figured it out when he was lying in bed thinking about it last night. Tens of thousands of people can die in a battle, and millions of people can be lost on both sides in a major battle. Of course, the Germans in American politics, business, government and opposition are also quite large. Now I have Lao Tzu to help you!What's so scary?

Wang Geng did not intend to create any weapons beyond the times, such as airplanes or new tanks, new aero-engines have not been developed, and any structural diagrams are drawn for nothing. Tanks were built and invested in France as early as 1916. After the battle of the Somme, but if there is no new tank diesel engine and new tank gun, where can I get the t34?

Furthermore, the Germans did not build 22 tanks until the end of World War I, but France built at least 1600 tanks, so having tanks is not the key to defeating Germany!

Wang Geng put his big killer weapon on penicillin, how many lives were saved by using this thing, the whole world will have to thank Lao Tzu by then!And this thing is not just invented for war, it defends and saves lives as in peacetime!With this big killer to rescue the wounded and patients, the casualties will of course be greatly reduced!This is the way!

Of course, this matter still needs to be carefully planned. The patent must be obtained by oneself, and the factory shares in the United States must also be owned?It is also necessary to prevent the Yankees from taking away the intellectual property rights of penicillin by force. We are not here for making money, but for world peace!Only to save human souls and lives!

Damn, I’m actually traveling through the crowd. Isn’t it a little too high-profile for the sake of all mankind? Wang Geng was slandering, while thinking that no matter how low-key, he must first protect the soul and life of his own people.

Just do it, Wang Geng tossed a piece of letter paper, and began to draft a speech for the US President Woodrow Wilson, who was once ranked fourth in history, based on his memory, even though he had never seen that guy at all. This war speech must be quickly produced for him.

Of course, the real manuscript had to be edited by Wilson himself. What Wang Geng was writing at this moment was actually a proposal for President Wilson on how to persuade Congress and the American people to agree to join the war.

In this proposal, Wang Geng suggested that President Wilson focus on explaining to Congress why the United States should join the war.It must be pointed out that the government of the German Empire has stated that its submarines will sink any ships that come close to the coast of Britain, Ireland and Western Europe.

What worries the American people is not the loss of ships or property, but the innocent lives that will be lost to these indiscriminate attacks.right!The point is to highlight the preciousness of life!And the righteous indignation when captured by the innocent!

The fellow then suggested to the President that, although the President's previous idea was to maintain the status of an armed neutral state, this had clearly become outdated.This guy suggested that Wilson ask Congress to make a statement declaring that the recent actions taken by the government of the Reich amounted to a war against the United States.

Wang Geng then suggested that Wilson make a key statement to Congress: the goal of this war is to "defend the principles of peace and justice in the human world, against selfish and dictatorial powers."Nothing to do with land resource wealth!The United States and the American people were the most advocating freedom and democracy in the world at that time.

It is important to emphasize that the United States' participation in the war has nothing to do with any economic and political interests, but only to defend democracy and civilization!Defend peace and the dignity of life!

The man also suggested that the president describe to Congress other German sabotage and attacks on the United States, saying that they have "planted spies throughout society and even government agencies whose members we never doubt, in order to undermine our unity of national policy and our country The peace and tranquility in and out of the business world set up all kinds of intrigues."

In addition, Wang Geng suggested that the president use the Zimmermann telegram to explain the matter. Since the United States also obtained evidence that Germany intends to persuade Mexico to attack the United States from an intercepted telegram sent to the German ambassador in Mexico, the American people have reason to believe that the German government " intending to inflame our enemies at our doorstep."

At the end of his speech, Wang Geng suggested to the President to declare that if the United States enters the war, the victory will surely belong to the United States, to the peace-loving people all over the world, and the democratic and civilized world will once again get the security it needs!

In a word, participating in the war is of great help to world peace!Not participating in the war is extremely harmful to world peace!

the end!Wang Geng suggested that President Wilson end with his classic answer to the tabloid reporter in the morning:

If we don't save the world today, who will save us tomorrow?

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