Beiyang 1917

Chapter 700 Artillery is very powerful

() The head of the regiment here, Lu Huanyan, said, "Wait a minute!" He turned around and ordered, "Captain Dongfang, go to the engineering and logistics team to pass my order, and transfer ten Dodge military trucks to the 18th regiment of the Japanese Infantry in the north The team picks up people, and Ji Qi is just giving me an infantry squadron to cooperate with us. Although this deal is a bit of a disadvantage, we can't be too fussy with the friendly army!"

"Obey!" The communications staff officer of the regiment headquarters, Dongfang Tianzhisuke, saluted and hurriedly passed the order to make arrangements. Then Lu Huanyan turned around and said,

"The lads of the reconnaissance company are exhausted? Where have you penetrated the farthest? What is the depth and width of the position of the Ukrainian 1st Infantry Division? Where is the enemy's artillery position? Hurry up and talk about it! Troops! Immediate action, listening to the movement in the south, the gunshots from Tao Dayong's side seem to have faded away, time is running out!",

"The enemy we face is the 1st Division of the Ukrainian Infantry. The northernmost security position of the opponent is the place where I led people to touch a prisoner for the first time. It is located about 1200 meters south of here. It is a squad post, but our first When we touched it for the second time, the other party might have found that the sentinel was missing, and had already retreated southward in a panic, and the bastards ran fast enough, we followed all the way, and chased for 2 kilometers without catching up!"

Xue Juru, the reconnaissance company commander of the armored regiment, wiped off his sweat, and used red and blue pencils to mark on his combat map the position where the armored regiment stopped to establish a defensive line, and then the position of the opponent's forward security position, and then along the road. Lu Xiangnan drew all the way, and finally stopped at a position about 3 and a half kilometers away from our own position, and nodded heavily.

"Commander, this is the right-wing position of the 1st Ukrainian Infantry Division. It is no more than 3.5 kilometers away from us. On the west side of the road about 800 meters away, it is at least the position of a Ukrainian infantry regiment. Although the strength of the trenches and fortifications It cannot be compared with their first trench-style fortified position in the north, but it is definitely not a temporary position dug last night. It is estimated that it has been repaired for at least ten days or even half a month. The patrols on the inner and woodland roads are almost like a parade!"

Lu Huanyan looked down at the position of the opponent's infantry regiment marked by Xue Juru, thought for a while, and asked, "Did the reconnaissance company turn east to the Kharkov River here? From the main road to Kharkov How deep is the river?"

"Regimental Commander, to the west is the reconnaissance area of ​​the 1st Armored Company commanded by Battalion Commander Tao. From this position we head east, and they continue west to the west side of the main road and sneak south, from the main road east to the position of the infantry regiment of the opponent. About 800 meters away, further east, the forest is deep and densely covered with trees, and there is no road at all. My company and I almost cut a road through the bushes, and almost alarmed the Ukrainian patrol several times. Although the flank positions were not as well-prepared as the positions facing the main road, the strength of the troops was not small, and we walked nearly 3 kilometers before we came to the Kharkov River."

Xue Juru took the water bottle from the orderly next to him and took a few sips of it. After wiping his mouth, he marked the three-kilometer road section from the edge of the opponent's position on the east side of the road to the Kharkov River on the map. the opponent's position,

"Commander, in order to save time, I placed the 3rd platoon of the reconnaissance company in the western section of the three-kilometer depth. This platoon is in charge of the peripheral reconnaissance of the Ukrainian position at a depth of nearly 1500 meters. The deployment and firepower points of the opponent are basically marked. The 2nd platoon of reconnaissance is responsible for the reconnaissance of the eastern section of the three kilometers. The principle is not to alarm the enemy. After I personally led the 1st platoon to the river, I walked south along the river bank shrubs. Hurry up, the Ukrainians are much more relaxed about their defenses to the east, so I took advantage of the concealment of the river bank and led the 1st row to the south for 3 kilometers! I found the enemy's artillery positions!"

Although what Xue Juru said was very calm, his reconnaissance company tossed back and forth for nearly 20 kilometers in the forest and bushes for an hour and a half, but was not discovered by the enemy and did not appear to be behind. The basic tactical literacy of the reconnaissance company is quite outstanding.

"I found the artillery position of the 1st Ukrainian Infantry Division? Is it a regiment's position? How many guns are there?! What type are they?! Good boy, you and your company have made a contribution!" Chief Lu Huanyan's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly asked.

"Hey, let me tell you, regiment commander, if we didn't find the artillery position, it would be a waste of time for me and my company to make this trip? We have tossed about 90 kilometers in and out for 20 minutes. There is no way in this forest. We have to hide." Don’t disturb the enemy, if you ask me, if we can even make such a trip and come back without disturbing, how can we count it as a meritorious service?!” The reconnaissance company commander Xue Juru couldn’t help but screamed Qu.

"Stop talking nonsense, I haven't asked why your company didn't reinforce Tao Dayong's company nearby, but don't say that you didn't hear the gunshots in the west! Tell me about the situation of the artillery position on the other side!" The head of the regiment, Lu Huanyan, looked displeased. Impressed, he urged Xue Juru to speak quickly.

"Hey, regiment commander, Old Tao, you don't know that the main force of the regiment is more than 3 kilometers away from him. I don't think he would welcome my scout company to take his credit. Besides, , if the enemy comes out with one regiment, can our two companies carry it by force? The enemy has a full artillery regiment behind us, and if we really want to open fire, we can't bear it!" Xue Juru muttered in a low voice, While pointing to the marked location on the map,

"What we found was the location of the artillery regiment of the 1st Ukrainian Infantry Division. 200 meters away along the river, there were 12 German-made Krupp 105mm howitzers. That thing really made me greedy! Commander, If we can capture the cannons of the artillery regiment of the opponent, we will be in a big mess! Now our regiment only has 6 75mm field guns, and the firepower is far from that of the 105mm howitzers!" Xue Juru blinked. road.

"The 12 Krupp 105mm howitzers are the medium-sized artillery battalion under the jurisdiction of the opponent's artillery regiment. They have 4 guns as a company. What's the use of being greedy? What about the rest of the Ukrainian artillery regiment's artillery positions?" Lu Huanyan frowned. Locked and asked.

"To the east of the opponent's medium-sized artillery battalion, there are three German-made Krupp 75mm field artillery battalions. Don't tell me, commander, the German Krupp 75mm field artillery looks like our 75-type field artillery Like a twin brother, each of the three 12mm field artillery battalions on the other side also has 75 guns. The three 105mm artillery battalions are finished in the east, and the [-]mm medium artillery battalion is guarded in the middle. The Ukrainian cannons are also military trucks. Drag and drop, it looks like its mobility is no worse than ours."

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