Beiyang 1917

Chapter 71

Although Wang Geng's sincere and low-key confession temporarily won Xu Shuzheng's compromise, and the two shook hands in Duan Qirui's study, but the Army Deputy Chief was obviously very concerned about Wang Geng's living in Duan's mansion.

As the saying goes, the son of heaven and his ministers are the easiest to be favored, and also the easiest to be firmly favored, because it is easy to get along day and night. Worry about his house in Beijing!

"Quan Gong, since Wang Geng worshiped under Quan Gong's command, we will work together in the future, and our Anhui Department will definitely achieve a new look, but he is now a majestic major general of the Ministry of War, how can he live in your family like a clean guest? , this is a big mistake!"

When Duan Qirui finished approving the urgent letter and came down to discuss with the two of them how to promote participation in the war in the next step, Xu Shuzheng raised this question.

"Wang Geng came back from the United States alone, and he has no close relatives in his hometown in Jiangsu. Although he studied in Tsinghua University in Beijing, he has no relatives in Beijing now. Where do you ask him to settle in this hurry? The Duan Mansion is so spacious and there are so many empty rooms, isn’t it nice to live in?”

Duan Qirui didn't know what was going on in Xu Shuzheng's mind, so he took a sip of tea from the cup and said indifferently.

Xu Shuzheng knew that the Prime Minister of his family had never saved money. You asked Duan Qirui to give away the house at every turn like Yuan Shikai. The Duan Mansion in Cangnan Hutong was built after burning bricks in a brick kiln.

"Brother Youzheng, the Prime Minister hired me as a national policy advisor and diplomatic and military secretary. I am alone in Beijing. I live in the Duan Mansion, and I happen to study and improve with the Prime Minister sooner or later. If you move out, let me be a major general of the Army Department to live in a hotel." No?"

Wang Geng chuckled, as if he was determined to stay by Duan Qirui's side, so that he could ask for instructions early and report late, like a favorite minister who never leaves.

"The prime minister doesn't have a house to reward you, but the Army Department has it! I am also working in the general affairs office. It is not a trivial matter for the Army Department to allocate a house for you, the war preparation supervisor!" Xu Shuzheng came prepared, and Wang Xu Shuzheng felt that he might not sleep well at night if a guy like Geng was so eloquent and kept him by Duan Qirui's side.

"Youzheng, I just remembered when I mentioned this. Wang Geng's war preparation office is also a yamen in Beijing. Are you going to allocate an office space for him in the Ministry of War or set up a yamen outside? And what about Wang Geng yourself? Plan? Your 16th mixed brigade is far away in Langfang!"

Duan Qirui is only 52 years old this year, which is the best age for him to be the leader of the country with rich experience and energy.

When the Prime Minister asked such a question, the two really didn't think about it for a while. Originally, if Xu Shuzheng himself was the supervisor of the preparations for the war, there would be no need to set up another yamen at all, and just set up a yard in the Ministry of War to hang a sign, but Wang Geng came. Xu Shuzheng would find it difficult to do this job.

Wang Geng's eloquence, Xu Shuzheng, has been taught firsthand, and this guy is a little worried that Wang Geng will work in the Army Department. Maybe within half a year, Wang Geng will have all the people in one department and eight divisions of the Army Department. He was unwilling to put Wang Geng's war preparation office in the Ministry of War.

As for Wang Geng, of course he has no plan to run between Langfang and Beijing every day in the future. Although Langfang is going to rush, if there is an emergency in Beijing, the team can go to Beijing, and if there is an emergency in Tianjin, the team can go to Tianjin. It was too late to arrive at the first time.

Seeing Xu Shuzheng frowning and pointing his fingers without speaking, Wang Geng knew that this guy didn't want to work in the Army Department by himself, his eyes rolled, and he remembered the story of Old Feng who was stationed in Nanyuan for military training in his previous life, this guy smiled and said ,

"Prime Minister, Youzheng, don't make it difficult for you. I think my war preparation office is integrated with the brigade headquarters of the 16th Mixed Brigade. However, Langfang is a bit far away. Since we are practicing direct lineage, if we need to use it in the future , I see that most of the incidents happened in Beijing instead of Tianjin, so why don’t I get Nanyuan’s preparations for participating in the war, and transfer the 16th mixed brigade directly from Langfang to Beijing Nanyuan, how about that?”

Although Wang Geng's tone was pleading, his tone was very persistent. Obviously, this guy had made up his mind that he and the troops should not leave Beijing too far at the moment.

"Nanyuan? It's a good place to garrison troops. It's spacious and not far from the city, but the army's large training ground is now used as an airport for Nanyuan Aviation School? Isn't it?" Duan Qi Rui asked Xu Shuzheng while thinking.

Nima, Nanyuan Aviation School and the airport?Well, although I won't train the navy for the time being, I can train the air force first, as well as the armored unit... Wang Geng was overjoyed when he heard that, and he became more determined to be stationed in Nanyuan.

Xu Shuzheng thought to himself that Wang Geng was even more eccentric than he was back then, and it was obviously impossible to send him away to Langfang to stay. The yamen let him hang it with his brigade board. Out of sight and out of mind, it's better than hanging the board on the Ministry of War!

"Quangong, I think Wang Geng's idea is right. Since Wang Geng is going to train you an elite army, it's really a bit of a mess to put it in Langfang. The place in Nanyuan has been abandoned for a long time. Are you always there? Is there a farm, just ask Wang Geng's soldiers to loosen the soil and help weed some grass and apply some farm manure, I think it's okay!" Xu Shuzheng said with a smile.

When Duan Qirui saw that Xu Shuzheng agreed to Wang Geng's proposal, the old man was happy, so he smiled and said,

"You think it's good too? Then assign Nanyuan to Wang Geng. There are barracks and palaces ready-made. Let alone station a mixed brigade. In the future, the entire three divisions and six brigades of the entire participating army will be more than enough to station one hundred thousand troops." , as long as the two of you are sincere and united, there will be hope for China!"

Wang Geng nodded and said, "Then I usually run between Nanyuan and Duan's mansion. It's not far away anyway, and it can be reached in an hour's drive. Or I go to work there during the day and return to the Prime Minister's house at night. I can do more if I have something to do. Discuss with the Prime Minister for instructions."

"Hey, you can set up the yamen of the preparatory office for participating in the war in Nanyuan, but your own home in Beijing is a house assigned to you by the Ministry of the Army. Although there are not many good houses under the name of the General's Mansion, you can find a clean and spacious one. It's not a problem to give you a mansion for the war supervisor."

Xu Shuzheng was eager to object, but at the same time he was slandering in his heart. You kid still wants to live with the Prime Minister for a long time. I can’t agree to it when I’m here. what?

Wang Geng saw that Xu Shuzheng was really anxious, but he still refused to let go. He only reasoned that he had just come here and was alone in Beijing. You asked me to move to a deserted house by myself, how would I live?

Xu Shuzheng was angry and amused, only now did he realize that Wang Geng is a gentleman when he is serious, but when he plays Baolai, he can compete with street gangsters in the city, and he is a bit naughty. Pay to hire?

"Wang Geng, if you like, Chunni and Xiacao can be taken to take care of your daily life, but the people from my old Duanfu, you have to take good care of them, you can't let them be wronged!"

Duan Qirui spoke unhurriedly, Xu Shuzheng and Wang Geng were taken aback for a moment, Wang Geng then opened his mouth with a smile,

"Why did you say that? The relationship is good. Those two maids are a pair of Xie Yuhua, and they make people feel happy just looking at them. Don't worry, Prime Minister, let me teach you! I treat them as relatives, Mr. Duan Mansion is their natal family, how dare I treat them badly!"

This guy himself didn't know why he agreed so happily. After thinking about it, his brain, words and deeds must have been temporarily taken away by the younger brother Wang.

Xu Shuzheng actually had a good feeling for Xia Cao, the maid in the study, but he didn't have the guts to marry home as a concubine. The family had a monogamy and a concubine, and he was too busy to handle it for the time being. Seeing that the old man gave Xia Cao to Wang Geng, Although it was a pity in his heart, he felt that the main purpose was achieved if he could take Wang Geng out of the Duan Mansion to live.

"Well, Prime Minister, Brother Youzheng, I didn't get here when I first came here, and I don't have anyone under my command. Can you two each send a trustworthy brother to be my personal follower or something? Be honest. It’s fine, even if it’s just two of the two guards, it’s fine!”

It doesn't count that Wang Geng won the house and maid, but he is not ashamed to ask Duan Qirui and Xu Shuzheng for another use!

Damn, I'm taking the initiative to give the two of you a chance to put eyeliner by my side, are we magnanimous and selfless enough?Wang Geng said in his heart.

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