Beiyang 1917

Chapter 722 Sacrifice is Valuable

() Before the voice fell, the roar of the engines of the coalition fighter planes and the sound of anti-aircraft fire from the German anti-aircraft guns on the ground came from outside. Von Neuhaus, Simon Petliura and the staff of the headquarters followed The direction of the sound turned to the observation window on the east side and looked towards the sky. I saw several SE5 biplane fighter jets of the coalition air force swooping down in the air and sweeping the ground, while several 20mm high-altitude guns of the German anti-aircraft gun battery on the ground The guns were also firing at the air, not to be outdone, and the emblems on the fuselage and wings of the coalition fighter planes in the blue sky were clearly visible without binoculars.

In this era, ground small-caliber anti-aircraft guns need an average of more than 5000 rounds of ammunition to shoot down an enemy plane. The sudden wave of fire only damaged a se5 biplane fighter, and the ensuing battle changed from the opponent's se5 attacking the Ukrainian artillery company that was shifting on the ground to the se5 biplane fighting the German 20mm anti-aircraft artillery position on the ground , For a while, the two sides had a great time fighting each other. ..

Obviously, the development of the situation did not go as smoothly as Neuhaus expected. The 2 SE24s of the 5 squadrons of the coalition took turns to sweep and attack the ground targets, and the bold fighter pilots of the coalition obviously learned the decoy tactics, that is, using a The fighter plane attracts the opponent's anti-aircraft gun fire, while the other fighter plane goes around and beats the opponent's anti-aircraft gun position hard. This kind of play obviously makes the gunners of the German anti-aircraft gun company on fixed-point defense exhausted and exhausted.

While the ground troops on both sides were desperately fighting and attacking and defending, they also took time to watch the wonderful scene of fighter jets fighting anti-aircraft guns over the northern city of Kharkov.Kharkov is the fourth largest city in Ukraine and the new capital of Ukraine. The size and area of ​​the city is quite large. The German 20mm anti-aircraft artillery battalion left to defend Kharkov is the only remaining 3 in Eastern Ukraine. One of the four anti-aircraft artillery battalions, four anti-aircraft artillery companies defended the airspace in the four directions of southeast, northwest, respectively. ..

Imagine that the 6 guns of the German anti-aircraft artillery company in the north of the city are scattered within a range of nearly 6 kilometers, which means that there is only one anti-aircraft gun within this kilometer, and the mobility of the coalition fighters is obviously far away. The anti-aircraft guns with fixed positions on the ground, so 1 coalition SE24 biplane fighters only used 5 cross-dive ground attacks, and at the cost of 2 aircraft being damaged, they completely destroyed the German army's deployment in the north of the city. 2 anti-aircraft guns of the anti-aircraft gun company.

You must know that the maneuverability of the SE5 single-seat biplane fighter is also quite flexible, and the M2 Browning large-caliber aviation machine gun installed on the front of the aircraft is even more powerful than the German 20mm high-shelf gun. tough!

The 0:6 result of this open-ground battle left the German generals watching the battle on the second floor of the stone house in the frontline headquarters speechless and heavy-hearted. Even von Neuhaus turned blue with anger, Due to the need to defend the entire northern city of Kharkov, and at the same time to disperse the positions to maximize the chance of survival under the coalition air strikes and shelling, the scattered German anti-aircraft artillery batteries obviously cannot concentrate their firepower, and the coalition air force The SE2 fighter jets of these 2 squadrons concentrated on attacking the opponent's anti-aircraft artillery battery. It was obviously more than enough for 5 fighter jets to take turns beating 24 small-caliber anti-aircraft guns on the ground.


At least, many of the machine gunners of the Ukrainian Volunteer Division did not dare to pull the triggers in the air in the end. Once they fired to attract the unscrupulous coalition fighter jets flying like juggling in the sky, they would really have no confidence to carry them. Can live.

"Asshole! Why didn't the mg1 heavy machine guns of the 2nd Brigade of the 08st Division of the Ukrainian Volunteers shoot at the air? I just watched an anti-aircraft gun company of the Imperial Army being wiped out by the enemy. Your Excellency Petliura, are your troops all Is it a coward who is afraid of death? Now we are not defending Berlin but Kharkov, the capital of your Ukraine!"

Von Neuhaus was almost yelling. It was too late to mobilize the anti-aircraft artillery companies located in the other three directions to support the north of the city, so the German major general ordered the volunteers of the 1st Division and the 2nd of the [-]st Division to be hidden in the north of the city as a reserve team. All the heavy machine guns of the brigade were mounted on anti-aircraft gun mounts to join in the air-to-air shooting. As a result, when the German anti-aircraft guns were wiped out, the Ukrainians on the ground who were watching the excitement with their necks stretched out did not extend their hands. The German major general almost fainted out of breath.

"Uh...Your Excellency, it's not that my troops are timid and afraid of death, it's just that the planes in the sky of the coalition forces are flying too fast, and it's the first time our machine gunners are not used to using that improvised high-shelf gun mount." , when you raise your head, your eyes will be dazzled, and you can't catch the target even if you are dazzled. Besides, who would have thought that your anti-aircraft gun company would be wiped out in just a few minutes. Let me say that the 2nd Brigade didn't fire. Fortunately, once the hidden standby position of the 2nd Brigade is exposed, if the enemy's bomber group comes to attack again, it will be too late for us to run again!"

Simon Petliura blushed embarrassingly because of von Neuhaus' angry questioning, rolled his eyes for a long time, and then began to make such an excuse, although it was a bit impatient to make a sophistry, listen carefully There is some truth to it.

Von Neuhaus knew that this guy was making excuses, and it was too late to say anything at this moment, so he snorted and turned around to look at the battlefield situation in the north. Here, Simon Petliura had a shy face. After following, I said in my heart, "If your German anti-aircraft artillery company didn't open fire into the air to attract the attention of the coalition fighter squadron, the unlucky ones at this moment would be my two artillery companies that were sweating and shifting positions. If you calculate it like this, the sacrifice of the German anti-aircraft artillery company is still valuable!"

Of course, seeing that Major General von Neuhaus is in a bad mood at the moment, Simon Petliura will naturally not be making fun of himself by making sarcastic remarks, and if the time comes, he might provoke the German Major General again Wake up!

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